
will you be mine ?

They say that red strings bing you to your other half, waiting for the string to become tangled so that you meet. Milika is a 16 year old girl who lives in Britain, who feels that love is a lost cause for her, but that all changes when a certain Pakistani moves to England and attends her college, she suddenly finds herself feeling strange feelings around him and an unexplained attraction arrises between them . Is their meeting more than a meer coincidence ? Join Milika as she navigates the pressures of college and juggles her emotions over this newfound love ~

jungwons_sheep · Teen
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2 Chs

2. And this is the moment we met ...

Milika hadn't had the best sleep last night, tossing and turning she had had patchy dreams filled with sweet gestures and confusion. The dreams consisted of a figure,tall and well built figure who seemed to always be there,no matter what the situation. Perhaps it was a combination of watching soppy romantic Chinese dramas before sleeping and the news of a new student that had caused such interesting dreams.

As college began, she, Knora ,Harriet ,Lilian, Mina and Christie walked over to the first lesson of the day, Biology. Anticipation and excitement built up between them as they pondered over the new student.

" I like the fit today, whats the occasion ?" Knora teased wiggling her eyebrows

" There is no occasion, i just wanted to dress for myself ?"

Knora hummed, her eyes sparkling as she looked at her friend

Harriet pushed open the door, reveling their class, and the new student.

He was tall, broad,well built and had a sharp jawline. His hair was fluffy and neatly combed, and he looked withdrawn and distant.

His eyes scanned the girls, but stopped at Milika. He scanned her from head to toe and Milika could have sworn he smirked ever so slightly at her, she felt her heart pound faster and she smiled softly back at him.

Class started and she tried her best to sneak glances, and bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling. A new student, she thought to herself, i wonder if he'll get on with the rest of us. The teacher eventually arrived , introducing the boy as Hakim, who had recently moved from Pakistan. Milika shuddered slightly, imagining how difficult the transition between the different cultures must be.

The lessons itself moved my quickly, as the classroom buzzed with general chatter.

At the end of the lessons, as the girls filed out of lesson, Mina turned to Milika.

" what do you think of him ?"

Milika shrugged, " he's very quiet, so i think i'd like to maybe have a conversation with him? But he's moved from a different country, so maybe i'll give it some time ."

Currently, Milika saw him as nothing more than a classmate, but fate had other plans ~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!!

I also feel like thus chapter is quite rushed?

So sorry if it feels that way!

jungwons_sheepcreators' thoughts