
Volume 1 Chapter 4: Forged Bonds

A Mercedes-Benz 770k staff car was cruising along a well-maintained road. The car was traveling in a convoy made up of motorcycles with carriages, other staff cars and Opel Blitz trucks. In total three Mercedes-Benz 770ks, five motorcycles (two of them equipped with sidecars and MG34s), and four Opel Blitzes made up the convoy.

In the middle staff car the chauffeur Major Karl Schneider was chatting with a very excited marshal Erik Steinbeck who rode in the shotgun seat. The two royals were in the back bench marveling at the large buildings and sights.

The convoy was headed to the Reichstag in Berlin where the Kaiser (AU: all further mentions of Wilhelm's title will be Kaiser) would meet them.

Andrew was nervous. The king of a foreign nation was meeting them. He was a fugitive prince with a fugitive princess. He had little to nothing to offer to the king if he were to demand something.

The convoy turned a corner and continued down an administrative center.

Soldiers in ceremonial uniforms lined the sidewalk with huge German Empire flags waving behind each soldier. An army band was gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate and started playing Die Wacht am Rhein, a patriotic German song. In front of Reichstag two Tiger Is were idling next to two 8.8 cm flak cannons which were aimed at the sky.

The convoy stopped in front of a black stone outline of a path up the steps and into the building. Both sides of the pathway were lined with more soldiers with gold epaulettes and Kar98k rifles. The marshal and major got out of the car and opened the door for the two royals. They got out of the car and awed even more.

Andrew got out of the car and held the hand of Adriana. Prior to the car ride they were given new clothes. Andrew was wearing a ceremonial German officer uniform while Adriana wore a long white dress with lace embroidery. The marshal was changed into a butler's uniform as he was acting as guardian of the two. He didn't mind since acting as a butler would put a stronger image of wealth in the eyes of onlookers.

"Cover your ears and look over there."

The major pointed to the artillery team loading blank rounds into the flak cannons. The three all covered their ears. Then the cannons fired ejecting a large plume of orange flame and white smoke. The deafening crack and clattering of the ejected case echoed throughout the city.

After the demonstration they were escorted inside to meet with the Kaiser. Guards were stationed in every corner of the lavish government building. Portraits of famous German leaders decorated the walls and tapestries covered the blank spots. Pedestals held many busts of famous people and politicians.

While marveling at the many works of art they finally entered a large meeting room. Inside the room were ministers in civilian clothing as well as military officers in a mix of black, grey and blue uniforms. Two soldiers guarded the door holding MP40s.

At the middle of the table was a man with black hair and piecing blue eyes. It was an unnatural blue which gave him a look of complexity. He had a well built body and toned muscles that were showing through his tight uniform. His tan colored uniform clashed with all other color in the room as he made himself the center of all light. It was a mighty look, a kingly one.

Andrew started to sweat. He was shaking after witnessing the ability of the Kaiser to intimidate someone with just fashion and uniforms alone. His father was a cold and intelligent person but he never radiated as much pressure as this Kaiser did.

"Heil Kaiser!"

The major made his salute.

All other people in the room returned the salute. Then the Kaiser stood up and made his own salute without saying anything. Then he sat down.

Damn. Even his actions were impactful.

The major then spoke up.

"Announcing the 4th Prince and 2nd Princess of Epruilon with the Master Marshal of Epruilon!"

All other present people in the room stared and sized up the three. No one said anything as if they were waiting for someone.

"Well then, welcome to the glorious city of Berlin! Please, take a seat."

He waved at the people around him as well and the more senior members took their seats. Andrew and Adriana too took a seat. The marshal stood behind them.

"I will arrange for a tour at a later date but for now I wish to converse with you two."

The Kaiser smiled brightly and Andrew forced a smile back.

"We are thankful for your invitation and so far have been impressed with this city, no, entire country!"

It was a bit forced but Andrew couldn't help but admit. This land was superior to his birthplace in terms of technology, military and architecture.

