

"Hello, is anybody here?" Tracy called out, her voice echoing through the forest. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" Tracy screamed as the hag revealed her decaying smile. "Welcome, chosen one," the hag sneered. "Mom, I think there's something you need to know," Tracy whispered, clutching her injured shoulder. "Lately, I've been having these creepy dreams... and the injuries I get in the dreams appear when I wake up," Tracy confessed. "Your father was one of the angels," Mrs. Hayley revealed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Run, run, run!" Mrs. Hayley yelled as the Hades attacked, sacrificing herself to save Tracy. "Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer greeted with a warm smile. "Here, you'll learn to be the best version of yourself." "Hi, I'm Daisy. Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Daisy said with a bright smile. "Nice one, babe," Shadley commented after Daisy's witty retort to Sharpay. "What's up with the gloves?" Tracy asked, curious about Shadley's accessory. "They help me manage my psychometric abilities," Shadley explained. Tracy Kendall wakes up in the woods, with no idea how she got there. Her calls for help go unanswered until she finds an eerie, seemingly abandoned cottage. Inside, she's confronted by a malevolent hag who calls her the "chosen one," sending monstrous Hades after her. Just as she's about to be captured, she wakes up, realizing it was another of her disturbingly realistic nightmares, complete with real injuries. Tracy's mother, Mrs. Hayley, notices her daughter's distress and the mysterious scratch on her shoulder. Tracy confesses her nightmares and the inexplicable injuries. Mrs. Hayley then reveals a shocking truth: Tracy is the descendant of angels who were banished from heaven, and her father was one of them. As they prepare to flee from the dark forces pursuing Tracy, Hades attack, killing Mrs. Hayley. Tracy is saved by five teenagers with supernatural abilities from Wilmer Academy, a school for the gifted. At Wilmer Academy, Tracy learns about her heritage and the significance of her powers. The academy, led by the enigmatic Principal Wilmer, becomes her new home where she must uncover her abilities and prepare for the dangers ahead. Among her new friends are Daisy, who can create portals, and Shadley, the principal's son with the power of psychometry.

Praizy_7 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Hydra vs super squad

# Hydra Wreaking Havoc on a School

The once peaceful schoolyard is now a scene of chaos and destruction as a massive hydra rampages through the grounds. The creature's multiple heads thrash about, snapping at anything in their path, while its massive body crashes through buildings and uproots trees with ease.

Students and teachers alike run in terror, their screams echoing through the air as they try to escape the wrath of the hydra. Desks and chairs are overturned, textbooks and papers scattered in the chaos as the creature leaves a trail of destruction in its wake.

The hydra's scales glisten in the sunlight, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light as it searches for its next victim. The ground shakes with each thunderous step, sending cracks spiderwebbing through the pavement as the school building itself begins to crumble under the weight of the beast.

Fire erupts from the hydra's mouths, scorching everything in its path as it unleashes its fiery breath upon the school. Smoke billows into the sky, mixing with the screams of the terrified students and the wails of sirens in the distance.

As the hydra continues its rampage, the once bustling schoolyard is reduced to a smoldering ruin, a stark reminder of the devastation wrought by this mythical creature. The scene is one of utter chaos and destruction, a nightmare come to life as the hydra wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting school.n a dramatic showdown, a group of kids with extraordinary abilities stand united against the towering hydra that looms before them. Each child possesses a unique elemental power, harnessing the forces of nature to combat the fearsome creature.

One child conjures swirling gusts of wind, creating a cyclone that buffets the hydra's heads and throws it off balance. Another child manipulates the earth beneath their feet, causing the ground to tremble and crack, hindering the hydra's movements.

A third child commands torrents of water, sending powerful waves crashing against the hydra's scaly hide, while a fourth child channels crackling bolts of lightning, striking the creature with electrifying force. Together, their powers combine in a dazzling display of elemental energy.

The hydra roars in fury, its heads snapping and thrashing as it tries to fend off the relentless assault of the children. But the young heroes stand firm, their determination unwavering as they face the monstrous beast with courage and unity.

As the battle rages on, the children's elemental powers clash with the hydra's brute strength, creating a spectacle of light and sound that fills the air with crackling energy and swirling elements. The ground shakes with each impact, and the sky is illuminated with flashes of lightning and bursts of fire.

Despite the odds stacked against them, the kids with elemental powers fight with unwavering resolve, their teamwork and bravery shining through as they strive to defeat the hydra and protect their school from destruction. The scene is one of epic proportions, a clash of titanic forces as the children harness the power of the elements in a desperate bid to emerge victorious.

" Vorden take the other kids to safety." Daisy instructed." On it!" Vorden yelled rushing to rescue a kid that had his leg stuck. " Everyone in position?" Daisy asked ." Ayi,ayi captain." Rebecca affirmed. She began to open a portal behind the Hydra then she yelled," Dianne now!"

" Absonurm idsednius." Dianne casted a spell and immediately there was a gushing windwish hit the Hydra pushing it into the portal, the members of the super squad jumped in ready for battle.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrr." The Hydra roared ith all his head spitting fire in different directions. Erin used her power to shield them from the fire .

"Sharpay!" Daisy yelled and immediately Sharpay came firing shots from all corners. She was skilled in archery but either the Hydra's thick skin it made her arrows difficult to penetrate. She even had Stacy cast a spell on the arrows. " What are you doing Sharpay?" Dianne questioned. " Are you forgetting the Hydra's skin are as hard as rock ?" She reminded.

" But these aren't ordinary arrows but they were spelled by Stacy. Sharpay replied still struggling. Jason on the other hand was struggling to hit the Hydra while barely escaping from burning to death. Dianne rolled her eyeballs with a scoff as she heard the name Stacy. She took the arrows from Sharpay and cast a spell on it ." Ignitus." She then handed it over to Sharpay who have a got at the Hydra's right in the eye.

" Woow! " Sharpay exclaimed in excitement. " Now I see why you're called Daughter of Alicia after all." Sharpay commended. But Dianne didn't mind the comments but just carried on spelling the rest of the arrows." Erin are you ready?" Daisy asked and she affirmed with a nod . She moved her hands in a circulation motion and a wall of fire formed before turning into hundreds of fireballs which she shot right at the Hydra.

Not only Jason but also Rebecca had been feeling useless. Rebecca had earlier suggested that she might be able to use her hypnotic voice on the hydra at some point but it turned out that her powers didn't work on the beast in fact it didn't give her a chance to . " I cannot believe that my powers are as useless as shadleys'." Rebecca remarked in a snarky tone.

" Ouch." Shadley gave her a slight glare. The fireballs hit the Hydra's but caused minimal damage. " What d f**k!" Erin exclaimed in disbelief .The hydra only regenerated as soon had it lost two years from the attack ." Erin you only made it angrier..." Sharpay whined.

"... And scared ." Rebecca added. Just then the hydra began spitting fire on them. Erin quickly used her power to divert the flames of the Hydra.

Just then they heard a loud slashing sound followed by an even louder thud. Dust was all over they place and they struggled to see what had happened. Close to the hydra a lone figure stood silhouetted . They derew closer to gain a clearer view of the person. " Isn't that ...?" Rebecca asked in disbelief.