
Will Of Fire

Alavira wishes to be free from her current life before stumbling upon an injured dragon. When the beast leaves, her village is burned to ash forcing her to move around. Years later she meets a man named Suluk. Could he be the answer to her prayers for freedom, or will her newfound hate for dragons get in the way of that? Will Suluk have enough patience to wait for her to make a decision? Come along on this adventure of self discovery, enemies to lovers, friendship, and growth. Encourage them through their struggles, and training, and cry with them through loss and discovery. These characters may capture your heart and encourage you to go outside your own comfort zone to find a new world you have yet to discover! This book is rated PG-13. There are a few curse words sprinkled in, but nothing too serious. Thank you so much for your support! This book will be entered into the Spirity Awards, so please don't forget to vote if you like it!! New chapters will be posted every Friday!

Liddia_Archer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Suluk P.O.V.

I'm surprised to hear that Zipporah had called this meeting, but it was also inevitable. She had talked to me and Kieren about the vision she had as a courtesy, but the royal family should definitely know about what is going to be coming to their kingdom.

Kieren and I walk into the castle, the guards only giving us a quick once over but never stopping us. We've been here so much for business the only time we ever get stopped is when someone new is working here and is unfamiliar with us. We try to come visit often enough to keep even the maids well informed of who we are, since Kieren nearly gave one a heart attack one day showing up unannounced.

"Apologies for our tardiness, your highness." Kieren bows lowly. I follow suit quickly after walking into the large room. The Queen gives us a welcoming, kind smile while the King waves his hand to signal us to take a seat at the long, slim oak table. We take a seat up next to King and Queen along with their guards and council.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. My own apologies for the haste, but it could not wait." Zipporah stands at the center left side of the table, giving a nod to everyone.

"You said it was urgent, and I'd hate to ignore such a talented person, such as yourself. The floor is all yours, Lady of the Rains." The Kings' booming, thickly accented voice commands the room as he nods to her. The Queen doing the same to show Zip respect.

Zip locks her spine as she brings her hands out in front of her, summoning the water running through the middle of the table to circle around a long, slim open flame, to her. She looks like a water goddess. Commanding the attention of the room on her with grace and confidence. Her voice is controlled, even and audible as she speaks clearly and slowly for everyone to understand her, even those with a translator.

"Good people of the Siriane Kingdom, from protectors to advisors, I have had a vision. One that not only puts our people, but this wonderful kingdom at stake." The room holds its breath, the only sound coming from her manipulating the water to make a scene of her vision. The faint splashing and churning of water being moved is the only thing in the silence that seems to stretch. "Next winter, when the ice hangs from the trees and the snow sticks thickly, we will be tested by forces that know us well."

"Ridge…" The room hisses back to her in hushed rage.

She just nods and freezes the water into the scene before us, floating so everyone can see the ice sculpture she had created. "Yes. My friends here, he is not the only rogue dragon running around out there in the world, and they have recruited others like them of different species in his mad crusade. They will come, and change will happen." Gasps and horrified scoffs fill the air as she speaks. "It is up to direct that change for the better or worse. We can try to reach out to negotiate terms, but from what I've seen it will not be easy if we go down that route."

Everyone, true to form, burst out arguing on the spot. Kieren and I just look up to the detailed sculpture to see how much trouble we'll be in. Small, icy, men and women frozen running at each other with weapons drawn, as various creatures fly above them with various weapons, talons, and even large boulders. The scene depicted looks gruesome and barbaric, just like war. If Zip saw a war I'm not sure why she's even speaking about trying to negotiate with them. Her visions are never wrong and rarely ever change.

'I was just thinking the same thing. She's either trying to change an outcome of something else, or wanting to see what will happen if these men and women are faced with a tough decision to see who she can truly trust. Maybe a secret mission for the king, to weed out who he needs to get rid of before war talks begin?' Kieren stares at the sculpture and it's one of the few times I'm glad he's already connected to the link.

'She keeps looking around the room like she's looking for something, but hasn't stopped the arguing or pointed anyone out. The King and Queen also have been oddly quiet through all of this so far. If anyone should be making a scene about this information it should be them. Maybe trying to squeeze a mole out?' I suggest as I slowly look around the room and really assess everyone who has shown up for this meeting. Kieren barely nods as he also looks down and starts looking the room over to see who is all here.

'She looks like she has spotted someone who is not holding up to her standard. Did you see that?' Kieren sounds amused as curiosity trickles down the link.

