
Will there be happily ever after?

In some parts of their teens, everyone around me discovered their first love. My first love didn't really come around until the age of 21. I've never been very interested in the idea of soulmates, love, or meeting the right person. But meeting him has been a wake-up call for me. My instincts were telling me that he was the one, my soul mate, and the perfect partner for me.

Petitepotato18 · Teen
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3 Chs


Everything stopped as soon as I heard his voice. I had the feeling that time had stopped, and everyone was waiting for my response to him. My mind went blank, and I could not think clearly. Never have I felt like this. Why would I feel anxious and thrilled about him? He's just being kind, and given that I'm new, he might be curious about me.

I carefully turned my head to the side and said, "Yea."

Before he could respond, a tall brown girl with curly hair interrupted him, glancing at the man in the back and saying, "Leave her alone, playboy, it's her first day today."

He answered her, "Riya, it's not what you think," and left the room.

The girl is extremely attractive, and it would surely draw me to her curling hair and drab skin tone. She is an aesthetic whole. After shushing the guy down, I assumed she would leave. Instead, she motioned for me to move to the right and sat down next to me.

Don't worry about him; he's the college's renown playboy, having dated nearly every member of our class and those outside of it, including our seniors and juniors. For over two months, I haven't seen him with a significant other. Leave him alone. I'm Riya, by the way. "You can address me by my given name, Ri," Riya Said excitedly, her smile remaining.

Her perfume completely knocked me out. It reminds me of the forest and the peace it gives. God! It would attract anyone. Her fragrance has put me in a trance. I wish I could stay in this trance forever. As I regained consciousness, I replied awkwardly, "Hi Riya, my name is Lila."

"My crush's class is over; he'll be leaving, and I need to see him. Laters, Gaters, Lila." Riya said as she rushed out of the room.

"What a lovely name you have, Lila." The same husky voice startled me from behind.

"Ugh! That terrified me!" I said this while patting myself on the back with my right hand.

He gave a small laugh and continued to stare at me.

"When did you return?" I asked.

"While you were saying your beautiful name," he continued, adding, "Lila, you are more beautiful than your name." He winked at me with a flirtatious smile on his face.

"Yeah, right, I know," I said irritably, then walked out of the classroom.

I'm not sure why my heart is pounding so quickly; I know I'm gorgeous, so why do I have to react with "I know?" I mean, I feel like a fool. I should have just said thank you, and I think I have a little crush on this guy. He's manly enough to be in my dreams, and his voice is just delightful to listen to, but Riya warned me he's a playboy who dated a lot of girls in college. That's a massive red flag. Of course, why should I worry about how many women he has previously dated and who he is now dating? I am not envious.

"Relax, Li; you're only getting this since it's your first day. Get your thoughts together." I urged myself as I walked towards the college cafeteria.

Everyone's glances don't bother me much anymore because I'm not paying attention to them and have only one thing on my mind. I noticed Shray and a group of his buddies in the distance, at the right corner of the cafeteria. Riya was also among them, which I noticed. They could be pals, and her crush could be a member of that group. I remained alone and ignored them. I placed an order for a sandwich and a drink. Apparently, the cafeteria does not accept cash, and we must pay for our meals using a college cafeteria card. I canceled the order because I didn't have a card and was prepared to ask the server to cancel the dish. "Would you like some help?" Riya surprised me.

"Ah, does everyone here suddenly start talking from behind?" After taking a deep breath, I said,

"Sorry," Riya answered, chuckling, "you'll get used to it soon, don't worry."

"Anyway, use my canteen card. I understand it's your first day and you don't have a cafeteria card, but… "she added, pulling a jet black card from her trouser pocket that said "students only." "You can pay me later; here take it," she said as she handed me the card.

"Oh, okay, thank you. I would have gone hungry today if it hadn't been for you." "Let me give you the money," I said as I went on, opening my wallet and counting the money.

"Thank you for being here. You are my savior." I said.

"It's okay. That's what friends are for, right?" Riya responded.

"Totally," I replied.

We sat at the table closest to the cafeteria's entrance, but farthest from Shray. Riya was silent for a while before asking about Shray.

"So, Shray?" she asked.

"Ugh, no," I said lazily.

"The whole college is talking about you stepping out of Shray's car," Riya inquired, her voice bubbling with excitement.

"I know right, I don't even know him. He's just a neighbor that my parents are well acquainted with," I said, ignoring Riya.

"So, you two have nothing between you?" Riya inquired, intrigued.

"Of course!" I responded normally.

"You are the first girl to drive his car." "The whole campus knows he's a great person who isn't into dating and anything like that, unlike his best friend," Riya added, looking towards Shray in the corner.

"I didn't expect him to be so friendly."

"He appears to be a spoiled brat," I remarked, "and who is his best friend?" I was curious.

Riya explained, "The guy who sat behind you in class," or "The College's Playboy," was.

"No way!" I exclaimed, stunned.

