
Winchester, Book 1

Rosetta, a young teenage 18 years old girl recently shifted to a small town '' Winchester '' to hide from her past. She felt directionless and lost in life. Her life is like a roller coaster, she wants to study but also wants to earn money for a better future and to move on. But she met a boy who fell in love with her and changed her life completely upside down. Mysterious hot weirdo with his deep secrets loves her unconditionally. That beautiful with soft innocent hazel eyes boy is a pure devil by blood. You heard me... A Devil. That devil broke every single rule of his ''Devil Community'' to protect her even marry her... A human girl. What happened when a well-mannered and sweet girl fell in love with a fire? What happened when she learned about his secrets? Does she still love him or leave him turned into dusk? Love or Traitoring? Humans hate devils but what if they fell in love? The love between a Devil and a human is unnatural and unexpected but what if it really happens... What if they really fell in love by breaking all the forbidden boundaries, clashes, and conflicts? The Cambions Series is all about the best supernatural adventures. Walking away from the deadly past, Rose wants to start a new life but it's not possible... Not after meeting a mysterious family "Snow!" A lot of dark secrets, and chaotic anger is waiting for Rose. She needs to stay put or death becomes her destiny.

Maira_Imran · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 4


"It's time Drake, it's time. Finally, rise and shine because today we're going to the aquarium museum yeah, I'm so excited today."

I changed my sleeping position, "let me sleep, Andrew."

"No, not today get up before I hang you up in the air again."

A small mischief smile escaped from the corner of my lips! "Did you wear a diaper…. this time?" I asked.

"I'm gonna kill you someday." He said with an angry tone. "Well, have fun killing me Andrew."

The next thing that I know is that he stormed out of my room. Oops, I think I made him really angry this time….. Naah! Not a big deal, I can handle it because Andrew always gets angry at me five times in a week.

"Make it seven this time, Drake!"

I twisted my face to see the door as I quickly got up and jumped on Andrew! My legs were wrapped around his wrist.

"Ooh honey, there you are," I said with a girly tone. "What????.... In a world, you are doing Drake Snow? Are you insane? Are you drunk? What was that?"

"Do you like it, Andrew?" I teased! He looks like a dump. "Get off me Drake right now before I kick your ass?"

"Okay, okay relax I'm just playing but look at your face you look like a complete blank idiot."

"It's because you jumped on me like a sexy girl." I laughed! I get off of him, "okay relax I'm just playing so let's not waste any more time give me five minutes to get ready?"….. He narrowed his eyes, "fine."

I walked into my bathroom and turned my shower button on. It's really great hot water that's all I need right now.

After taking a shower, I dried my hair, got dressed and I'm in flirting mode so I decided to wear a white shirt….. The first three buttons of my shirt are already opened. It helps to look even hotter and of course my black pants after getting dressed, I sighed! "There you go hot and sexy as always," I can't help but look at myself in a mirror.

"Oh, crap! Andrew's gonna kill me, real this time." I ran as fast as I could and stopped myself right in front of Andrew who was standing outside our house.

"You said five minutes, it's ten."

"What! Are you kidding me? Andrew, don't be so bossy come on."

After several more minutes, we are in school. The fresh air that's all I wanted right now. Fresh air and the fragrance of flowers in the school garden. I know Andrew now trying his best to find his girlfriend and my sister-friend but sister mostly. I was enjoying that morning's freshness and the crowd and excitement of students for that trip but then I shut my eyes.

It's like someone is behind me... far... but behind me that scent, voice of her breathing, her heartbeat.

Why am I feeling all this? Who is she? Why do I feel every bit of her? I place my hand on my chest, my heartbeat? It's beating, faster than I expected.

I turned around to see her but it's like she's here no more at this place. My sensations, my mind, even my heart? It's like I'm falling into her. I want to see her, I want to know her?

"Drake? Drake….. I found her," Andrew said. He's breathing heavily; It looks like he came running away.

"Who are you talking about Andrew?" I asked, hoping that he's talking about that mystery girl.

"He's talking about me Drake," Chris said by folding her arms.

I start laughing, "okay now I get it. Where's Ash?"

"She said she's coming with you?" I saw a look on Chris's face it's like she did something naughty.

"Well, she was sleeping." I raise an eyebrow at the word of sleeping?

"Sister, tell me the truth?"

"Okay fine, you got me; I cast a spell on her so she is sleeping." I sighed.

"What? I just don't want to ruin that trip... with Ash."

"Hmm, she's not that bad?" I said with a teasing tone.

"Excuse me?" Chris asked with a sarcastic tone, "Ash is a complete nightmare."

"Okay guys, I just…. don't want to ruin our enjoyment," Chris said.

"Come on let's go, students have begun to board the bus," Andrew said. I smirked, "Chris, I was just teasing you I'm really happy that she is not coming."

"I knew it," Chris said by clapping her hands. Finally, we got on the bus and took a perfect seat.

