
Will Of Fire

Alavira wishes to be free from her current life before stumbling upon an injured dragon. When the beast leaves, her village is burned to ash forcing her to move around. Years later she meets a man named Suluk. Could he be the answer to her prayers for freedom, or will her newfound hate for dragons get in the way of that? Will Suluk have enough patience to wait for her to make a decision? Come along on this adventure of self discovery, enemies to lovers, friendship, and growth. Encourage them through their struggles, and training, and cry with them through loss and discovery. These characters may capture your heart and encourage you to go outside your own comfort zone to find a new world you have yet to discover! This book is rated PG-13. There are a few curse words sprinkled in, but nothing too serious. Thank you so much for your support! This book will be entered into the Spirity Awards, so please don't forget to vote if you like it!! New chapters will be posted every Friday!

Liddia_Archer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Thirty Four: Suluk’s P.O.V.

Since the battle was won, we've all been extraordinarily busy! A few wizards and elves on Ridges side had surrendered and their trial is still waiting for everything to calm down and hear back from the King. We had lost many good people, and funeral pyres burned for weeks after. Several families and friends took their time saying goodbyes and building the monuments for their final resting places. For a moment I thought the smoke would never stop, but when it finally did a little piece of my heart ached with the rest of the city's. Ginger finally told us what had happened in the field that day and why we couldn't find Zipporah several days later, after she had worn herself out from crying. While we didn't have a body to burn for her, we still lit a pyre and placed her favorite things on there to send to her in the afterlife. Even Ginger placed a copy of a picture of her and her mother atop the flames to send as a final goodbye. 

When we had searched for bodies, we had found Sevanah's small, cold, frame kneeling in the snow with a wooden spear right through her heart. The only thing keeping her top half up as she was hunched over kneeling in the snow. She was surrounded by a large circle of fallen enemies and her shield thrown far from her body, as her weapon sat next to her broken in several pieces. Even if Kieren did not care for her, he still showed up to light her fire and stand silently with the rest of us. We had moved like ghosts after those pyres, just going about our routines after having to send such lovely people to the afterlife. I don't think I'll ever be able to apologize enough to Ginger, since it was myself that Zip had asked to handle such a task as her death when the time came. 

The year since has been dedicated to rebuilding and trying to heal the deep wounds that war inflicted upon all of us. We'll never be whole like we were, but we're at least trying to move on with life again. Luckily Ginger has Clover now, who has barely left her side since everything ended. The poor elf finally found his good sense and has recently asked Ginger out on a date. Sure it's to a family gathering, but I'll still count it! Speaking of… it's almost time! 

I fix my shirt for the hundredth time, and Kieren gently elbows me to make me quit. I chuckle nervously as I look into his eyes. "Sorry." I whisper as he just shakes his head and lets out a small sigh. I glance at the two empty seats, sitting right up front, off to the side to fill in the empty space where Ginger will stand soon, for Zipporah and Sevanah if their spirits wish to join us this evening. Ginger runs down the aisle, a small smile on her face as she looks to Clover standing on the other side of Kieren behind me. He softly smiles back to her before she turns to me with excitement and two thumbs up before stand across from me on a small step. The Queen chuckles softly from my side at her actions and leans up to whisper in my ear. "Are you ready for this young one?" I look back at her with so much excitement and nod my head so fast, someone would think that my mother asked if I wanted a candy instead. She smiles brightly and goes back to standing under a small, flower and vine arch as she waves her hand. A few string instruments play softly off to the side and my heartbeat quickens. 

I feel the tears brim my eyes, threatening to fall, as I watch Ava slowly make her way out of the trees to walk across the flower petals towards me. She's always been so breaktaking to me, but seeing her like this is making me emotional in a whole new way I'm not sure how to describe. Her long hair has been curled softly to flow around her like a river. Coal has been gently rubbed on her eyelids, as her lips have been dusted with a soft pink color to match the flowers in her hands. Her dress has small, lacy sleeves in a cream color to match the pieces flowing behind her to drag along the ground. The rest is a soft, silk to hug her curves perfectly and adorned with a floral pattern; that I know for a fact her and Ginger spent weeks dipping flowers and leaves in different colored inks to press onto the dress, to make such a lovely sight. The lacy sleeves connect in the front along the high collar of her dress to flow down the back and fan out to make long, flowing strips behind her as if it was water flowing from her. The large, soft, white buttons line down her spine and add a sense of perfect elegance I never knew one could have in a simple dress. 

My breathing has stopped altogether as she gets closer, the noise slowly fading as my focus remains on her. When she looks down to walk the few, small steps up towards me, my heart swells with pride and love. Sitting high on the back of her head, to hold a few small braids in place, is my mating gift I've had made especially for her. The slight shine the brass reflects from the sunlight, perfectly shows off the risen piece of my insignia to match my armor. The dragon in flight, circling around a shield, is accompanied by engraved scales around the edges, slowly fading so the insignia is the focal point. The long pin to hold it in place is also made of brass, and carved to look like a small sword to pierce through the hair piece. What others don't see, is underneath to lay against her hair, the part that is so special to the both of us. Engraved in my language to sit on the underside of the piece roughly translates to her English tongue as, "From the moment I laid eyes on you in that busy street of the human kingdom, to my final breath on this world I'll stand by your side. No matter what we face, or who stands in our way. You'll forever have my heart in your hands.", and the script running along the center of the sword reads, "To my fierce warrior, from the mighty dragon you have tamed." 

