
Winchester, Book 1

Rosetta, a young teenage 18 years old girl recently shifted to a small town '' Winchester '' to hide from her past. She felt directionless and lost in life. Her life is like a roller coaster, she wants to study but also wants to earn money for a better future and to move on. But she met a boy who fell in love with her and changed her life completely upside down. Mysterious hot weirdo with his deep secrets loves her unconditionally. That beautiful with soft innocent hazel eyes boy is a pure devil by blood. You heard me... A Devil. That devil broke every single rule of his ''Devil Community'' to protect her even marry her... A human girl. What happened when a well-mannered and sweet girl fell in love with a fire? What happened when she learned about his secrets? Does she still love him or leave him turned into dusk? Love or Traitoring? Humans hate devils but what if they fell in love? The love between a Devil and a human is unnatural and unexpected but what if it really happens... What if they really fell in love by breaking all the forbidden boundaries, clashes, and conflicts? The Cambions Series is all about the best supernatural adventures. Walking away from the deadly past, Rose wants to start a new life but it's not possible... Not after meeting a mysterious family "Snow!" A lot of dark secrets, and chaotic anger is waiting for Rose. She needs to stay put or death becomes her destiny.

Maira_Imran · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 32


Sitting next to Freya, waiting for some hopeful news. I glanced at my twin sisters…. They are only 15 and still kids. I heard some random voices coming from outside as we all ran outside and—

I saw Bethany's few guards come back with our parents, Aunt Chris and Uncle Andrew who is unconscious and out of his mind. All of them died… Bethany's witches and her guards are dead too. Everybody is dead…. I saw Freya's screaming as I looked at her… She sat next to one of Bethany's witches…. Nina and crying very badly.

"Freya!?" I called her name as I ran towards her, "Freya! What happened?" I asked.

"She's… she's my mom!" My heart sank when she just said that.

"What? What are you talking about? How?" She didn't say anything but cry. I cupped her cheeks as she looked at me unconsciously, "Tell me the truth, Archer Snow? I want to know the truth?" Freya shouted as I hugged her and started crying very badly.

After a while, she stops crying and she's just... silent. I slowly told her my whole truth and how her mom saves us. I told her….everything and the next thing that I know she ran inside my mansion I was about to run after her but Archie stops me.

"Give her time!" Archie said. I nodded as I hugged my brother.

"I'm sorry, we only saved Andrew, I'm sorry we can't save the rest of them."

Bethany's guard said. My mouth dropped open as I looked at Archie and then my dear sweet innocent twins.

"No!" I said I can't believe…. I'm out of my freaking mind; my head is itching with panic attacks.

I ran as fast as I could into an empty room and shut the door behind me as I started crying…. crying badly, badly on top of my lungs. Archie told me… he told me everything.


My heart…. My brain… my whole being is hurting me like a nightmare. I lost my mom; Archer lost half of his family. We lost everything.

Mom shifted here when I was a kid and I asked my mom about it and she didn't tell me anything. She just said that she's doing a job. Now, I understand why she didn't tell me… it's because she was a witch secretly and she was trying to protect all of us. I don't know what to do? I can't live like this anymore, I can't bear this pain.

I want to take revenge for my mom's murder and I also want to help Archer but I need to protect my own siblings too. I need to protect them.

Freya, you need to protect your siblings but I can't let Archer suffer all this alone. I can't. It's a very big decision I know but I can't give up. I can't.

My heart is not in my control as I turn on my phone with my shaky hands… I call my younger sister as I shut my eyes. I know… It's one of my biggest decisions. No more blood… I need to protect not only my siblings but my love too.

"Hello?" She said as I started crying again but I controlled myself.

"I want to tell you something and promise me…. promise me that you do whatever I'm gonna say to you. Promise me!" I said as she remained silent for a moment but then she spoke up.

"What is it? What's wrong Freya?"

"Promise me that you're gonna take care of yourself and also our younger brother. Promise me that you never….never ever come here. Promise me that you're gonna be a good protective sister. Please."

"Freya! You're scaring me."

"Just promise me, promise me please."

"Okay, okay, but tell me the truth first." She asked me as I wiped my tears. "Just do what I just said to you. Never come here, protect yourself and our brother." As I said that I went outside to join Archer.

"I'm coming with you," I said as Archer refused but I forced him and he knows that I'm not wrong so he agreed with me.


Archer is going with Freya to fight…. I want to go with him… I want to but he's not listening to me. Archer and Bethany's guards are going back to take revenge.

"Archer! Please, let me come with you. Please, I'm begging you."

"No, you need to stay here… It's your duty brother. Simon saves Uncle Andrew's life and gets himself injured too. You need to stay here, to protect our family."

I let out a dry laugh, "What family?"

Archer sighed, "This family, our twin sisters, Katherine, Simon, and Uncle Andrew. They all need you. Archie, promise me…. promise me today that no matter what you gonna protect everyone. You have to protect everyone…. including yourself. Promise me."

I sighed.

"I promise." Archer relaxed at my promise.

"Wait for us, if…. If I don't come back within two days….. Do not find us…. Just understand. I'm going to take over this deadly game if it costs my life…. I don't care."

"Archer!?" He shut his eyes as he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Stay strong brother!" I nodded as tears streamed down my face. I saw him, leaving with Bethany's guards, and then he was gone. I waited…. I waited for at least four days but he didn't come back. Simon and I tried to find them but failed. We failed.

My eyes turn into the brightest yellow color, today, I swear to myself, I'm gonna protect my family, I'm gonna take revenge for everything. I'm gonna find that hell stone Zircon to protect my family. I'm sick and tired of everything. I'm so done. I'm gonna destroy each one of them who killed my family…. I swear to hell!