The window seat which I loved the most. Andrew and Chris are sitting right behind me and I'm enjoying my own company. No, not again I can't help so I shut my eyes again. Same scent, same sensation, everything is the same just like before. She's around me, somewhere? I look around to see if she's here, anywhere? There were so many other students on this bus who were singing and laughing. I'm not feeling anything, not even that loud noise of students? But I'm only feeling that... it's addictive. Heart snatching and sweet presence of someone. She's driving me crazy badly.

I saw a girl enter on this bus and come towards us. She's the one, I can feel it. Finally, I found her. I can't believe it? Because my heart slowly starts to calm down. A small smile escaped from the corner of my lips. She's beautiful. Her large sapphire eyes shone like bright stars at night, dark red hair with little curls at the bottom, bright pink puffy lips, and perfectly beautiful body. I think God blessed her with all beauty. She looks like a doll. She wore a baby blue dress.

I swear to God! I had never seen that beauty before in 18 years of my life, who is she? Does that much pure beauty exist in this world? She's gorgeous. I think God blessed her with all the beauty of the world.

Her beauty….. Ooh sorry, her magnificent beauty kills my inner demon. Why have I never seen her before? I don't know much about her but something…... there's something in her eyes, in her sapphire eyes? Something that I felt was quite off. But I know it's true:

"The most confident eyes are capable of hiding the darkest pain."

That's enough, I admit she's attractive but I should stay away from her. This girl has been bothering me since morning anyway.


Thank God, I'm not late. I saw a boy who was staring at me with soft eyes. It's like he knows me or I know him. Why is my heart racing? I can't believe it but I was worried about him when I saw him… It's like I'm protected. I feel protected and secure.

I don't even know him but he's the most beautiful, hot, perfectly tall boy sitting and looking at me.

My heart…. Why is my heart beating so fast? Why doesn't he look away? Why does he keep looking at me? His bright hazel eyes like the sun in summer, dark chocolate hair, perfect baby pink lips, soft little beard, and dark eyelashes compliments his fair skin.

The only thing we both doing right now is just staring at each other. It's like thousands of words we both want to say to each other but the fact is we actually don't know each other, so how is it possible?

He smiled! And my heart is jumping like a ping pong ball, my cheeks are burning bright….. I can sense it because it's burning.

"Oh, Rosetta there you are, I was waiting for you?" I didn't realize that I was standing in the middle of the bus, drowning in my own thoughts.

"Sorry for being late, Chris but actually I was helping a teacher, she accidentally fell on the ground."

"Is she okay?" Chris asked. "Yeah, she's fine now."

"Great, well Selena is sitting with her sudden boyfriend. The two have been in a relationship for about five minutes."

I started laughing, "Really Chris?" She started laughing too. "Yeah, okay, so let me introduce you to my little family? Andrew, she's Rosetta my friend and she is living next door."

"Oh, hi Rose," Andrew said smiling. "Hi," I said with a soft smile. "Rose, Andrew's my boyfriend." Chris then pointed to that mysterious boy. "Rose, he is Drake, my brother and also Andrew's."

"Wait, What?" I asked and she started giggling.

"Well, Drake is my friend-brother but mostly brother. He is Andrew's brother; we have known each other since kindergarten." I smiled, "Ooh! Now I understand."

"Hey, I've got a seat for you too Rose."

"Really, where?" I asked curiously. She let out a naughty and teasing cough and pointed at Drake.

I looked at him and he was staring out the window.

"No way, Chris."

"Actually yes, you're going to sit with my brother and enjoy the trip." Chris is ordering me.

"With him?" I asked.

I honestly wanted to sit with him but at the same time, I'm nervous too.

"Yes," she said with an excited tone. She grabs my hand and takes me where Drake sat.

"Drake, you are going to sit with her and you too Rose," Chris said, it's like she's ordering us.

Before we could say anything, Chris grabbed my shoulders and sat me down.

"Drake? She's Rosetta, my friend, and neighbor. Rose, as I already told you, he is Drake, my brother. So, you too enjoy it and I'm going, bye."

Drake opens his mouth to say anything but she runs away. Holly mysterious hot weirdo, that's who I am sitting with, he is like an angry bird.

"Hi," I said with an unexpectedly soft voice.

He didn't answer me. "Hello," I said but no reply. He's ignoring me, I know.

"When someone says hi to you all you have to do is to say hi back, that's called manners."

"Hi." Really? That's it? It's all he said "Hi" in an annoying way. "Such a weirdo." I said softly.

"Excuse me? I'm not a weirdo, you are." Drake said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm not a weirdo either, and how can you say that?"

He smirked, "it's because….. I don't know?" He stopped himself from saying anything more.

"No, it's because you don't have a reason, that's it," I said. He started looking at the window again.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

He looked at me and said "Window." I raised a brow

"Well, captain obvious, thanks for letting me know that you're staring at the window but still what are you exactly staring at?"

"Do you have a speech impediment?"

He said as he met his gaze with mine with an annoying, angry, and…. hot look.

Wait? Why…. am I saying hot? He's not hot anymore, I think so. "No…. I don't have a speech impediment."

"Then stay quiet," he said annoyingly as he starts staring at the window again like before. Okay, now I'm getting bored with that weirdo.