

"Hello, is anybody here?" Tracy called out, her voice echoing through the forest. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" Tracy screamed as the hag revealed her decaying smile. "Welcome, chosen one," the hag sneered. "Mom, I think there's something you need to know," Tracy whispered, clutching her injured shoulder. "Lately, I've been having these creepy dreams... and the injuries I get in the dreams appear when I wake up," Tracy confessed. "Your father was one of the angels," Mrs. Hayley revealed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Run, run, run!" Mrs. Hayley yelled as the Hades attacked, sacrificing herself to save Tracy. "Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer greeted with a warm smile. "Here, you'll learn to be the best version of yourself." "Hi, I'm Daisy. Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Daisy said with a bright smile. "Nice one, babe," Shadley commented after Daisy's witty retort to Sharpay. "What's up with the gloves?" Tracy asked, curious about Shadley's accessory. "They help me manage my psychometric abilities," Shadley explained. Tracy Kendall wakes up in the woods, with no idea how she got there. Her calls for help go unanswered until she finds an eerie, seemingly abandoned cottage. Inside, she's confronted by a malevolent hag who calls her the "chosen one," sending monstrous Hades after her. Just as she's about to be captured, she wakes up, realizing it was another of her disturbingly realistic nightmares, complete with real injuries. Tracy's mother, Mrs. Hayley, notices her daughter's distress and the mysterious scratch on her shoulder. Tracy confesses her nightmares and the inexplicable injuries. Mrs. Hayley then reveals a shocking truth: Tracy is the descendant of angels who were banished from heaven, and her father was one of them. As they prepare to flee from the dark forces pursuing Tracy, Hades attack, killing Mrs. Hayley. Tracy is saved by five teenagers with supernatural abilities from Wilmer Academy, a school for the gifted. At Wilmer Academy, Tracy learns about her heritage and the significance of her powers. The academy, led by the enigmatic Principal Wilmer, becomes her new home where she must uncover her abilities and prepare for the dangers ahead. Among her new friends are Daisy, who can create portals, and Shadley, the principal's son with the power of psychometry.

Praizy_7 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The new kid

Lucian's heart raced as he felt the weight of Tracy's body grow heavier in his arms. Pulling back from the kiss, he looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of recognition. But all he saw was confusion and emptiness, a stark contrast to the fiery spirit of Malischa he had hoped to awaken.

"Tracy, are you there?" he called out, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and regret. He could feel the weight of his actions bearing down on him, the knowledge that he had meddled with forces beyond his understanding.

Just as he feared, Tracy's eyes fluttered closed and her body went limp in his arms. Acting quickly, Lucian caught her before she could fall, cradling her gently against his chest.

Guilt washed over him as he looked down at her peaceful face, knowing that he had taken a chance that may have cost Tracy her very identity. The thought of the young girl robbed of her own life, forced to live a borrowed existence, filled him with a deep sense of sorrow.

But as he held her close, a small flicker of hope ignited within him. Perhaps, he thought, there was still a chance for Tracy's soul to resurface, to reclaim its rightful place in her body.

With a silent prayer on his lips, Lucian settled down beside her, vowing to do everything in his power to help Tracy find her way back. For in that moment, he knew that his love for Malischa could never come at the expense of another's true self.

Meanwhile far away from lucian's castle in Wilmer academy.

In Principal Wilmer's office, the air was filled with an air of excitement as the handsome new student sat across from Sharpay. She felt a nervous flutter in her stomach as her father introduced her as the student guide for the newest member of Wilmer Academy.

As they exchanged greetings, the new student's captivating gaze met hers, sparking a warmth in Sharpay's heart. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, but she made a conscious effort to keep her composure and maintain a professional demeanor.

"So you're the principal's daughter?" the new student asked, breaking the brief silence that had settled between them.

Sharpay nodded, offering a small smile. "Yep, that's me. Sharpay Wilmer, at your service."

The new student's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned in a little closer. "An only child?" he inquired, his interest piqued.

Sharpay shook her head, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "No, actually, I've got a twin brother named Shadley. He's like my partner in crime around here," she replied with a hint of fondness in her voice.

The new student's eyes widened in surprise, and Sharpay couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her, as if trying to unravel the mystery of the Wilmer siblings.

