

"Hello, is anybody here?" Tracy called out, her voice echoing through the forest. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" Tracy screamed as the hag revealed her decaying smile. "Welcome, chosen one," the hag sneered. "Mom, I think there's something you need to know," Tracy whispered, clutching her injured shoulder. "Lately, I've been having these creepy dreams... and the injuries I get in the dreams appear when I wake up," Tracy confessed. "Your father was one of the angels," Mrs. Hayley revealed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Run, run, run!" Mrs. Hayley yelled as the Hades attacked, sacrificing herself to save Tracy. "Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer greeted with a warm smile. "Here, you'll learn to be the best version of yourself." "Hi, I'm Daisy. Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Daisy said with a bright smile. "Nice one, babe," Shadley commented after Daisy's witty retort to Sharpay. "What's up with the gloves?" Tracy asked, curious about Shadley's accessory. "They help me manage my psychometric abilities," Shadley explained. Tracy Kendall wakes up in the woods, with no idea how she got there. Her calls for help go unanswered until she finds an eerie, seemingly abandoned cottage. Inside, she's confronted by a malevolent hag who calls her the "chosen one," sending monstrous Hades after her. Just as she's about to be captured, she wakes up, realizing it was another of her disturbingly realistic nightmares, complete with real injuries. Tracy's mother, Mrs. Hayley, notices her daughter's distress and the mysterious scratch on her shoulder. Tracy confesses her nightmares and the inexplicable injuries. Mrs. Hayley then reveals a shocking truth: Tracy is the descendant of angels who were banished from heaven, and her father was one of them. As they prepare to flee from the dark forces pursuing Tracy, Hades attack, killing Mrs. Hayley. Tracy is saved by five teenagers with supernatural abilities from Wilmer Academy, a school for the gifted. At Wilmer Academy, Tracy learns about her heritage and the significance of her powers. The academy, led by the enigmatic Principal Wilmer, becomes her new home where she must uncover her abilities and prepare for the dangers ahead. Among her new friends are Daisy, who can create portals, and Shadley, the principal's son with the power of psychometry.

Praizy_7 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The chosen one

"Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer said with a warm smile.

"Good day, Principal Wilmer," the five kids greeted, slightly bowing their heads.

"Well done, kids," he commented, acknowledging their efforts. He turned to Daisy and added, "Well done." Then, facing Tracy, he ordered, "Follow me, Miss Kendall."

Confused and frustrated, Tracy followed him without a word. "My condolences... I'm sorry for your loss," Mr. Wilmer said gently. Tracy didn't respond, but the sadness and hurt were evident on her face. "This is Wilmer Academy, and as you can see, it is no ordinary academy; it's the home for the gifted."

As they walked through a seemingly endless hall, he reached a door and stopped. "Open," Mr. Wilmer commanded, and the door opened by itself. Tracy was amazed; never in her life had she seen a magical door. It felt like she was in a Harry Potter movie.

"Come in," he offered. Tracy stepped inside slowly; it was a huge office—the principal's office. Shelves filled with books lined the walls, and there was a long desk with two chairs facing it.

"Have a seat," he said. Tracy reluctantly sat down in one of the chairs, facing Mr. Wilmer. "At Wilmer Academy, we train kids with different abilities to be the best that they can be," he explained as he settled into his chair. The desk plate, made of diamond, read: Principal Wilmer.

"But what am I doing here? I have no abilities. I'm just a plain human, okay? So please, let me go to my mom," Tracy said, her voice trembling.

"Now, Miss Kendall, that's where you're wrong. You are more than special; you are peculiar and unique. At Wilmer Academy, you, my dear..." He grinned widely, pointing at her, "...are going to learn to be the best version of yourself."

"But I don't even know my powers. I know nothing at all. What are my abilities?" Tracy asked, slightly agitated.

"That you will have to discover on your own, my dear." He handed her a file and a pen. "Fill in all your data," he instructed. Tracy complied quickly, though she felt lost and realized she would be here for a long time—going to school, living here, and probably dying here.

"Here," she said, handing the file and pen back to him when she was done.

"Daisy Willow!" Mr. Wilmer called out. The girl from earlier, who had created the portal, appeared.

"Yes, Principal Wilmer," Daisy answered, her warm smile accompanied by a slight bow of her head.

"Ms. Kendall," Mr. Wilmer said, turning to Tracy. "Miss Willow here will be your guide. She will help you get acquainted with your new environment."

"Hi! I'm Daisy Willow," Daisy said, extending her right hand for a handshake.

"Tracy. Tracy Kendall," Tracy replied with a tentative smile as they shook hands.

"Okay, I will leave you both to it," Mr. Wilmer said as the girls exited his office.

"So, you're magical, I guess?" Tracy said, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah, my power is portal creation," Daisy replied.

"You mean your ability is to open interdimensional portals to travel between dimensions? Wow, I'm impressed for someone who claims to have little knowledge of this stuff," Daisy commended, making Tracy chuckle.

"Hey babe, who do we have here?" Shadley Wilmer asked, placing his right hand across Daisy's neck and planting a kiss on her left cheek.