"My sister and I are fugitives running from our homeland. My brothers and sisters staged a coup and plunged my homeland into a civil war. Our older brother and crown prince was slain by their forces. Their Junta faction aims at expansion and are willing to use force to engage in diplomacy. I implore you to recognize the threat they pose to the stability of the continent of Esmeralda!"

With this Andrew bows his head.

"What! Brother what are you doing?"

"Shut up, we need help. I am willing to comply with any demands you give me."

With this the eyes of the Kaiser perk up.

"Say, what does your land have to offer? Hm?


Andrew had succeeded in getting the Kaiser's attention. Now it was up to him to sell it.

"I spoke to Militärbefehlshaber Beck, he mentioned that you are keen of obtaining black liquid fire. I am willing to give up rights to eight mining sites of black liquid fire as well as two mining sites of silver."

The princess gasped. The marshal however nodded appreciatively.

"Wait brother! Isn't that a lot of sites you are giving up?"

"Silence! We need help and this is how we are going to get it."

The Kaiser was sitting back in his chair. Two minister and two generals were furiously whispering into his ears. They silently argue a bit until the Kaiser wave them off.

"Prince Andrew, in addition to these mining sites I want control over a northern port town, rights to infrastructure building and rights to excavation of new mines which are not of any metals or ores vital to your economy. I would also like to speak privately with the two of you alone."

Adriana leaned in to Andrew.

"Its not a bad deal, I thought he was going to demand more rights but he didn't. I guess we can give up undiscovered useless ores. Remember those roads we traveled here on, wouldn't that mean that they would give us those roads? Isn't that great?"

"I see what you mean."

Andrew glanced at the marshal. He nodded back.

"Okay, we accept."

"Good, let us discuss more in my personal office and negotiate a bit more."


The officers and ministers began to leave. The Kaiser and the two royals were then escorted to the Kaiser's personal office.

Inside was rather plain compared to the decoration outside. Maps were strewn in all directions and piles of papers lined the large oak desk. A small cot lie in the back corner, clearly the Kaiser was a busy man.

"Lets get to business. You are positive that you are royalty."

"Yes of course. We were pursued for that fact."

Wilhelm knew that they were royalty. That strange ring of immense value, the fact that elite soldiers were tracking them to their border and strange rumors that infiltrating German agents managed to get a hold of while investigating their surroundings.

"Then let me propose this, as the last surviving male member of your what you call it, crown faction, I ask that you engage myself and your sister together."

The two royals were stunned. This was something that completely flew over their heads. They now understood why he has called them personally.

"Wait, what?"

"It is exactly as I say. If you wish for an alliance then forge it in blood. Since you do not have the forces to forge blood with marriage is the other option. This favorable for you, your sister will become Empress of the German Empire with me and I will become King of your nation. Think of it as a merging of crowns."

"I see."

Andrew could understand the intent. An outside nation with no prior connections to the Kingdom all of sudden declares support for them. Seems suspicious. It would be less suspicious if they had a monarch who was engaged to Adriana. They could spin it as a secret affair which led to the involvement of a third party. It could also justify the rights to mines and infrastructure. Andrew shuddered to think what could happen if the Junta won over this Kaiser person.

"Sir Kaiser, please let me talk to my sister. Please give me a moment."

"Go ahead."

Andrew got up with his sister. She was contorting her face. It was hard to imagine what she was feeling right now. Her younger brother was offering her to a complete stranger to reclaim the kingdom. She understood his desperation and sympathized with his grief over the loss of their older brother and betrayal of the other siblings. She knew of others that were married off in similar fashions to older men of higher standings.

The Kaiser was a good-looking man. He was mysterious yet majestic. Just from being in the same room as him one could feel his pressure. He had a strong military, immense lands and wealth. Numerous aides lined his chain of command and who knows what other secrets he held. He was also quite generous. He made concessions in his demands and didn't ask for the impossible. Its like he knew what would satisfy both parties at once.