Looking over I see what he is talking about. A handful of men we've never seen before are acting oddly at this new information. Zipporah quickly looks between the Kings Guards over to the men. They all glance to the King, who also looks disapproving to the men. With a quick, shallow nod the guards waste no time walking down to that end of the table and apprehending the men. Dragging all of them, most screaming and kicking, out of the room. Everyone remains silent, watching with wide eyes and mouths agape at the scene before us. The doors shut heavily, their sound filling the now silent room as we all just look around at each other, confused about what just happened.

'Look alive. The King is about to speak.' Kieren's words draw my attention back to him, bewildered.

'How do you know that?' I glance at him from the corner of my eye, confused and tired already from the day's events.

'Because I actually pay attention to what is happening around me. Unlike you.' He gently hits my ribs with his elbow, before I have time to respond, the KIng is standing.

"Sorry for all the confusion ladies and gentlemen. We had a leak in our upper ranks, so we had devised a plan to weed them out. Now that all that is taken care of, Lady of the Rains, you may proceed." The mightiness and confidence in his voice doesn't go unnoticed. Everyone seems to straighten a little more at his tone, while all eyes snap back to Zip. I can feel the amusement trickle down the link from Kieren, but decide to ignore it and pay attention this time.

"Thank you, your grace. As I was saying, a war is coming. Talks of peace won't help, although I can say with a saddened heart I wish they would, to avoid the heartache that will come from this. As we all know Ridge is heading the command of this rogue alliance he is forming as we speak. They want change, to rule over the humans and other races so we must stop them quickly, before they spread like a plague." Zipporah changes the ice around to show several people standing in a field. The one at the front in bear pelt pants and an ax hanging crudely behind him with a piece of rope is none other than Ridge. I'd know that stance anywhere. Of course it helps to spot him with the new scar across his face.

"My apologies, I'm new so I'm not sure who it is we're talking about right now." A small, quiet voice pipes up before a chair scraping the floor is echoing down the long room. A small, slim woman stands toward the end of the table on mine and Kierens side. Her large, pale blue and purple wings don't go unnoticed. Whispers break out, all of us trying to figure out who this new woman is.

"Everyone this Sevanah Evermore. She is new to this court, being a Fae refugee and a dignitary, she will be treated with respect and brought up to speed. If you don't mind." The Queen's soft, riegel voice flows down the room as everyones accepting silence follows. She nods to Zip, who only nods back. Before she has a chance to explain, an older human man stands.

"My apologies queen, but if she is a new refugee why is she here? I'm not questioning your choices, I am just confused." He bows before them, an angry king slowly calming down from just one touch of his wife's hand placed gently on his. Those who don't believe in mates seem to even question that choice just from watching them interact in small, unspoken gestures like the one before us now.

"I understand that may have been confusing. My apologies for not explaining properly, good sir. She is a new refugee as I stated, but I have known her for a long time. She is like family and is a trusted member of my court and council. She may be new but I expect her to be treated with respect and dignity like the rest of you in this room. Did that make some things clear?" She smiles softly at the man, even if a roaring fire burns in her eyes, quietly daring him to question her again. The man just nods, bows and sits back down quietly. Zip heeds no mind and starts to explain slowly and thoroughly to the newcomer, who listens closely and sparkles slightly when she moves in the light just right.

"Welcome to our kingdom and court Lady Sevanah, it's a pleasure to have you. To keep it simple Ridge is a dragon, like many at this table. He's one of the many, these two men," She waves her hand to Kieren and I quickly. "Suluk and Kieren, have trained. He was a fierce warrior of ours, he even has a few magical affinities like the select few here. As he grew older and stronger he began to question things, which is not a bad thing, but his views started to change and twist. He believes that dragons and wizards should be ruling over the world, since they are both the strongest beings here. He believes it's wrong to be kept in separate kingdoms and try to make peace treaties with other races and species like we are, and that we should just take everything for ourselves. He acted out and committed crimes under the guise of a member of this court while he was out on a mission. He's dangerous and cunning. When he was being brought in to pay for his crimes and go before a court, he killed the guards and ran, becoming a rogue. He has been gathering followers who believe in similar ideas and now will wage war with us, come next winter." Zip finishes up and the room erupts in gasps and disbelieving whispers yet again.

Kieren and I pretend to be surprised also, watching others reactions closely. Sevanah seems shocked, but not knowing Ridge like we did, she takes the news better than the rest of the room.

"Thank you for explaining this to me. This is a big situation then! I'm glad I can offer my assistance." Sevanah says as she nods to both Zip and the Queen before sitting down. Making all three of us look to each other confused.

'What does that mean that she'll help?' I throw down the link without thinking. Saying the one thing I know, Zip is also mulling over on the other side of the table.

'I'm not sure either, but from the look they're giving us, I have to assume that she'll be working with us closely.' Kieren nods to the royalty sitting at the end of the table just a little higher than the rest of us on a small platform.

