
Andrew 5

The ringing of Ajie's phone just did not stop so he decided to pick it up.

"Adrian, where are you? " Cherry's voice cracked right away into his ear as soon as he accepted the call.

He answered groggily. "I'm sorry, Che. I got a stomach pain and I did not want to disturb anyone of you. "

"So how are you now? " Cherry asked with a worried voice, to the relief of Ajie.

He really wished something would came up to her relationship with Andrew before she would find out about her mother's betrayal. He wished that her love for him would somehow grow cold. She did not deserved this, nor did any one.

"I'm a little better, Che. I'm sorry I can't come back. "

"It's alright, Adrian. As long as I know you are fine."

As soon as he hang up, an unregistered call went through.

"Hello? " He said, curious about who the caller was. He didn't have many contacts in his phone.

"Adrian, this is Miss Perez..."

Ajie's heart skipped a beat as soon as she told her name.

"Yes, ma'am..."

"How are you? " She asked, though he knew it was just a question out of respect. "I have heard that you have a sudden stomach pain last night. "

Ajie was confused as to how he would answer her.

"Yes, ma'am. "

"Adrian, whatever your suspicion is, leave it here. I swear I can turn your life into a hell. "

It was a threat that Ajie suddenly regretted to have decided to join the group. His life had been peaceful when he first came in this university, with driving lesson as his only diversion. And this situation was too mind - boggling. "

"Don't worry, ma'am. "

"Next week, we will have another beach outing after your performance. Don't make an alibi. I'll give you and Cherry an assignment to keep yourself busy. "

It was an imperative statement that made Ajie scared. He would have a new assignment, their cover - up for their secret operation!


Days passed by quickly and soon it was their another night out in the beach. Routine followed. Dinner, singing, card games, all over stronger bottles of wine this time. He noticed that Andrew and Miss Perez only sipped a little but rather pour much into Ben and Lito's glasses. When the night got deeper, Ben and Lito slumped into the table, all heavily drunk and asleep.

Ajie and Andrew helped them into their rooms while Miss Perez excused herself to go back to the hotel for an urgent call.

"Adrian, Andrew , after guiding these two into their rooms, you both go to your room directly. We need to rest early for a series of activities tomorrow. "

Then she turned to Cherry. "Darling, take a rest now. Don't wait for me. I may not be able to come back tonight. "

"Alright, mom. "She replied non - chalantly.


As Ajie and Andrew entered their room, Ajie's phone rang. He pulled it out from his pocket and checked who the caller was. It was Miss Perez, the name his heart would always jump every time it appeared in his phone's screen.

"Adrian, I want you to stand outside Cherry's room in the first building by the entrance. I also booked you a room next to hers. If ever she's still hanging outside, make sure to leave only when she's asleep. "

"Got it, ma'am. " Ajie said with a heavy heart.

Just as Miss Perez suspected, Ajie saw Cherry on the porch swing outside her room.

"Che, you're still outside? " He said as he walked towards him.

"Yes, this place is too beautiful to sleep early. I want to bask myself in the moonlight. " Her answer brought a pang of pain to him. Allie also loved moonlit nights.

"I see. "

"Why are you here? I thought you're sharing a room with Andrew. "

"I booked a room next to yours. Andrew snores too loudly and I can't sleep. "

To his surprise, Cherry laughed out loudly.

"Come in, Adrian. Sit beside me. Let's talk. "

As soon as Ajie sat down beside her, she began telling her shocking sentiments.

"Adrian, Andrew never snore. I sleep with him every night except on weekends. We literally share a boarding house. Mom knows about it and I found it amusing why she still needs to book separate rooms for us. "

Ajie was taken aback. "What do you mean? "

"That you are lying. "

Ajie then found himself lost for words. He stared at her, wondering how he could defend himself. Miss Perez ' warning stuck into his mind.

"Adrian, mom perhaps forgot that I was the one who created all her social media accounts. And that she uses only one password. I link all her accounts to mine so I would be notified. So, it means that I know all about her dirty secrets. "

Adrian was too afraid to breath deeply, too afraid of another ferocious bomb she would explode.

"What do you mean? " Ajie finally broke out his curiosity.

"I'm already used to mom's secrets and I knew all about it from the

start. She has her ways of attracting men she likes and when those men fall as her victim and get in love with her, she would dispose them like trash."

"Andrew is her new target because as you may have observed, he is showing interest. I already predicted what will happen last week so I pretended to be drunk. I watched her come out of the room in her bikini set and I saw your commotion when she stepped into a sea urchin. "

" Adrian, she is not new in this resort because she is a gold member here. Due to her many referrals for membership, she acquired many rewards and one of those are free room accomodations and free use of the facility. Sadly, she uses all her rewards for the men she has her eye on. To protect her reputation, she always come here with a group. "

" She knows all about the sea urchins and she could have used protective gears. "

"I was the one who opened the exit door and that has always been my trick in catching them. Poor Miss Perez, she must have not realized that every room in this facility has exit doors concealed by thick curtains. I even pinned cameras into the curtain and turned them on when I feel that they are starting the

deed. "

"And Adrian, you did not have a stomach pain, do you? "

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