
Will Of Fire

Alavira wishes to be free from her current life before stumbling upon an injured dragon. When the beast leaves, her village is burned to ash forcing her to move around. Years later she meets a man named Suluk. Could he be the answer to her prayers for freedom, or will her newfound hate for dragons get in the way of that? Will Suluk have enough patience to wait for her to make a decision? Come along on this adventure of self discovery, enemies to lovers, friendship, and growth. Encourage them through their struggles, and training, and cry with them through loss and discovery. These characters may capture your heart and encourage you to go outside your own comfort zone to find a new world you have yet to discover! This book is rated PG-13. There are a few curse words sprinkled in, but nothing too serious. Thank you so much for your support! This book will be entered into the Spirity Awards, so please don't forget to vote if you like it!! New chapters will be posted every Friday!

Liddia_Archer · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter Eight: Alavria P.O.V.

Anger, white hot, and fearsome makes my stomach churn as I see the hurt look cross Suluks face at my rejection of him. I can't find sympathy for him or Kieren right now as my anger and betrayal take over.

"Ava? What is wrong?" Kieren is the first to speak, his hand firmly placed on Suluks shoulder to hold him back from stepping closer.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?!? YOU BOTH LIED TO ME! YOU'RE DRAGONS, AND DIDN'T THINK TO INFORM ME OF THAT?! I-" Taking a deep breath I close my eyes tightly and press further into the wall trying to ground myself from screaming. "I should have been told. You both should have said something before this mess happened." My voice is shaky, a little horse still as I fight the tears that threaten to fall from anger and betrayal.

"Why does it matter? Ava, why do you care if we're dragons?" Kieren asks softly, unsure what is happening. I can see it on their faces. The confusion and uncertainty.

"Because I can never work with, or for a dragon." Is all I answer as I glare at the both of them.

"That's not true. Ava, you helped me. I was hurt and stranded in the forest. You saved my life. I'm the dragon you helped all those years ago. I know you don't hate our kind." Suluk tries to reason with me, his voice pleading and small as he stares into my eyes.

My blood boils over. Anger consuming me. All I see is red as I lunge at him, hands outstretched as the words coat my throat and mouth like venom to spit at him. "SO IT WAS YOU?! I HATE YOU!!! WHY WOULD BURN DOWN MY VILLAGE AFTER I HELPED YOU?!" Kieren reaches out and catches me before I can get my hands on Suluk as I scream and thrash around in his hold. "I DON'T CARE IF THE KING TRUST YOU! IF YOU CAN'T LIE! IF YOU PROMISED ME MY FREEDOM! I'VE SWORN OVER THE GRAVES OF MY FALLEN FRIENDS THAT I WOULD KILL YOU!!!" I watch as confusion, hurt, anguish and shock flicker over his face. Hot tears stream down my cheeks as I don't let up in trying to lay my hands on him. Kieren continues to hold me as if I weigh nothing, only pissing me off more.

"Ava, there has to be a misunderstanding. Suluk would have never burned down your village. He left with me as soon as I showed up and healed him the rest of the way." Kieren tries to reason with me yet again, but he sounds far off, as if he is miles away, as blood roars in my ears. I watch as the world shifts and my palms hit Kierens back as he tosses me over his shoulder. Watching as the marbled hall moves beneath his feet as I continue to roar my anger at Suluks shrinking figure.

It's not long before I'm sat roughly on a bench, unable to move. Looking around I notice were sitting in a garden, directly in front of a fountain, surrounded by tall trees, thick bushes with beautiful, colorful flowers growing in a chaotic beauty throughout them. Soft grass and large stones adorn the ground while birds chirp and leaves rustle from a breeze nearby.

"We need to talk." Is all Kieren states as he sits next to me on the large bench. Looking down to myself I notice there are deep black, smoky bindings on me stretching from the shadows by his feet. They remind me of the one time I was at the sea and saw a creature I can no longer remember the name of, but I believe the things it had on it were called tentacles. This smoky, smooth substance reminds me of them as they are so void of color it looks like it sucks the little bit of light left into it and devours it whole. Struggling is pointless, these things only wrap tighter the more I wiggle around trying to escape. That is until I give up and sit there stiffly staring at the continuously falling water.

