
Wimpish son-in-law

Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Pillow Wind 1 · Urban
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230 Chs

Chapter 100 Contract

Translator: 549690339

Mr. Zheng nodded, clearly satisfied with my attitude. "That's right, Xiaowen, Zheng Yufei and I have discussed it, and we plan to transfer 5% of the Mu Group's shares into your name."

I was momentarily stunned, my gaze instinctively turning to Zheng Yufei, who nodded back at me. I looked at Mr. Zheng again, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within me, leaving me somewhat at a loss for words.

However, Mr. Zheng's tone changed, "But don't get too excited just yet. There are conditions attached to these 5% shares. You and Xiao Fei cannot divorce. If you do, these 5% will go directly to your children, and if you don't have children, then these shares will revert back to Xiao Fei."

I nodded. Even so, my marriage to Zheng Yufei was nothing more than an agreement. Divorce was inevitable, but this did provide me with an opportunity. If I handled it well, I could thrive in high society even after leaving Zheng Yufei.