
Wimpish son-in-law

Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Pillow Wind 1 · Urban
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221 Chs

Chapter 13 Graduation Banquet

Translator: 549690339

After a heated night, Qin Yiran and I were both too exhausted to lift our hands, and we eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, I woke up to blinding sunlight, with Qin Yiran lying in my arms. Her sleeping face was especially tempting, and I couldn't help but plant a kiss on her forehead.

By the time Qin Yiran woke up, I had already taken a shower and was sitting at the edge of the bed, wrapped in a bath towel, eating breakfast.

Seeing that she was awake, I looked at her with a smile, "Did you sleep well?"

Strawberry marks scattered across Qin Yiran's chest bore witness to the wildness of the previous night; her voice was a bit hoarse, "You're really, too amazing."

I smiled and, seeing that Qin Yiran was uncomfortable, I got up, scooped her into my arms, and took her to the bathroom.

After washing up with Qin Yiran, we went out for a bit of breakfast, and then I drove her back to school. Afterwards, I drove home.