
Chapter seven Willow POV

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath as I run home. He is everywhere I go lately. I do not ever remember seeing him this much before he became Alpha. Or my mate. Sasha hides, angry that he snapped at us. He was supposed to love us and protect us, not yell at us and make us submit over one rude remark. I get away with more with my mother. He was a right brute and I have no idea what the moon goddess was thinking when she put us together. We are polar opposites. Even our wolves were opposites. Mine dark as the night sky with no moon. His brighter white than the moon itself. Made no sense. And to top it all off, he definitely didn't want me. I was already leaving, I do not know why he felt the need to come make me. I didn't want to be around him either. My heart had already broken, I just wanted to be set free. Yet he toyed with me and kept me around. I guess I should be lucky he had not visited the brothel. I have heard that even without the mate bond completion, that it hurt when your mate touched someone else that way. Not that I think anything could hurt the way his rejection did. I try to force a shift, needing to run. Needing to feel numb and be one with the earth. But Sasha refuses. Howling and growling through her emotions instead. Frustrated I start kicking the rocks in my driveway, ready to howl myself. When suddenly a black car pulls up and out steps the man of the hour. Huffing I say to him, "Back to make me submit on my belly? Or to finally get it over with and reject me? I don't want to play these games Alpha, I just want to be set free."

Stopping just feet from me with a sad expression on his face, "I don't wish to reject you Willow, will you stop assuming that please? And you may call me Sloan. We are equals."

"Equals? Ha. You really have lost your marbles. I can feel your power. I am an omega, I know that you are more than the average Alpha. Everyone knows. We can feel it around you. And if you do not reject me, then I will be forced to leave the pack mate bond intact, I guess. Though why you wish to remain tied to me when you do not want me is beyond me."

"Damn it, Willow, I am NOT rejecting you and you are not leaving. I want to repair this. I know I reacted badly. I know I spoke poorly to you today. But your bravery when speaking to someone with my strength and power is enough to remind me that you are meant to be my mate. That we are meant to rule together. My father is the only other person who knows this, but I am the next Alpha of Alphas. I am going to be challenged by others. As will my Luna. Our pack may find itself in the cross hairs as others get angered by this when they learn of it. But I need you. And you will need me so let us at least talk about this without you lashing out at me. Please."

Shock hits me in waves. Sasha now howling in joy. Our mate chose us. They wanted us. We would not be rejected. But I am hesitant. My heart already broken once. What if he changes his mind. What if the pack doesn't accept me as their Luna and he rejects me later when we are already bonded and I live a life of anger and despair as he leaves me behind. I cannot take that. So instead of answering him I simply walk into my house. Without knowing how I really got there, I find myself crying on the floor of my shower. The water washing away my tears.

My wolf is pacing in my mind trying to find an answer to our problems. Our mate says he wants us but we had no actions from him to back it up. What if he was just saying that to make us shut up for now. What if he only wants us for our pups, not to be his constant companion? He would want legitimate heirs. What if he hid us away from the world the way Alpha Jaxson of Green River pack did his Luna? She was also an omega. He only let her out the house for doctor visits. Otherwise nobody ever saw her. He claimed it was for her protection while pregnant, but we all knew better. It was to keep from embarrassing him.

Suddenly I cant stand the shower any longer. I need to run. Sasha is begging me to let her out. She wants to feel the wet land under her feet. The humid air hitting her lungs and begging us to go slower as we push our wolf body. "Please, Willow? I will make sure to go nowhere near the pull of the mate bond or areas he frequents. We can get away and get our heads on straight before dealing with this situation. I turn the water off. But something isn't right. I tilt my head using my super human senses to find the off putting reason.

I hear breathing on the other side of the bathroom door suddenly. Fear washes over me. I didn't see moms car when I came home. I do not remember hearing her come inside the house either. I sniff the air quietly and I get whiffs of cedar and moss. Calming from his scent I realize it is only Sloan.

Fuck, only Sloan? What am I thinking. I jump to my feet and hit my head on the shower head. Groaning in pain already, I slip on the wet floor and hit my head again on the counter. This time I see the edges of my vision go blurry just before the lights go out on me.