
Windows of the Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, a woman of her twenties with a slim figure, alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in a corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirty’s, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded with women enamored by his handsome, stunning good looks, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but over-bearing - he demands compliance from everyone; His word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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45 Chs

Windows of the Heart

Chapter Ten an Attraction Developing

His attraction to her is becoming more confusing. He felt something strange creeping into him, a sensation that he had never felt from women he had relationships with. He has to control this feeling, or it may give him away when he is still unsure of this developing attraction for her.

An urgent call came in from his subsidiary in Cebu, and Mr. Gan Shi-woo, Managing Director was on the line. Mr. Hyun-Ki was reminded of his visitations at least once in four months, and he overlooked his schedule on this one. And another thing there was a problem he must take care of among his managers there, so he was obligated to come without delay.

Hyun-Ki assured him that he'd come immediately and requested him to inform his caretaker to prepare his guest house and car, so he has someone with him.

After the late lunch meeting with Mr. Borja for almost three hours, Hyun-Ki told Rielle that there was no more time to go home to get dressed.

Hyun-Ki drove off to his long-time fashion designer, who has a display of suits and dresses to wear for any occasion whenever he needed one. He introduced Rielle to her and Rielle so amused her because of her looks and stature. The fashion designer chose a black-colored dress for her as she sees sophistication, mystery, and drama in her personality.

After having her dressed up in a black off-shoulder cocktail dress and presented to Hyun-Ki, he was so stunned and attracted to her sexiness that he could not withdraw his gaze from her. In the same way, Rielle looked in awe and all admiration at him as hunky, striking, and dashing in a navy-blue slim-fit tuxedo. From the fashion designer, he brought Rielle to a stylist for a make-over.

His attraction to her is becoming more confusing to him. He felt something strange creeping into him, a sensation that he had never felt from women he had relationships with. He has to control this feeling, or it may give him away when he is still unsure of this developing attraction for her.

Upon arrival at the gathering, he held Rielle's right hand, placed it on his left arm like a sling on a sprained arm, and went straight to the registry to list both their names. As they entered the lobby, Rielle got chills all over her, so nervous. Hyun-Ki felt Rielle's hesitance in going in further, so he patted her hand and clung to her in his arms for assurance. But when everyone was all seated, the head of the ceremony called upon Hyun-Ki for an opening remark. He pressed Rielle's shoulder and walked to the stage.

While Hyun-Ki was speaking, a lady in an orange dress came close to her seat and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Cynthia. I belong to the Kwon Group of companies, where my father is a chairperson who happened to be a close friend of Hyun-Ki's father. His dad is still in Korea running their head office there," she showed.

"How are you getting along with Hyun-Ki, may I ask?" staring at her suspiciously..

"Oh, I am his Executive Assistant and being here is part of my function." replied confidently.

"Rielle, may you follow me over by the balcony so we can talk since Hyun is still speaking on stage?" requested Cynthia.

Rielle punctually rose from her chair and followed Cynthia, leaning by the balcony's railing while a wine glass in her hand started to speak.

"It has been long since I came here; my travels made me completely occupied, and I just arrived this morning. I am supposed to surprise Hyun, but my father told me he'd be coming to this gathering, so here I am!" she exclaimed.

Rielle just stared at her waiting for where this conversation was heading. Then all at once came Hyun-Ki worried in search of her but was startled when Cynthia saw him and hurriedly wrapped her arms around him.

"My dear Hyun! I'm back, and I missed you so-o-o-o much, darling!"

Rielle was shocked as much as Hyun-Ki was. He glanced concernedly at Rielle while she looked down, avoiding his gaze. 'Oh no, another woman claiming to be his girl? My God, when will this be over!? Rielle whispered to herself.

He took off Cynthia's embrace and asked, "since when did you arrive, and why are you here?" he seemed troubled by this encounter.

"You seemed not happy to see me!?" she exclaimed.

"When did you come back that you expect me to jump for joy after you haven't felt for a long time?" he insinuated.

Frowning and slighted, Cynthia answered, "Even then, is this how you should greet your long-time girlfriend? You've changed so much, Hyun."

Hyun-Ki, uneasy about the situation, took Rielle's hand while looking straight at Cynthia, "We're leaving. I'll get in touch," and left. While walking out, he took off his tuxedo and put it on Rielle.

"You must be chilling; it's so cold out there; let's make haste." He held her close as they waited for his car from the valet.

Rielle just gave in, trying to feel unaffected. Cynthia was displeased by Hyun-Ki's reaction and was furious at the same time, feeling jealous while taking a sip from her wine.

Both were so quiet in the car, not wanting to speak. Hyun-Ki seemed troubled at how Cynthia greeted her in the presence of Rielle, and as he made side-glances on her, Rielle was just silent, curious about what was going on in her mind.

"Penny, for your thoughts?" he offered.

Still unmoved, not giving any reaction Hyun-Ki also kept his silence. When they reached her home, he rang the doorbell and walked to Rielle's side to help her out of the car. She put her hand on his palm for aid and then handed him his tuxedo, still no words from her. When her brother opened the gate, Rielle spoke, bidding him goodnight, and her brother noticed a frowning look and sadness on her face.

"Is there something wrong with the party?" looking at Hyun-Ki inquisitively?

"No, nothing at all; maybe we just got exhausted and tired of the party. Goodnight." He smiled and nodded as a sign of leaving.

If you look at the story, you will find the mixed and funny emotions of the two main characters here, both denying but inside, they’re holding up; it makes you ask yourself, why? Cheer up and hang in there.

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