
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

I Remember You Now

Chapter Thirty-Six

Rielle, having thought of the passport, and her other vision flashes opened up.

Junie, Mr. Han's driver, felt surprised at Rielle's new look, he got rattled and opened the car door supposed to be for Rielle, but Han Hyun-Ki entered first. Rielle was confused. Will she sit in the front seat, and indeed Mr. Han wouldn't like her to sit by his side, so she chose to sit in front?

"What are you doing, Miss Calma? Are you now acting like my bodyguard?" Mr. Han Hyun-Ki exclaimed with annoyance. "Junie, open the other side of the door! Both of you are annoying!" Mr. Han gave a scornful remark.

His insult hurt Rielle, and she made a pursed lip. Junie opened the door for her, making a frown on Mr. Han. Both remained quiet the entire time of their trip. When they reached the designated place for a lunch meeting, Han Hyun-Ki first alighted, so Junie opened the car door for Rielle.

Both entered the lobby, and a receptionist led them to a table where the client, Mr. Chao Lin, was waiting. Mr. Han Hyun-Ki pulled his chair, so Mr. Chao Lin pulled a chair for Rielle while staring at her beauty. "I am Chao Lin, Assistant to the VP for Operations," extending his hand to Rielle. "I never expected to see a beautiful secretary for Mr. Han Hyun-Ki," somehow intimidated, said, "she is my Executive Assistant. Shall we begin?"

"We have to wait for the VP of Operations herself, Mr. Han Hyun-Ki. She'll be here soon, and oh, there she is now." She appeared slim, sexy, and beautiful in a flowing red V-neckline dress with a summer hat and Mr. Han Hyun-Ki seemed so captivated by the VP's looks that he stood up quickly and pulled the chair for her. Rielle frowned at Han Hyun-Ki's courtesy for the woman because he never bothered to pull a chair for her. Han Hyun-Ki focused on the woman, and he introduced himself.

"I am Han Hyun-Ki, CEO of Kor H&H Industries, and it's a pleasure to meet you." He never batted an eye as he stared at the woman, and Mr. Chao Lin introduced her "She is Miss Julienne Simon, our VP for Operations of Hanzu Corporation." She removed her hat, brushed her hair with her fingers, then extended her hand to Han Hyun-Ki and quickly glanced at Rielle.

"Can't you ever recall me or even my name, Hyun-Ki? Back in our college days?" Hyun-Ki, while looking at her closely, smiled and agreed.

"Why Not? Julienne. You've changed so much. I'm sorry I did not recognize you at once," apologized Hyun-Ki, taking her hand and kissing it.

"I see you've brought your charming wife with you, Mr. Han; I thought you were still a bachelor." Miss Simon looked disappointed.

"Ah, no, you're mistaken. Miss Calma is my Executive Assistant, and I am still single," taking his gaze away from Rielle. Rielle felt a stab hit her palpitating heart, but she kept quiet, running in her thoughts, 'go on, Hyun, make me hate you.' After the conversations, the deals they opened, and finishing their lunch, Mr. Han and Miss Simon wanted to continue their discussion alone.

"Mr. Han is fascinating to converse with; maybe we can stay on longer to know each other better? As your business client, I suppose, Hyun? You can call me Lianne like the good old days." Lianne said affectionately.

"Sure, why not? Miss Rielle, here, my Executive Assistant can leave already" looking at Rielle with a cue of 'you can leave.'

Mr. Chao Lin stood up and excused himself, and Rielle got the cue, so she walked away, leaving them together. She went in the car to wait, trying to hold her tears in agitation. Han Hyun-Ki and Miss Simon seemed to enjoy each other's company, conversing with their faces close to each other and whispering. Rielle saw all the flirting they were doing as she walked away. A little longer, to her dismay, she saw Miss Simon and Han Hyun-Ki leaving together in her car, but he remembered Rielle and Junie were waiting for him, so Han Hyun-Ki waved a hand to Junie, telling him they could go ahead and leave.

Rielle felt bad at Hyun-Ki's behavior, giving her displeasure and heartache. Thinking of his crazy attitude, she thought, 'maybe it's high time to move on.' Feeling so down, she felt like not returning to her work; she told Junie to drop her off at the nearest bus stop.

"Miss Rielle, mind if I ask, have you broken up with Sir? And what will I tell Mr. Han if he would look for you?" Junie anticipated his boss' anger if he couldn't find Rielle in the Office.

