

Xing Shu was always a very side lined kid since childhood. During her Childhood she was fat and she never knew the ways to interact with the people. She was a very simple kid with no skills to please people.

She was disliked by people and she rarely had a few friends. Whole of her childhood was very boring and she interacted with just few people. She was always shy and used to talk a lot but with only her family members.

She was a really chubby girl. She was always side lined. She was lost in her own world.

She always dreamt of having a perfect partner with whom she can spent her whole life.

She was always very honest .She was a very simple girl . Her life was very simple since beginning. She was happy in her small world.

She was average in her studies. She never knew life will be difficult once she gets bigger.

She always related with problems of others. She felt as if she is feeling pain of every single person. She felt as if she is catching energies of other people.

She was a very emotional girl. She was filled with emotions. She always had this mercy for others. And she always felt that people are kind everywhere ( little did she had any idea about how cruel the World is ).. (She was unaware of the upcoming challenges life had for her)..

She always felt this absence of love and care and warmth. She always used to think about her dream person who would provide her with all the love and care.

As she grew bigger she slowly became more and more introvert and more and silent. She slowing was realising the cruelty of life.

Things started to borther her slowly. She started realising the absence of friends in her life. She was realising that it is going to be difficult for her to survive in this competitive world.