"You know Willow, you could cover those up with just a little bit of concealer," Sakura mentioned as we walked quickly to school.
"Mhm" I reply quietly .
"Sorry, I was just thinking that if you could cover those scars up where you couldn't see them, then maybe you wouldn't be so afraid."
Sakura has been my best friend since before we went to school. She is a short girl, not more than five feet, and is as gorgeous as any model in a magazine. Today her hair is in a tight pony tail and it bounces as we walk. She is the kind of person who says what she thinks as soon as it crosses her mind before giving it a second thought.
"Anyways, I wanted to check that you are still good for tonight," Sakura questioned looking at me as she raises her perfectly plucked eye brow.
"Uhm...tonight?" I squeak as I stop walking.
"Don't tell me you forgot my birthday camping trip!" She states as she makes sad puppy dog eyes at me and grabs my hands.
"I...camping... with Keri and Nana... but that was planned before..." I stutter.
"Please don't cancel! There will be four of us! No way a mugger would take on all of us!" She continues to maintain eye contact with her pleading eyes.
I hadn't told anyone what had actually happened, not even my Grandmother. I have lived with my Grandmother since I was too and I had never kept a secret from her before. If I didn't feel confident enough to tell her the truth, there was no way I would tell Sakura. The whole school would think I was crazy by the end of lunch.
"I mean...what about...bears!" I exclaim as I struggle to find any excuse. Sakura and I have never missed the others birthday since we became friends and I don't want to miss hers.
"Bears, near Tokyo, yeah right. I promise we will be safe. We will all sleep in one tent and my mom will sleep in the tent next to ours. Please, please, plleeeaaassseee!" Her voice going three octaves higher on the last please.
"Ok" I sigh " but if anything seems off, promise we will go straight home"
"Yesssssss, this will be the best 18th birthday ever!" She yells as she jumps up and down. "At least until your birthday next month"
I clutch my necklace right as we continue to school.