"Yes, and no, he will not ask for me. He'll go directly home after his private meeting with the VP," not wanting to mention the VP's name and had already predicted the meeting he would have with the woman.

Going back to Han Hyun-Ki's 'private meeting' with Miss Simon, far from Rielle's suspicion, Han Hyun-Ki and Miss Simon continued their discussion about their business plan as a client of Kor H&H Industries, and she showed him around the company's manufacturing plant. It was already five in the afternoon when Han Hyun-Ki arrived back at the Office. While coming into his Office, he glimpsed into Rielle's Office only to find out that her desk was empty. With a dark face, he called for Alexis and asked the whereabouts of Rielle.

"We thought Miss Rielle was with you, Sir?" was Alexis' question.

"She never came back here? I dismissed her early at around 3 pm, telling Junie to go back to this Office with her; where could she be?" taking his phone from his suit's pocket, he called up on Junie. "Where is Rielle, Junie?" asked in anger, suspiciously jealous.

"Sir, she asked me to drop her at a nearby bus stop, telling me you would go directly home after your private meeting with the VP, sir," Junie explained nervously.

"After what, what, Junie? Will you repeat what she said?" Hyun-Ki was already furious.

"Sir, she said----" Hyun-Ki cut him off. "Where was that bus stop you dropped her off?" he wanted to know.

"Sir, I cannot recall but----" cut him off again. "Never mind!" replied Hyun-Ki in a pissed tone.

"Hmph, 'private meeting, huh? Is that what you think of me now, Rielle?" talking to himself, Hyun-Ki started to bang his hand on his desk, creating a noise that the two secretaries began getting nervous.

Meanwhile, Rielle was in the hospital paying a visit to her friend Nancy, who had just given birth to her second child. Both women were too glad to see each other again, and Nancy was so surprised at Rielle's new look. "Why did you make a makeover of yourself? You are more beautiful than ever; it becomes you!" Rielle was so happy when she held Nancy's baby.

"You could have your children by this time, too, isn't it, Rielle? If only---" Nancy stopped, didn't want to make speculations that could hurt Rielle, and changed the subject instead.

"Are you alone in coming here? Where's Hyun-Ki? Does he know about my giving birth?" all these questions made Rielle in tears, which she held up after their lunch meeting with the VP for Operations. She tried to keep her face from Nancy, but Nancy quickly noticed.

"Are you having problems with Hyun-Ki, Rielle? Would you like me to know?" Nancy was worried about Rielle's dilemma. Nancy poked Rielle's heart's content that Rielle came free of her deep suffering; her tears turned into weeping. Nancy embraced Rielle with much sympathy, consoling her of her predicament. "Remember when we were in college, and when you needed someone to comfort you, wasn't I whom you call? And even if we didn't see each other personally, just by talking over the phone, could you feel relief after crying your heart out of your problems?" Rielle was quiet for a while, then started to open up.

"I did not reject him, Nancy." Rielle was crying. "What do you mean 'reject,' Rielle?" Nancy wished for a clear explanation.

"Hyun asked me to marry him. It was abrupt; we were both in a funny mood when he made his short proposal. And all I said was I must first resolve my problem with Chul, and he suddenly gets mad, furious at what I said," Rielle defensively expressed herself.

"He doesn't want to listen to reason, nor talk to me anymore, and worst, he's making things hard for me in the Office as if I was just a mere employee; he treated me like a stranger when we were alone, and Hyun-Ki doesn't want me to come near him disgusted of me, as if I had a contagious disease, and even denied me when introduced me this afternoon during our lunch meeting with a client and even showed outright to my face that he can easily get over me by having sweet moments with that VP woman! Imagine, Nancy, they were flirting in my face!"

Nancy could not speak; she didn't know what to say. She hugged her more, making her feel her sympathy and comfort. Nancy could feel Rielle's suffering but could not do anything more than a piece of needed advice because it might make things worse for her. She just let Rielle cry to lessen her burden. After the much-needed letting goes of crying, Rielle braced herself. She put on her makeup to patch herself so no one may suspect her having a problem.

At six pm, Wilson and Hwan Chul entered Nancy's room. The two men were surprised at the way Rielle looked. Hwan Chul found her more attractive and gorgeous, and as he gave a long stare, he realized how Rielle had developed into a more refined and determined woman. He felt regret for losing her, of having her lose him in her memory. And after having engaged in happy conversations, Hwan Chul asked Rielle for a private chat, and when Rielle agreed, he took her to the hospital's garden. Hwan Chul offered her a seat on one of the benches and was first silent, grappling for the right words to say.