"I'll do it. I don't know if I will ever meet another man like him. He is not the worse possible candidate, even if I don't love him."


Wilhelm could hear bits and pieces of their conversation but chose to ignore it. Wilhelm knew how dual monarchies usually worked, Austria-Hungary was a good example of a bad idea. Now that he had united all ethnic groups of the old Europe he was feeling confident in his ability to create a strong central government. However he needed an achievement to solidify his image in the people. Marrying a princess of a fallen dynasty to lay claim to her entire kingdom was a great way to romanticize himself. A cult of personality was his goal, it helped to deter assassins as well as keep stability.

"Sir Kaiser, we would like to accept your offer. Adriana Wallace will be your betrothed as well as I will support your claim to our throne."

"Excellent. Do not worry prince Andrew, you will be my close ally and brother-in-law. I recommend that you take a few classes at Bundeswehr Command and Staff College in Hamburg. I want you to be a frontline leader in this next conflict and gain some reputation."

"I understand."

Both men signed an official document solidifying the dual monarchy (AU: Wilhelm X holds most of the power anyways) and brought a marriage customs official to handle the marriage.

The prince left the room to fetch the marshal. He planned to leave his sister with his new brother-in-law and travel to Hamburg. The Kaiser offered him knowledge in warfare and he was eager for revenge for his fallen brother.

Once the prince left Wilhelm turned to his newly made fiancée.

"Lets do introductions again; I am Kaiser Adolphus Wilhelm X of the German Empire, Regent of Norway, France, Denmark, Poland, Holland, Wallonia (Belgium), Luxembourg, Austria and Bohemia (Czechoslovakia), Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht (OKW) and Emperor of all German Peoples."

(AU: such a long title."

"Hello I am Adriana Mercy Wallace 2nd Princess of the Kingdom of Epruilon, Duchess of Delruin and Helios. I am not a fighter but I can assure you that my skills in diplomacy and public relations will not fail you."

"Now that we are engaged, lets spend some time together."

Wilhelm walked to his desk and picked up the phone.

"Gertha, cancel all meetings for the rest of today. Call secretary Gustav to my office to sort my files... yes I know they will be angry. Tell them VIPs arrived without notice. Yes. Yes. Goodbye."

Wilhelm put the phone down. He looked at Adriana who had a perplexed face on. Wilhelm failed to notice before but Adriana was very pretty. That's not even the right word, she felt natural. The German (AU: Prussian. Think nobility and fancy balls) attire suited her, it matched with her long blonde hair and her green eyes. Her hands were blemished from the recent border fight but besides that she was perfect. Tie her hair back and she would look like Saber from the Fate series.

Crap Wilhelm's waifu boner started appearing. Luckily the desk blocked the view.

Adriana studied him with her green eyes. The glow from the window just enhanced its shine.

Wilhelm felt his limit being reached. He quickly pinched his left hand as hard as possible.


Anymore and he would have caused a scandal.

He decided on a stroll with Adriana through the many gardens by the Reichstag. He followed up with a trip to the main city. The locals were surprised to see their leader walking among them and soon a crowd gathered. Armed guards kept them at bay but Wilhelm shooed them away. They made their way to a nice restaurant and had a nice meal.

Afterwards they visited various famous monuments and climbed a lighthouse by the shore after a short drive. The sea breeze blew Adriana's hair as Wilhelm too his time to admire the girl that he just obtained.


Adriana could not believe what happened. Never before had a monarch visit a crowded part of a city before and not have gotten assassinated or attacked.

She could not believe how much her fiancée mingled with the public as if he wasn't the Kaiser. People drank with him, he danced, he sang, he played with paper items. It was surreal.

Adriana felt some admiration towards him after seeing how he just merged with the public. He was a cold monarch with a heart of gold.

Maybe marrying such a man isn't that bad at all?