
Will You Keep My Secret?

“I promise, I will keep your secret.” "What secret?" "Well...your relationship with him, I won't tell anyone." Blake and Marissa knew each other since they were young, but one accident cost Blake his chances at being with Marissa. So against his better judgement, in order to be near her, he agreed to be her best friend. Ten years later, using the pressure his family imposed upon him to get married. Blake concocted a plan to enlist Melissa's help. Her role was to play as his wife. Can Blake finally convince Marissa that whatever happened when they were young was just a misunderstanding?

fyaya · Urban
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189 Chs

Unknown Enemy

Upon hearing the news of Ivy's death, Blake couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about his decision to reject her request for help.

"Drunk driving," Archer conveyed the information he had received from one of the officers earlier.

"In broad daylight?" Blake chuckled in disbelief. It seemed improbable, but he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to the story.

"I'll look into it further," Archer began, but his words were interrupted as a punch landed squarely on Blake's face.

Everyone in the hospital hallway froze, stunned by the sudden act of violence.

Holding his jaw, Blake frowned at Mason. "What was that for?"

Mason scoffed, disbelief etched on his face. "Don't you realise that you caused her death?"

"Me? You're the reason she's gone. Don't try to shift blame onto others just because you can't handle your guilt," Blake shot back, his gaze cold and unwavering.