As they continued their conversation, Sharpay found herself drawn to the effortless connection she shared with the new student. And though she tried to play it cool, the butterflies in her stomach hinted at the possibility of something more than just a simple guide-student relationship blossoming between them.

Sharpay couldn't believe her luck when her father, Principal Wilmer, assigned her to be the guide for the handsome new student admitted to Wilmer Academy.

The moment she laid eyes on him, Sharpay felt a flutter in her chest. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes were enough to make anyone swoon, but she made sure to keep her composure as she introduced herself.

They engaged in a natural conversation as Sharpay showed him around the school, pointing out the classrooms, the library, and the common areas. She couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring his every move and gesture.

After they parted ways, Sharpay found herself unable to shake off the feeling of excitement that lingered in her heart. As she sat in the school courtyard, lost in her thoughts, her friend Rebecca appeared, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Seems like someone is smitten," Rebecca teased, nudging Sharpay playfully. Sharpay blushed, trying to play it cool.

"Who is he?" Rebecca pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"Just a new kid," Sharpay replied nonchalantly, but her eyes couldn't help but wander in his direction once more. The memory of his smile, his voice, and his charm played on a loop in her mind, leaving her longing for their next encounter.

As Sharpay headed to the lunchroom, she spotted the new kid walking alongside her. Gathering her courage, she asked, "Hey, want to join the Super Squad for lunch?"

Alex declined, "I'd rather eat alone today."

Undeterred, Sharpay decided to sit with him anyway. "I'm Sharpay, by the way. And you are...?"

"Alex," he replied. "And I transferred to Wilmer Academy... let's just say it wasn't my choice."

Sharpay's curiosity was piqued. She knew her dad, the principal, had introduced them earlier, but she'd been too distracted by Alex's charms to catch his name.

As they sat down, the Super Squad members glanced over, intrigued. Daisy asked Rebecca, "Who's the new kid?"

Rebecca grinned mischievously. "Someone who's already stolen Sharpay's heart!"

Sharpay blushed, trying to focus on her conversation with Alex. "So, how do you like our school?"

Alex replied, "It's nice."

Sharpay pressed on, "And what are your abilities?"

Alex hesitated before answering, "Shape shifting."

Sharpay's eyes widened in awe. "Really? That's so cool!"

As they continued talking, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Alex stood up, smiling at Sharpay. "I guess that's goodbye... for now. But I'll see you around, Sharpay."

Sharpay smiled back, her heart fluttering. It was official – she had a crush on Alex!Here's the continuation of the scene:

As Alex walks away, Sharpay can't help but feel a little starstruck. She's never met anyone with shape-shifting abilities before, and there's something mysterious and intriguing about him,she goes to join her friends.

"Wow, Sharpay, you're totally smitten!" Rebecca teases, snapping her out of her trance.

Sharpay blushes, trying to play it cool. "I am not! I was just being friendly."

Daisy raises an eyebrow. "Friendly? You were practically drooling all over him!"

Sharpay laughs, trying to deflect the attention. "Whatever, guys. Let's just focus on our next move. We have a squad to run, after all."

But as they continue their conversation, Sharpay can't help sneaking glances at Alex, who's now sitting alone across the room. She's curious to know more about him, and she can't deny the flutter in her chest whenever their eyes meet.

Meanwhile, Alex is aware of Sharpay's gaze, and he can't help but feel a little drawn to her as well.

Lucian gently laid Tracy in the bed, his eyes filled with worry. The awakening process seemed to be taking over her, and he feared for her safety.

In Tracy's subconscious world, she found herself in a pitch-black room. The only light came from the frames of a door meters away. She struggled to reach it, but a girl who looked identical to her, with blonde hair and brown eyes, stood in her way.

"Are you...?" Tracy asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She feared the answer, knowing that she might have been reincarnated as this person's soul.

"Yes, I am Malischa," the girl replied, her voice cold and detached.

Tracy's heart sank. She had hoped that the ritual's effects were just a myth, but now she faced the harsh reality. Another soul was residing in her body, dormant but slowly surfacing.

"And soon my soul shall fill this vessel," Malischa said, her eyes fixed on Tracy's body.

Tracy's mind raced with the implications. "And where would that leave mine?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Malischa's response was matter-of-fact. "Out of existence."Tracy's subconscious began reeling from the revelation, her sense of identity threatened by the emerging presence of Malischa.