
chapter 2

The next morning, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. But to Amanda, it doesn't feel like a beautiful day at all. She gets up and goes to the window, looking out at the gardens. Everything looks perfect, but she knows that underneath the surface, things are not as they seem. She wonders if she'll ever feel normal again.

A headache pounds behind Amanda's eyes. She feels like her head is going to explode. She tries to take deep breaths, but it doesn't help. She's never felt this way before. She goes to the bathroom and takes some aspirin, hoping it will help. But even after it kicks in, her headache doesn't go away. She goes back to her room and lies down, hoping that maybe sleep will help.

The knock on the door startles Amanda out of her thoughts. She opens the door to find Marie standing there, holding a pile of clothes. "I thought you might want to freshen up," Marie says. "I've brought you a change of clothes, and some breakfast. It's getting late, and you haven't eaten yet."

Amanda takes the clothes and the tray of food, and manages a weak smile. "Thank you," she says. "I appreciate it." She knows she should be more grateful, but she just can't bring herself to feel anything but numb.

The clothes Marie brought are beautiful - dresses and skirts in a variety of colours. There are also blouses, shoes, and even some jewellery. Amanda is overwhelmed by the generosity, but she can't bring herself to be excited. She feels like a doll, being dressed up and put on display. She doesn't know how to feel normal again.

"I'll be leaving now," Marie says. "But Mr. Brandon will be waking up soon. I've set the table for breakfast. Please join him when you're ready." She gives Amanda a sympathetic look, then turns and leaves. Amanda is left alone in her room, feeling more lost than ever.

She knows she has to go to breakfast, but she doesn't know how she's going to face Brandon. She looks at herself in the mirror and tries to make herself look presentable. But nothing she does makes her feel any better.

After the quick breakfast, Amanda takes a bath and tries to calm herself down. She tells herself that she can do this. She can face Brandon and be strong. She dries off and gets dressed, choosing a simple dress and shoes. She takes a deep breath and goes to find Brandon.

As soon as Amanda puts on the apron, she hears the door to Brandon's room open. He walks out, dressed in a suit and tie. He looks like a different person than he did last night. He looks at her.

"Hmm, what for breakfast?" Brandon asked.

"Steak and cheese with coffee," Amanda answered.

"Ok, did maria get you the clothes?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, she did" Amanda answered.

As Brandon sips his coffee, he glances at his watch. "I have to go," he says, setting his mug down on the table. "I have a meeting to get to." He gives Amanda a quick smile. "Thank you for the coffee. I'll see you later." He walks out of the room, leaving Amanda alone in the kitchen. She sighs and looks around, wondering what to do next.


Third person POV.

Brandon gets into his car and starts the engine. He looks at himself in the rearview mirror, checking his appearance. He has to look his best for this meeting. The document he's going to secure is important, and he needs to make a good impression. He thinks about the man he's meeting with - he's not someone to be trifled with. He has a reputation for being ruthless, and decided he has to be on his best behaviour. He pulls out of the driveway and heads towards his destination.

As he drives, he thinks about the mission ahead of him.


As Brandon pulls up to the man's house, he takes a deep breath. This is a dangerous man, and anything could happen. He parks his car and gets out not forgetting his pistol, walking up to the front door. He rings the doorbell and waits. After a few moments, the door opens and a burly man stands in the doorway. He looks Brandon up and down, sizing him up.

"You're here for the boss?" he asks, his voice gruff.

"Yes," Brandon says, keeping his voice steady. "I have a message for him."

The burly man steps aside and gestures for Brandon to enter. Brandon walks into the house, taking in his surroundings. The place is lavish, with expensive furnishings and artwork. He's led to a large office, where a man is sitting behind a desk. The man is smoking a cigar, and he looks up as Brandon enters. He gives Brandon a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"You have something for me?" the man asks, his voice smooth and dangerous.

"No, you have something for me, I want the documents" Brandon said.

As the man reaches for his gun, Brandon reacts quickly, drawing his own weapon. He fires a shot, hitting the man's hand and causing him to drop his gun. The man howls in pain, clutching his injured hand. Brandon keeps his gun trained on the man, who looks at him with a mix of fear and anger.

"You've made a big mistake," the man says, his voice tight with pain.

"I don't think so, your ear will be the next" Brandon replies.

The man's bodyguards rush into the room, their own guns drawn. They see Brandon standing over their boss, a gun pointed at his head. The bodyguards look at each other, then back at Brandon.

"Don't move," the man said with pain in his voice.

The bodyguards exchange a glance, then lower their weapons. They know that if they make a move, their boss could be killed. They have to wait and see what happens next.

Brandon keeps the man covered as he slowly backs out of the office, heading for the front door. The bodyguards watch him carefully, not daring to make a move. As soon as they're outside, Brandon shoves the man towards his car. The man cries out in pain, but he doesn't resist. Brandon opens the car door and pushes the man inside, then gets in himself. He starts the engine and drives off, leaving the bodyguards behind.

Once they're a safe distance away, he slows down and pulls over. He looks at the man, who is still clutching his hand and shaking with fear and pushes him out.


As Amanda heads towards her room, she can't help but feel a sense of relief. The day has been long and exhausting, and all she wants is to collapse into her bed and sleep for a week. She reaches her door and opens it, stepping inside. But something doesn't feel right. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and she feels like she's being watched. She turns around, and her breath catches in her throat.

Standing in the shadows is a figure, tall and silent. The figure steps forward, and Amanda sees a flash of his eyes.

"This is for you," he said. Brandon handed her a sleek, black box. She opened it up and saw a brand-new iPhone inside.

Amanda was speechless. She had never had an iPhone before, and she couldn't believe that he had given her such an expensive gift.

"Thank you," she managed to say. "This is really generous."

"It's nothing," he said. "I just want to be able to reach you." He said. "I have already saved my number on the phone and your number on my phone." Brandon said and left.

Amanda nodded, not knowing what to say.