"What is there to talk about?" I don't even look over to him as I sit there feeling as though I'm not truly in my own body anymore. As if I'm watching and hearing everything from some far away place again. Anger has slowly subsided into grief for my friends, and despair for the people I thought I could trust.

"Why do you believe Suluk burned your village?" His calm demeanor and blank face irritate me further.

"A dragon came through and destroyed my village, burning everything to ash in its wake. After saving who I could I ran back to see if the one in the forest was still there, and it was gone. It's not hard to put the pieces together." My reply is flat, stoic. I see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me with sadness and confusion for a fraction of a second before staring at the fountain again with me.

"A number of dragons have that ability, Ava. It was raining that night… Even if it was Suluk the flames would have been out pretty quickly with the water falling that heavily. What else do you remember?" He pries, trying to clear his friend's name.

"We couldn't get them to go out no matter what we did. They were purple and so hot that even the things around it, that weren't in flames, caught fire and melted away. I lost my friends, the little bit of a life I had made, all in one night." The tears return as I replay that night over in my head. The screams, the crackling of wood, the sounds of stones tumbling and breaking apart. Kieren moves, drawing my attention as he kneels in front of me on the grass. Looking up at me with anger in his eyes, determination on his face.

"Ava, listen to me closely. It was not Suluk who hurt your village. It was Ridge. He's a rogue dragon we've been tracking. He was on the way to kill Suluk that night, that's why I came to retrieve him. I had no idea he was that close to humans. The fault is mine. I will beg for forgiveness if that is what you want. Or I will make a pact with you, right here and now to avenge your village and friends for you. I will do everything in my power to stop him." Kierens voice is low and menacing, the promise of death falls thick off his tongue.

I stare at him bewildered for a moment as I process the words he just told me. The information hits me hard, and I grow numb with that realization. "It wasn't Suluk…." I whisper. Kieren shakes his head as he just sits there and watches me closely. "It was someone else?" He nods and reaches a hand out to me as the smoky tentacles retreat back to him. It takes a moment but I gather my bearings and decide on a new mission, my resolve settling into place. A bell in the distance lets us know it's time for dinner and I stand up swiftly, making Kieren fall back to not be knocked down by my sudden movement.

"Ava?" His voice is wary as he watches me, standing to follow wherever I may go.

"It's time for dinner. We can't keep the king waiting." My voice is blank, soft as if it's not me speaking. I wipe my face as my feet carry me anywhere else. Kieren close behind. I'm surprised when we make it to the dining hall. A long, large, delicately decorated table and chairs sit in the middle. A setting fit for royalty. Two chairs sit empty by Suluk. Kieren and I quickly take their spots as Suluk looks to us worried, his stare eventually settling on Kieren when I do not acknowledge him. It looks like they have a silent conversation before his stare settles on me again.

"Thank you all for joining me for dinner." The king's voice floats through the room. We all stand as he enters and takes a seat. Many people are here, royalty, noblemen from the meetings before, a few knights, and even a few lords have come to see about the business happening with the dragons it would seem. Kizen enters with the king, taking a seat beside him, right across from Suluk. I have sat between Kieren and knight it would seem.

"So Suluk and Kieren is it?" Kizens aged voice reaches across the table as the maids remove the domes over our plates. The food smells so good it makes my mouth water. They both nod and I wait to see if I will be allowed to sit here at the table with everyone else or asked to be seated back in the kitchen with the others. Kizen seems to notice this dilemma as he turns to me with a scowl. "Slaves do not sit with us." He announces, making everyone look at me.

"She is not a slave at this moment. She is a guest. An esteemed guest of the royal family might I add. So you will watch your tongue here boy." The king reprimands him, the icy stare making Kizen back down a little. He bows and ignores me, making everyone's attention turn back to their plates. All taking bites after the king. Kieren leans over to whisper to me.

"Eat Ava, do not let him win." He looks down at my plate before leaning back into his chair. I stiffly bring the fork to my mouth, a small bite taken as the most delicious flavors enter my mouth.