Rielle, having thought of the passport, and her other vision flashes opened up.

"Mom had shown me the blooded purse I had with me during that fatal car accident, Chul. And inside that purse was a passport also stained with blood. Could you tell me what that passport is for?" made a probing question to Chul.

"Passport stained with blood? Your mom kept that as is for the longest time?" Hwan was puzzled. Rielle looked straight into his eyes, searching for the truth as she waited for Hwan's honest answer. Hwan sat before her and talked.

"Before our graduation, we already made plans to work abroad, so, after graduation, we worked here in the meantime to get some experience. And after a year, since we had already gained a little experience here from our former jobs, you as a Secretary and I was in the Marketing Department of the same firm, I asked my brother if we had a chance to work there in Singapore where he was based. He agreed to help us find a job and settle there. So, I offered you to elope with me, and you agreed. I helped you get a passport, and because we planned to elope, I asked Mang Ben to help you keep your packed clothes hidden in his house until you have completed packing your things. And when we were both ready, we planned to go to Hongkong for our first out-of-the-country date, then fly to Singapore, where my brother Hyun-Ki was waiting for us. The bad thing was, I forgot about my passport, so that evening, I went home to get my passport having you tag along. It could have been successful if it weren't for my dad's sudden presence at home." Hwan Chul paused for a moment, observing Rielle as if making a reaction puzzling him. Rielle stood up, pacing back and forth, clasping and twisting her hands as if trying to recall something.

"Go on; I'm catching up." Rielle pleaded. Far did Hwan Chul know that the memory of him had already opened Rielle's mind, and she was able to put the pieces together to make her vision clear about the memory of her past with Hwan Chul. She listened intently.

"Dad met us in the living room hallway and scolded me because I came home late. He said that Chun-Hei's parents were planning my wedding with her.---" Rielle cut him.

"And you refused, argued with your dad, then he turned to me and asked who I was, and you came to me and told him I was your girlfriend you chose to marry," Rielle added and continued Hwan's story while tears fell down her cheeks.

"Your dad was so angry, having insulted me in front of your dad's guests, calling me a gold-digger, right Hwan?" Now Rielle was crying profusely, feeling the pain that marked her heart.

"And I was so hurt, feeling like she stabbed me with a knife when that girl told me straight to my face that you, whom I trusted, betrayed me! You cheated on me, yet you profess your love and want me to elope with you, despite your cheating? Is that why you like us to move abroad, not because you want to marry me, Hwan, but because you are running away from your responsibility for that girl? It was true, yes, Hwan?" Chul was in a desperate hot seat and did not know what to say.

"But that's not even in my thoughts, Rielle. I never cared for her; she was so obsessed with me that she always took the opportunity to be at my side during crucial times when we quarreled. I tried to stay away from her, Rielle; God knows how much I tried!" Chul was so helpless in defending himself.

"During our college years and until our jobs, you cannot escape her? You're lying, Chul. You want your cake and eat it too; that's what you are! You fooled me to the extent that I almost lost my life with you!" Rielle was thinking more of the right words to say.

"Do I deserve your love? Or shall I say, do you deserve my love and trust, Hwan Chul? I wish this part of my memory about you had never returned, because it hurt me until now, until this moment! And I hate you for coming back to life!" Rielle kept on crying in anger, and Hwan tried to soothe her. He embraced her, asking for her forgiveness.

"What's the use, Chul? Everything that happened between us was all but memories, painful memories. Maybe that's why I cannot find you in my memory because you triggered it!" Rielle stressed in a blaming tone.

"Rielle, why do you think I survived my comatose? Even if my mom didn't pull the plug, I would still die, imagine, for a year and a half, I was there lying in my hospital bed unconscious, but life gave me a second chance!" Hwan was trying to convince her. "to make things right, to make things right for us both, Rielle. When I recovered, I was still in a helpless state, and I almost wanted to give up. I even thought of committing suicide, but because my memory of you made me fight to live and be strong again, I resisted because of my love for you." Both Hwan Chul and Rielle kept on weeping. The two recalled each of their hardship to recover.

“And whether I came in love or hate, That I came to you was written by fate.” -Laurence Hope.

Will Hwan Chul regain his place in Gabrielle’s heart? Will there still be a time for healing to mend Rielle’s, broken heart? That, my friend, is for you to think.

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