
Will You Keep My Secret?

“I promise, I will keep your secret.” "What secret?" "Well...your relationship with him, I won't tell anyone." Blake and Marissa knew each other since they were young, but one accident cost Blake his chances at being with Marissa. So against his better judgement, in order to be near her, he agreed to be her best friend. Ten years later, using the pressure his family imposed upon him to get married. Blake concocted a plan to enlist Melissa's help. Her role was to play as his wife. Can Blake finally convince Marissa that whatever happened when they were young was just a misunderstanding?

fyaya · Urban
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192 Chs

Marissa's Strange Behaviour

A week had passed, and Marissa had been quiet this whole time. She didn't eat much like she did before the incident in the hospital and often lay down on the bed and didn't show much interest in talking.

Blake was ready to go to work but felt a bit hesitant. He couldn't take more leave since work at the office was delayed because of him.

He walked towards Marissa who was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the wall."Are you sure you are going to be okay?" he asked, placing his hand on her cheek.

Marissa turned around, her eyes looked lifeless. "Yeah, I'll be fine," she said softly.

Blake hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you want me to stay home with you today?"

Marissa shook her head, "No, it's okay."

"Should I wait for you to eat first?" Blake still won't leave, his heart didn't feel good.

Marissa looked at him, her unreadable expression made Blake more concerned.

"Blake…" She called him softly.