Looking quickly over to them I've seen those looks before. The look of they know something we don't but soon will. A look that tells us to stay for a moment after this meeting and talk with them. We just bow our heads obediently before looking at each other and then to the small, sparkly fairy down the table.


Arriving at Ava's is a welcomed relief. Landing on the ground and dusting my boots off on the matt, Kieren following hot on my heels. Ava's warm and bright smile shines at us as we walk in. "Welcome back!" Her excitement is contagious, making me smile as well.

"Should I say something like 'Darling I'm home!'?" I tease lightly, making her blush and throw a rag, she had draped on her shoulder, at me.

"No! I just meant you were both here earlier, and now you're back. I was trying to be nice." She rolls those mixed eyes and turns around to grab plates.

"Hello Ava. It's nice to see you again. I hope you don't mind we brought a guest with us?" Kieren nods to her as she turns around surprised.

"Oh? So I need another plate? Is it Zipporah or Ginger?" She turns and grabs one more plate.

"No, her name is Sevanah and she's new. We're supposed to sit down and talk with her, and we thought you would like her." Kierens blunt, and even tone makes me wanna scream! I hate when he talks like that, but he does it to get under my skin.

"Oh… someone new?" Her voice sounds a little worried, even if she won't let it show on her face.

"You'll like her. She's a fairy refugee, new to the council and apparently we'll be working closely with her for a while." I explain as I walk up beside her, grabbing glasses and looking for silverware to place out as well.

"I have enough for everyone. Where is she?" She looks out the large, round window before turning and brushing past me to grab the silverware I was on the hunt for.

"She'll be here soon. We gave her the address, but she had to speak with the Queen first." Kierens tone lightens a bit, as he didn't get the reaction out of me that he was looking for.

It's not long until we're all sitting around the table, eating happily and making small talk. "Sevanah was it?" Ava looks across the table at her first new guest. The small woman nods and smiles happily at her. "How are you liking the Siriane Kingdom so far?"

'This is going better than I thought. I figured Ava would've kicked us all out for not giving her warning before inviting another person.' Kierens smug voice echoes in my mind.

'Oh, I'm sure it'll come after she leaves. We'll both get an ear full before we step foot out of this house.' I chuckle and look between the ladies. Kierens own chuckle echoes back down the link.

"It's been a bit of a….. Shock, I would say. I wish I was coming on better circumstances, but it's a beautiful place and the people have all been so nice. How about you? They told me you were also new here, correct?" Her round, large blue eyes watch Ava with curiosity and excitement. To our surprise Ava smiles and nods.

"I've only been here a few months, but it has also been pleasant. I have to agree the land is beautiful and people have been patient with me as well. I can agree on wishing to come under better circumstances." She chuckles and gives me a side eye making Kieren let out a breathy chuckle as well, that he tries to cover up with a fake cough.

"Oh, I didn't mean to cause a problem. I-"

"No, no you didn't. It's just kind of an odd situation that landed Miss Alavira here." Kieren tries to delicately explain Ava's journey here to Sevanah.

"I was a slave in the human kingdoms for a while. Suluk bought me and gave me my freedom and now I'm here." Ava speaks so nonchalantly and shrugs before taking a drink, that one might think she was fine. However, I saw the look in her eyes, her past still haunts her even if she's been joking about it from time to time recently. She doesn't talk about what she went through, but I hope one day when she's ready she'll talk to me and let some of that pain go.

Kieren chokes on air and Sevanah looks at her bewildered. Ava shrugs and looks around the table in time to see me throw my palm to my forehead and shake my head disapprovingly. "What? That's what happened! I mean a simpler version, but basically that's it!" She tries to defend herself.

"Were you a prisonnier? That's why some of the dark fae have slaves, they're criminals who have to serve out their sentences. However, it's reserved for more harsh crimes." That has both of us men looking at this small fae woman with wide eyes.

"Really? I didn't know other kingdoms did that! I was sold into the trade by my father to pay off his debts." This now has Sevanah looking just as wide eyed at Ava as we were to her. This conversation makes my head spin, and I can feel the same emotion from Kieren.

"That's awful! I'm so sorry!" She places a hand over her chest as her eyes show heartache and sorrow for this new woman she just met. Ava waves her off and leans back into her chair.

"It's behind me now, and has actually helped in training recently, so that's a plus at least." She smirks over to Kieren who is pretending to be really interested in the crumbs left on his plate.

'I have missed something..'

'You've missed a lot the last two sessions.' Is all he responds with, barely looking up at me through his lashes and hair before returning his calculating gaze back to the plate. Making me raise a brow and pulse curiosity down the link before he shuts me out.