
the presence of a new god

Chapter: The Coming of the New God

In the darkness that shrouded the tranquil seas, there was a forgotten island amongst the thick fog. It was considered cursed by sailors who dared to approach it, and few returned to tell of what they had encountered.

On this dark night, the wind whispered secrets among the thick, bowing trees, as if warning of the arrival of something far more powerful than even the worst of storms. In the center of the island, there was a cave hidden among the towering cliffs.

Within the cave, lies an estranged bard who is mentioned in legend as a summoner of ancient entities. His name was forgotten by time, but his power was not. Trembling, he began to recite an ancient spell that he had learned from ancient scrolls written in an extinct language.

As she chanted in a trembling voice, the ground began to tremble and the wind picked up. In the waves that threatened to destroy everything, a terrifying shadowy figure began to emerge from the depths of the cave.

It was the New God, an entity that had slumbered for thousands of years beneath the dark ocean. Its eyes that glittered with an unearthly light stared down at the bard who was shaken by the terrifying presence.

"By the power you have summoned, I come," hissed the New God in a voice that echoed throughout the cave. "What do you want, human?"

The bard swallowed, shaken by the New God's terrifying presence. Trembling, however, he replied, "I have summoned you to fulfill my greatest ambition. I wish to acquire infinite power and rule this world!"

The New God smiled with dark satisfaction. "A noble ambition, human. I will give you what you desire, but remember that all power has a price to pay."

With that, the New God disappeared into the menacing shadows, leaving the bard shaken and curious as to what would happen next.

In a part of the world hidden between the dark seas, a new power has risen. And with the arrival of the New God, catastrophe is waiting to strike the human world.

A Covenant with Darkness

The estranged bard fell silent in the darkness of the cave that enveloped him. He pondered the words of the New God that echoed in his mind. The ambition burning in his heart now felt like a burden he didn't really want.

However, his desire to acquire unlimited power still burned within him. Boldly, he vowed to follow the trail he had opened for himself.

Months passed, and the bard spent time in the cave, poring over ancient scrolls containing forbidden knowledge. He deepened his understanding of the power he was trying to master, though each day seemed to grow darker and more terrifying.

One night, when the moon was hidden behind black clouds, the New God reappeared before the bard. His presence evoked inevitable fear, but the bard had prepared himself.

"In exchange for the power you desire," hissed the New God in his echoing voice, "I need something from you. Something precious to humans, but small in my eyes."

The bard swallowed, but she had prepared herself for this moment. Resolutely, he agreed to the New God's terms without hesitation.

With an unexpected gesture, the New God pressed his finger against the bard's forehead, as if stealing something invisible. And in that instant, an unimaginable power flowed into the bard's body, transforming him into something more than human.

When the bard tried to feel the new power she had, she felt as if she was melting with the vast and boundless ocean. He could feel every drop of water, every rolling wave, and every mystery hidden at the bottom of the ocean.

With the new power flowing within him, the poet felt himself to be part of the ocean itself. He was no longer limited by the boundaries of the human body, but rather became part of such a huge and powerful force of nature.

However, within him also felt an unfathomable emptiness, like something precious had been taken away from him. Although she now possessed unimaginable power, she realized that there was a price to pay for that power.

The New God, known as Miawlight the Absolute God, disappeared back into the shadows, leaving the bard in deep darkness. However, in his heart, the bard knew that he had made a pact with the darkness that he could not simply break.

With his newfound strength, the bard vowed to use his power wisely, though he realized that the price he would have to pay might be greater than he thought.

MiawGiga, Avatar of the Absolute God

After his pact with Miawlight the Absolute God, the estranged bard felt an abundance of power flowing through him. More surprising, however, was his ability to understand and control the universe and multi-universes more deeply.

In a deep meditation, the bard began to understand the power he possessed. MiawGiga, the Avatar of Miawlight, is the embodiment of everything that exists and is yet to be revealed. He is the center point of the universe and multi-universes, controlling all cause and effect, matter, law, quantum, story, and other realities.

1. Organizing Universes and Multi-Universes: MiawGiga has the ability to understand and control the flow of time, space, and dimensions. She is able to organize storylines and realities, changing them according to her will.

2. Manipulation of Causality: As the master of causality, MiawGiga can alter the flow of events by shifting key points in time and space. He can make or break events, directing fate according to his will.

3. Matter Control: MiawGiga has the ability to manipulate matter in all its forms. She can create new planets, stars, or even galaxies by simply moving her mind.

4. Law Lord: MiawGiga is the supreme judge and lawgiver of the universe and multi-universes. He can set rules that govern life and interactions between living beings.

5. Quantum Manipulation: By understanding quantum principles, MiawGiga can equip himself with the power to manipulate energy and matter at the sub-atomic level.

6. Story Control: As the writer and author of all stories, MiawGiga can change the storyline and shape the narrative to her liking. She can create or delete characters, establish conflicts, or give her desired endings.

7. Holder of Truth: MiawGiga is the ultimate source of knowledge and wisdom. She has a deep understanding of all things, from the smallest to the largest, and can provide guidance and direction to those who seek it.

With this incredible power, MiawGiga became an unstoppable force among universes and multi-universes. However, with great power also comes great responsibility. How the estranged poet will use this power will be an interesting story to tell in the future.