"This is Tracy Kendall. Tracy, meet Shadley Wilmer, the principal's son and also my boyfriend," Daisy said with a grin, looking at Shadley lovingly. One could tell she was crazy in love with him.

"Hey, newbie," Shadley said with a warm smile. Tracy recognized him as the boy who had given her earplugs and a comfort while she cried over her mom's death. Now, she could admire his beauty. He had Viking gold hair styled in a messy undercut, brief eyebrows, and a hawkish nose. His defined cheekbones and strong jaw were striking, with sea-rover blue eyes that burned with passion, giving him an almost ethereal presence. An earthy scent surrounded him.

"Hi," Tracy said, admiring his physical features.

"Hey, Dizzy," Tracy heard a female voice. Daisy rolled her eyes at the sight of the girl with long, wavy hair.

"It's Daisy," Daisy corrected.

"Oh, I know; I was being disrespectful," the girl said in a sardonic tone.

"Really, Champagne?" Daisy snapped back.

"It's Sharpay," the girl retorted.

"Oh, I know; I was being disrespectful," Daisy mimicked, rolling her eyes.

"Nice one, babe," Shadley commented.

"I know, right?" Daisy replied with a smile, giving him a quick kiss.

"Gross... I'm out," Sharpay frowned at their public display of affection.

"It works every time," Daisy remarked, and Shadley smiled in agreement.

"That was Sharpay Wilmer, the principal's daughter..." Daisy introduced.

"...and my annoying twin sister," Shadley finished.

"Yeah, right," Daisy agreed.

"What are her powers?" Tracy inquired.

"Precognition, and mine is retrocognition," Shadley answered.

"What does that mean?" Tracy asked.

"Well, Sharpay's supernatural power is to perceive future events through dreams and visions, and Shadley's is the opposite," Daisy explained.

"But I've also got a bonus gift," Shadley added with a smile.

"Here we go again..." Daisy rolled her eyes.

"I'm psychometric," he announced.

"Psychometric?" Tracy echoed.

"Yeah. I have the ability to discern information about objects and people just by touch," he replied, waving his hands in the air. Tracy noticed Shadley was wearing black gloves.

"So what's up with the gloves?" Tracy inquired.

"Well, Shadley finds his psychometric abilities tiring, so he wears gloves," Daisy explained.

As they walked, Daisy showed Tracy around the school. "What's that place?" Tracy asked, pointing to a classroom where students were whispering spells, surrounded by different colored candles and various magical items.

"That is the witchery class, meant for only witches," Daisy answered.

"Hey babe, gotta run. See ya later," Shadley said, giving Daisy a quick peck on the left cheek.

"Okay. I'll call you," Daisy replied.

"And I will answer," Shadley remarked, causing her to chuckle.

"Later, newbie," he said to Tracy with a smile, which she shyly returned. He moved away with a feline grace as Tracy and Daisy watched him go. Daisy continued to show Tracy around the rest of the school: the cafeteria, football pitch, basketball court, classrooms, assembly hall, and more.

"Lastly, the girls' dorm," Daisy announced as they arrived in front of a large building painted dark blue and white. As they approached the entrance, Tracy saw a sign that read: GIRLS DORMITORY—No Boys Allowed. The doors opened, and they walked through a hall filled with doors, each marked with a room number. Tracy's room was the second to last on the left—room 104B. Again, the door opened by itself as they entered.

Tracy looked around, observing her new room. It had two beds, one on the left and the other on the right, positioned to maintain privacy. There were two wardrobes, desks, and tables for studying, she thought. A large glass window opened onto a balcony. Tracy felt confused.

"What's the balcony for if there's such a huge window we can't even open?" she asked. She walked to the end of the window and pushed one side slightly; it opened. "Well..." she said as she walked through the small opening she had created. "Come on," she invited with a smile. Tracy reluctantly joined her on the balcony.

"This school... it's huge and awesome," Tracy commented.

"I know, right?" Daisy agreed, smiling. She was a Black American girl with a nice shape and curves, dimples enhancing her smile.

"How come I've never heard of this place before?" Tracy questioned.

"Well, that's because it would cause chaos if the humans found out this place existed. Alicia Leonard, the greatest witch in the history of witches, secured this place and wiped it off the world map so humans would not know about it," Daisy explained.

Tracy nodded, absorbing the information. "You'll get your uniform soon and start school tomorrow," Daisy added.

"School? What am I supposed to learn here? Witchery? Sorcery?" Tracy joked, and Daisy laughed.

"You're funny," she said, shaking her head. "Well, we have normal classes too, where we learn human subjects like chemistry, physics, and math," Daisy explained. "But we also have classes for the supernatural, which everyone who has discovered their abilities attends, along with a Discovery class where you find out your supernatural ability."

"Really? So you have different schools within your school?" Tracy said, laughing.

"Who is the other bed for?" Tracy asked, turning to face the room.

"Well, that's for your roommate, and guess who it is?" Daisy asked with a childish smile.

Tracy raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

"Me! I'm your roommate!" Daisy exclaimed.

"Really?" Tracy replied, surprised.

"Yes! Come on, let's go in," Daisy said.

The evening