"I hear rumors about me here. Who is that? " A sultry voice from behind my back whispered.

I spit the coke out of my mouth, and it splattered all over the table.

That's not nice at all! , "You need to clean that up before the manager sees it," the husky voice remarked.

"Uh!" "You're right!" I said this while frantically cleaning the table with whatever tissues were available.

"Enough, Sky!" she exclaimed, "Don't worry, Lila, they'll clear this up; come on, let's go move to that table," she said, pointing to the table closest to Shray.

I've got enough attention for myself today. I'm embarrassed now for not being more attentive and for being easily intimidated. Everyone will think I'm a foolish girl who is easily scared. This memory will live on in my head for the rest of my life.

Saying nothing further, I took my bag and followed Riya to the other table.

Sky followed us and sat with us. He began the conversation again, but this time from the side.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" stated Sky.

"Yes, it's OK! Hello," I responded, putting on a phony smile.

"Hello, my name is Sky," he said, a broad smile on his face.

"Ignore him Lila, pay little attention to him," Shray cut in. "Now, don't bother her Sky, she's my girl," Shray continued, smirking at me.

"Woah, my boy, calm down!" Sky exclaimed.

"Excuse me, I don't even know you, and how did I end up as your girl?" I inquired, Shray.

"Hello, hello!" "He's joking, Lila, and they're both stupid," Riya remarked.

"Am I kidding?" Shray asked, staring at Riya, and then added, "Oh! Yes, I am."

"I have to go. I have a lecture to attend," Shray said, walking out of the cafeteria before I could respond. "Lila, wait for me in the evening. We'll go home together or else your mother would definitely murder me this time," he said, walking out of the cafeteria before I could respond.

The tense silence between me, Riya, and Sky had grown unbearable. "That's a cute drawing on your lock screen, Sky," I offered to break the stillness.

"Ha?" he said.

"The drawing as a lock screen is cute," I added again, pointing my index finger at his phone.

"Yeah, thanks," he said hesitantly, placing his phone face down.

"Which of your girlfriends did the drawing?" Riya inquired, winking at me.

"My favorite," he said as he stood up and walked away.

"Do you think he was upset?" I asked Riya.

"Don't be concerned. He's not that sensitive." "You should unwind," Riya responded casually.

"All right, let's get back to class." I said.

"Yes, go ahead; I'll join you later." Riya responded.

After telling Riya to meet me back in class, I began heading out of the cafeteria. Sky was sitting on the abandoned stairs on the left side of the cafeteria as I was returning to class. He appeared to be deep in thought, pondering someone.

I longed to speak to him, but I didn't feel comfortable doing so because he could feel awkward, revealing something personal to a stranger like me. I stared at him for two to three minutes, and he returned my gaze. His eyes were red, and he appeared furious. I left as soon as he noticed me staring at him. I shouldn't be afraid of him. He, too, is a human being, yet why did I flee? I did nothing wrong. Of course, I shouldn't be intruding on someone's personal space, so it's fine to return.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. I tried to pay attention to the lectures and concentrate on the professors because I wanted to make a good impression on them before they started complaining about me to my parents. I finished all of my classes, said my goodbyes to Riya, and walked to the bus stop to catch a bus back to my house.

I know Shray urged me to wait, but I've had my fill of him for the day. Everyone in college is talking about him dropping me off at college, and if he gives me a ride home, everyone will go crazy. I will undoubtedly be remembered as the girl who enchanted the university's sweet heart. I don't want to be talked about; I like to live in silence.

I was waiting for a bus to take me home. He had been honking his car as loudly and continuously as he could when he arrived.

"WHAAT?" I was enraged.

"Get on or I'll keep honking," Shray snarled, a malicious grin on his face.

There's another attractive moron in the passenger seat. Sky leaned forward and glanced at him, waving his hand at me. He made the "get on" expression with his eyes.

To save my face, I jumped into the backseat, and we drove to my house.

"I instructed you to be diligent. Don't you have any patience, my girl?" Shray sounded irritated.

"First and first, I am not your girl, and second, you do not need to drop me home because I know my way back," I stated, ignoring my attitude toward him and making him feel unimportant.

"You're right!"

"Waiting at the wrong bus stop for the right bus, you really know your way around," Shray snarled.

I didn't have an answer to his response, so I remained silent.

"Listen, if it weren't for your mother, I wouldn't be here, okay, so just stay quiet, listen to me, and let me be at peace," Shray added, sounding concerned.

Once again, I remained silent and did not respond. In the car, I noticed a cap had fallen. When I picked it up, it surprised me to realize that it was mine. It's my custom-made cap, and why on earth is it in his car?

Is he the one who took it away from me last night? I wondered.

Who fo you think took the cap from Lila?

Comment and let me know.

To get more sneak peaks of the story and to interact with me, find me on instagram @petitepotato18

Keep reading and loving and also supporting me. <3

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