
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

A Crazy, Frantic Encounter

Chapter One A Crazy, Frantic Encounter

They were about to close in when Gabrielle yelled, "Hey! This elevator can carry fifteen people in it; your count is only four! Why are you refusing us to get in as if the President of this country is in that elevator!" All the people by the elevator were shocked and forced themselves to silence, shying away from her.

Gabrielle was in a hurry to get into the elevator to catch up with time to give her application to the company's Human Resources Division; The KOR H&H Manufacturing Industries placed itself in this building. She ran too quickly until she reached the elevator where too many people were waiting. Then suddenly, a group of men in black suits walked by, widening their way that those standing by the elevator must give way, where a man in a blue suit and a lady following her in corporate attire moved into the elevator. They are about to close in when Gabrielle yells:

"Hey! This elevator can carry fifteen people in it; your count is only four! Why are you refusing us to get in as if the President of this country is in that elevator!"

All the people by the elevator were shocked and forced themselves to silence, shying away from her. The man in a black suit was about to say something when the man in the blue suit shushed him for silence.

"Okey, young lady, you may get in with us," said the man in a blue suit offering his hand to welcome her. With her head up, Gabrielle entered without looking at the man who allowed her in.

"And what floor are you going, ma'am?" queried the man beaming with a wistful smile. It's as if he was amused by how Gabrielle demanded entry to the elevator.

"Oh, I, I, uh-I think it's in the—wait, the Human Resources Division. Thank you." The man in black beside him clicked the 20th button.

"Here you go, miss, the HR is at the right side." commented the man in a blue suit and quickly added, "Good luck!"

When the elevator closed in, all of them burst into exhilaration. Unknown to Gabrielle, the man in the blue suit is the CEO of the KOR H&H Manufacturing Industries. His office needed the hiring applicants for an Executive Assistant.

Gabrielle went inside the Human Resources Division, nervous but confident, believing she'd make it. When she handed in her Resume, the Personnel Clerk recommended that she come back the next day for the written exams since they had already reached the quota for the day. Disappointed but persistent, she requested the Clerk that since she is already in the office, perhaps she be given the written exams now and then come back tomorrow for the result of the test and probably the first interview.

"I have gone through some petty troubles in coming here, so I am asking for a little consideration, please?" Persistent and determined to carry out something today.

At the same time, Mr. Han Hyun-Ki, the CEO & Chairman of the company, called the Human Resources Division and talked to the HR Division Head, Mrs. Romina Miranda.

"You have an applicant on her way to your office right now, and she is wearing a blue dress with a butterfly clip on her hair. I want you to put her in the interview panel today after she has taken the requirements for pre-interview," ordered Mr. Han.

Mrs. Miranda was about to tell him that applications would resume tomorrow but quickly changed her mind and rushed out of her office to catch the lady Mr. Han described. There she is, in time of her exiting the door since the Personnel Clerk declined her request for consideration. Mrs. Miranda called out on her,

"Excuse me, a young lady in blue. Why are you leaving? You are not yet done!" Gabrielle, surprised but amused, turned her head and stressed, "But I was told by your clerk to come back tomorrow for the written exams and initial interview."

The clerk, Lorie, was somewhat confused about what her boss told Gabrielle; she quickly handed Mrs. Miranda Gabrielle's resume. While reviewing her resume, she said Lorie to give her the written exams and line her up for the first interview.

"While you are waiting for your turn to face the interview panel, we will process your written exams as you fill out the application form, okay?" said Mrs. Miranda.

When seated in the Testing Room, she wondered why they recalled her that fast, but she set aside that thought and went through with the tests with a positive feeling. When done, Lorie asked her to sit with the rest of the applicants outside the Screening Room, waiting for turn for the interview. Meanwhile, inside Mr. Han's office, his staff set up a camera for him to see and observe the applicants in the Screening Room.

This chapter talks about Gabrielle’s determination to work in this big corporation and her persistence in working here. Let us follow her journey, my dear readers. Will she succeed? What kind of work was she aiming to have?

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