
Will you be my Queen?

She borne the child of a devil. He borne the fate of a kingdom. The devil told her to forgot about him. His Queen betrayed the kingdom to keep him safe. Intertwined by the string of fate, he is waiting for her in the castle, preparing himself to say those five magical words. "Will you be my Queen?"

Golden_Butterfly · Fantasy
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6 Chs

For you

A few Hours Later,

"Everyone, they are all gone. They are gone for good. So, why am I crying?"

Laura kneeled in the middle of the ground with the hot stream of tears falling down her cheeks. Around her, there was not a single soul remaining. Whether it is a bird, or tree, or a human being, everyone had turned to dust.

No one could win against the power of time. But, she didn't want to kill them. In fact, if that hadn't happened, then she wouldn't have to suffer anything.

Three Months Ago,

A man suddenly landed at the outskirt of their village. Since their village was pretty isolated, it wasn't hard to say that people do not come and go out often. But, there were some cases where injured people have been found.

At first, they didn't mind helping those people. But when those people started repaying gratitude with torture, they stopped saving those people. There weren't many cases because among a few of them where the village had to give away lots of women to those men because they couldn't compete on strength.

But, this time Laura saved someone. Even though villagers didn't agree, they couldn't force her either. At first, everything was normal as they found the person that they saved was a cultivator and a good person. But one day during his healing, he suddenly lost his mind and slaughtered half of the village.

And, he also assaulted the same person that saved him. That was the most devastating moment for her. Because of her, half of the villagers had to suffer and she also lost something precious to a man she doesn't even properly know about.

And, she gained something that she didn't want to have. She had barely turned eighteen and now she was pregnant with a baby. That man stayed with her for three months trying to convince her to go with him. But, she couldn't.

She knew if she walks away with him, she would be truly guilty for killing half of the villagers. Until that man stayed, nobody dared to say anything. But, after three months he was healed and also showed the sign of losing control once more.

He didn't dare to stay here since nobody could stop him. After he left, she started having tough days. To the point where a wife was openly letting her husband assault her. Her child was called a demon child even before he was born.

She didn't know whether to blame her child. Because at one point, the child is completely innocent but at another point, this is also his child. She blames him but she can't bear to blame her child. She was conflicted that he killed half of them while she killed another half.

It's like being a partner in crime. But, she also knows this is not something unusual in this world.


A continent that holds mystical energy is known as spiritual energy. Humans, Magical Beasts, Demons, and Spirits live together on this continent. Here, creatures absorb spiritual energy to enhance their physical abilities, unlock the mysteries of their bodies, increase their lifespan and hold the spiritual energy for several other purposes.

This absorption process is known as cultivation. The village that she lives in is the southern part of the Persia Continent. It is in a remote place and attached to the forest known as Chure. The Chure Forest holds the magical beasts.

Humans can't coexist with other races since strength is supremacy. But, stronger magical beasts only live at the center of Chure Forest. Demons and Spirits live in completely different places known as the Demon Kingdom and the Spirit Kingdom.

Most humans also exist in the Human Kingdom. The biggest kingdom is the Spirit Kingdom while the smallest is the Demon Kingdom. Three kingdoms are separated by the Chure Forest. The Southern Part of the continent holds the Human Kingdom.

Northern Part holds the Demon Kingdom and the Western Part is held by the Spirit Kingdom. As for the eastern part, nobody knows because that part is full of mountains and a disastrous place. Her village is at the corner of the Human Kingdom.

But, now there is no one present in the village. She must leave this place because she can't afford to die. After all, she now has the responsibility of the child. She can't bear to hate the child. Because children are innocent.

After wiping away those tears, she mustered the courage and entered her house. She looked around and found a pouch beneath her bed. She opened the pouch and found thirteen copper coins. These are the currency of Persia.

Each copper coin was worth a piece of bread. She wasn't sure whether she can find work in the next village. Suddenly, a thought rang on her mind but she quickly shook her head. Then, she turned her head down and looked at her own belly.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and walked out.

After half an hour, she came back with twenty pouches. After counting the total amount, it turns out to be seven hundred fifty-two copper coins. And, adding hers, it would be seven hundred sixty-five. After that, she changes her clothes.

She wears a plain white shirt and a white skirt and covered everything with a gray robe. Then, she packed some of her clothes into a bag and walked out of the house. Just as she walked out, her footstep halted as she remembered those words.

'Cultivation is not cruel, only people are. If you ever start the journey of cultivation, you will meet different kinds of people with different kinds of thoughts and motives. Don't be scared but don't be arrogant either.'

'Learn from your mistakes but don't risk your life for a mistake. Choices are important, so make a proper one. I don't know when but one day you will realize just how important cultivation is. If you realize on time, then that's good.'

'If you realize on the wrong moment, then it's a doom that you can't prevent. If you don't know why to cultivate, then find a reason and stick with it. The reason might be big or small but as long as you have one, you can continuously push past your limit.'

Suddenly, she rubbed her belly and said "Now I want to cultivate and you are the reason."