"You two are dragons, yes? I assume high ranking ones if you were trusted to come here to talk about trade." Kizen pries as he eats. That cool mask of indifference covers both Suluk and Kierens faces as they look at him.

"Yes. Kieren and I both work directly under the King and Queen." Suluk answers, sitting tall and proud as he speaks to Kizen.

"Is that so? May I inquire as to what business you do for them?" Kizen is prying for something, but I can not figure out what yet. He knows my hatred for dragons, he must assume if he can get them to talk about it more then I'll choose him by the end of the night. I have to admit that making my mind up is harder than I thought it would be now knowing what I do.

"Suluk is commander of the royal army, along with ensuring the kingdom's safety and wellbeing. He has been a right hand to the royal family and an advisor when needed. I help him in those endeavors, but I am mainly needed as an advisor and council member of the kingdom's people to speak with the royal family on certain matters and vice versa." Kieren explains flatly. Suluk looks like he is the picture of pure boredom and nonchalant as this conversation continues.

I'm so out of place that every fiber of my being wants to just pick up my plate and go to the kitchen where I usually eat, but I know that won't accomplish anything except proving Kizen right and angering the king and his two new guests. I watch as this awkward conversation turns to what everyone has been speaking about all day, trading and the kingdoms need for expansion. Fidgeting in my seat as I decide I no longer want to eat, I feel Suluks gaze drift to me subtly. Avoiding him completely I look to the king for approval to be dismissed.

"Ava, dear, are you finished?" He asks softly, giving me understanding eyes as I bow slightly and give my apologies for not finishing my plate. "No need to worry sweet girl. You have a lot on your mind I'm sure. You have an important decision to make soon. Please feel free to go explore the gardens if you like. I'll have someone retrieve you to speak with me later." He smiles softly at me as I stand. Bowing once again and silently leaving to wonder the castle.

It's quiet, the breeze a little chilly as it blows through open windows. I think back to the garden Kieren and I sat in earlier. My feet carry me there without a second thought, a nice soldier gave me a lantern on my way to help me see where I'm going.

I find the bench I was on before, the lantern at my side as I look around. It's a little further from the palace than I remember. Blowing the candle out as I let the cool, calming, darkness swallow me. The stars become shining beacons in the darkness as the sliver of the moon that can be seen shines brightly, as if showing the stars how to do so. I look up to them, searching for an answer I know is not there. Searching for any sign, any help in making this difficult decision.

Time feels as though it stands still, as if giving me the moment I need to truly think over all the new information I've learned in such a short amount of time. The breeze stills, the leaves quiet, the only sounds out here are my steady breathing and the steady stream of water falling from the carefully chiseled fountain. The lady holding a net full of intricate fish as water falls from the bottom of it, as if she just pulled it up. Admiring the way the artist made it seem she's almost standing up all the way, but still slightly bent. Her hair falls delicately over her shoulder and the bottom of her dress looks to be sticking to her from the water. She stands in water up to the middle of her calf. She's beautiful, unmoving, ageless, and looks happy. I can't help but think that this lovely, stone lady has more emotion in her fake eyes than I have since I was a child. The irony in that tugs the corner of my mouth before taking a deep breath.

As always, time continues on whether we want it to or not.

"Alavira? The king requests your presence in his chambers. He wishes to speak with you." A small, high pitched voice calls out to me in the dark. Taking one last deep breath and standing I hand the lamp to her.

"Thank you. Can you show me the way?" I follow her as she smiles at me and walks quickly to our destination.

It's not long before my heart races and my hands sweat as I stand in front of the large oak doors. Small plants and animals carved around its edges as an opal moon and what I believe to be a yellow jasper sun sit opposite each other on each door. Raising a shaking fist I gently knock on the firm, polished wood. Waiting patiently before the door opens to reveal a knight who looks to be off duty, inviting me in.

"Ah there you are. Please excuse Sir Keives. We're playing a game of chess. I can ask him to leave if you wish?" The king speaks to me as if I am an old friend, helping simultaneously calm and send my nerves on edge all at once.

"Oh, no sir. I don't mind. I have my answer, I believe." I announce without giving myself a chance to think it over any longer.