
crashed wedding.

September 1st, 2064. Blinding lights and deafening applauds echoing throughout the chapel that was built to accommodate only a few hundred but for a special reason it was packed to the brim. Yes it was my wedding day, standing before the altar in an eerie black gown with sparkling jewel ornaments making the gown look like the young night sky with my ear to ear smile being the handsome crescent moon.

It was literally the best day of my life, finally getting married to my charming prince denzel though for a reason unknown he was gritting his teeth and seemed hesitant on putting the ring on my finger. Everything was going smoothly until a loud bang startled the ear drums of the couples and well wishers, forcing everyone to cover their bleeding ears and seek cover under the desks closest to them. Ropes came descended, carrying huge buffed men dressed in all black with helmets and guns almost as long as their arms, yelled some few commands that no one was able to Comprehend due to the nonstop ringing in their ears, I looked up and saw a helicopter with a few more men in black with weapons watching everything through binoculars probably equipped with night vision.

A joyous occasion turned to a chaotic battle of escape from the hand of the towering men in black.

This seems like a really interesting diary, and skipping a few pages in doesn't seem like a good idea because now I'm hella confused, better flip back to the first page before I'm caught.

my first journey as a writer, hopefully all will go smoothly.

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