As she slowly raises her head to look at me with those loved filled eyes and soft smile, offering me her small hand, I can't hold the tears back anymore. Gently taking her hand in my own I help her up to the small platform we are to be wed on. While I might not understand this tradition of hers, I see why she wanted it. It feels intimate and special with the few of us gathered here to celebrate our love for each other. She chuckles softly as she reaches a hand up to gently wipe my tears away. Kieren and Clover even chuckle softly at the state I'm reduced to when seeing her like this. 

After a moment I pull myself together long enough to finish this ceremony. Helping to set her flowers on Zipporah's small stool beside her and Ginger. The moment is special, and something I will never forget. I didn't listen to a word the Queen said as my eyes are fixed on Ava's small, smiling, teary eyed form right beside to me. Kieren nudges me softly to let me know when it's time to give her the simple, golden bands to place on her finger. As she does the same to place a matching one on my finger, I notice her hands shake softly as well, and it makes me fall deeper in love with her, something I didn't think was possible, to know she feels the same way I do in this moment. 

I'm overly excited to get to kiss her and barely contain myself until I finally get the go ahead to do so. Pulling her to me and dipping down, smiling like a fool as she makes that little surprised sound and is now looking up at me giggling happily. I kiss her deeply, pouring my love, passion, happiness, devotion, and adoration into one kiss just for her. Feeling her melt into my arms as her small hands grip my shirt to pull me closer as she returns the emotions, makes my chest ache at how much my heart swells for this tiny, fierce, lovely human woman. How I wish I could celebrate our union tonight, but I must wait until our other ceremony is over. We agreed to this small get together, for our chosen family, to be ourselves with each other and celebrate with them first. Tomorrow is the mating union, us dragons throw, that will last one to two weeks. Only the first three days will be spent with friends, family, and others who show up to celebrate with us in this joyous occasion. It'll announce to the kingdom that we are one, and acknowledge our mate bond. That is when I can finally enjoy only her company for several days after. 

For tonight I'll enjoy the fellowship of our small family we've made here, and the company of my wife, before she leaves to stay with Ginger to prepare for the party tomorrow. 


  Since the mating bond is such a rare and sacred thing, I should have known the whole kingdom would try to show up just to get a glimpse of my mark. I stand in the street, just before the palace, in traditional deer hide pants with beaded cross stitching down the outside of my legs, to show off a little bit of skin. It's not something I'd prefer to wear, but everyone's mark is in a different spot, so I don't get a say so in this. The warrior paint across my arms, back, stomach, face and chest accentuate my mark in the center. The dark mark looking as if it had been made from a lightning strike to resemble a dragon bowing to a huntress with a bow wrapped around, while she holds a sword in the other hand to point to the ground, her other hand reaching out to pet the dragon. The headdress feels a bit ridiculous as feathers, scales and a few herbs have been woven to sit upon my head and loosely hang down the back of my hair. The wrist cuffs I wear are leather and symbolize my position among the royal court and soldiers. 

  Kieren and Clover stand off behind me on either side, as my escorts to Ava. We will walk down this path to meet her, the Queen and Ginger in the middle to let everyone see us and notify them of our mate bond. Kieren links with me, his smug voice at my nervousness reminds me of how I teased him when he had gotten wed to Milli. 'Ready you big goof. Time to go get your mate.' He chuckles softly and pushes me forward. We walk for a while, many people have gathered along the path to get a glimpse, while others fly overhead or hang out of windows. Many have small shells, flower petals, and even bread crumbs to throw when I meet Ava in the middle. While a few stray bards and other musicians play happy tunes as we walk. Seeing a few children and maidens dance as we pass, brings a small smile to my face to know they are as happy as I am to be here. 

  I see her in the distance, and it takes Kieren's yelling and stubbornness in the link to keep on track and not run to her. She walks slowly, a small blush on her cheeks from all the attention as she traces her hand over the small line of children hands that stick out to try and touch her. Her smile is radiant and she looks like a living piece of art. Decorative braids adorn her hair to hang down into the rest that flow freely. Many are adorned with flowers, herbs and small, shiny trinkets. She's painted in vibrant, eye-catching colors where her arms, legs, back, stomach and part of her chest are bare. Her face is lightly covered in the darker colors of warrior's paint to match my own, and her small feet are painted as well and shine softly with small jewels. She wears vines, moss, and flowers to cover the parts that only I'm allowed to see and it makes a perfect two piece set on her as the small, brass, scale shaped belt sits on her hips to hold my hair piece. I chuckle to myself softly knowing she had to fight to wear that somewhere, and that was the only compromise they could come up with. 

  When we finally meet in the middle I'm so full of love and pride, I'm barely able to hold myself back from picking her up and leaving to finally take her home. She smiles up at me and takes off running the last few feet towards me, to the Queen's laughter and Ginger's disapproval. Thankfully the paints are blessed to not mess up, or wash off until later tonight when everything is done. When she jumps up I catch her effortlessly and place my lips to hers without a second thought. The crowd erupts into shouts of joy and whistling, as people throw what they have in their hands to shower over us. Large dragons fly overhead to shower everyone in small, sparkling, carefully colored ash to fill the sky and all of us in a colorful rain shower of ashes. When the dust settles all of the soldiers have gathered to hold their swords up to make an arch for us to walk towards the fields where the rest of the ceremony will proceed with music, dancing, gifts, and feasting for the rest of the night. This will go on for two more days before I can take my lovely mate, my little warrior, home to claim fully as mine.