
Will I Ever Be Free

On one of Talaghan’s car rides he does when he wants time for himself to think. He is involved in a tragic accident that injured hundreds of people but he was the only one to face death. As he awakens, Death itself is sitting in front of him with a grin and asks, “You have two choices. Reincarnate back to your world or begin a new life in another”. In response, Talaghan stands up and says, “I choose a new life”.

Taraghan · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: A New World

I'm suddenly awoken by the noise of my sister banging on my door.

"Wake up brother! I'm going to be late for school!"

Memories of meeting Eshtaed began to flow back into my mind. The last thing I remembered was her final words before snapping me back to Earth.

"I'm going to reincarnate you, but you won't have the same body as before. You'll look different but your memories of your family, and living beloved sister will be there waiting. This is the least I can do in return for toying with you."

I should go look in the mirror to see if she was really telling the truth. As I walk over to my cheval mirror, I start to notice what she said she was going to do was true.

Holy crap! Is this even me? I can pass as a Korean model with these looks. My body is fit with good muscle tone too. She really changed my entire appearance.

Enough of looking at myself, I don't want to look like a narcissist in front of my sister. I walk over to open my door, suddenly, my sister comes bursting in and tackles me to the ground.


"Hey, I'm already awake", I chuckle.

With an angry face, she looked me dead in the eye and grabbed my shirt to pull me up. Sitting up now I pick her up and move her aside so I can get on my feet. Still nagging me to hurry, I quickly get dressed and take her to school.

As I grab the keys and make our way down to the parking lot, I notice car keys are attached to our apartment keys.

What else did Eshtaed change on Earth after I told her I wanted to come back?

Thoughts were coming into my head again but I decided to worry about it after I sent my sister to school. It feels like it's been an eternity since I last saw her and I'm glad I was given a second chance to do so.

On the ride to her school, I glanced at Aera and noticed she was fiddling with her fingers. It seemed like she wanted to say something to me but didn't have the courage to. We still have about thirty minutes of driving but I decided to not say anything to her. I had a sense of feeling to not say anything until she talked first. So the rest of the drive to her school was quiet.

We arrived shortly after a long silence. I look at Aera as she's unbuckling herself from the seatbelt and grabbing her school bag. Reminding me of mom and Aecha, her older sister, tears slowly roll down my face. Past memories of everyone together begin to screen through my mind.

As Aera finished grabbing her stuff she looks at me and notices my river of tears.

"A-are you okay big brother?", she says hesitantly.

When she said that I my forearm sleeve to cover both eyes and smile at her. I don't want her to worry about anything else.

"I'm okay, it's just really windy today that's why my eyes got watery," I chuckled.

Getting out of the car I walk over to help Aera out as well. She grasps her school bag tightly and stares at me, then at her school. I'm not sure what she is thinking about but I hurriedly tell her to go since she only has 5 minutes left to be on time.

Aera hurries into the school building but before she is far enough away she turns around and looks at me. With a big smile and screaming at the top of her lungs, she tells me she loves me and she'll see me later. I smile back, wave her goodbye, and drive back home.

Getting back home I didn't see this before but our place is really messy. I should start cleaning up before I do anything else.

After a few hours of cleaning up our apartment, it looked as clean as a crystal. I'm quite proud of myself for doing such a good job. Anyway, enough boasting about my job well done I should start preparing dinner before I go back to pick up Aera from school.

"Wait... I didn't even prepare her lunch for school nor did I ask if she prepared some for herself! Has she been starving this entire day? What if she becomes ill due to a lack of nutrients?"

Becoming more worried and asking myself all these questions I quickly hurry to the grocery store.

At the grocery store, I decide to grab random ingredients to make something for her since I don't have much time left. I know she likes to eat more meat than vegetables but it's not good for her to have meat as her main diet. I should grab more vegetables to make sure she has a nutritious meal.

By the time I finish shopping and head home to prepare dinner for Aera, it's already close to picking her up from school. I should do my best to quickly make at least half the dishes before I pick her up.

I quickly do my best and finish half the dishes I wanted to cook for Aera and rush to pick her up from school.

I arrive at her school earlier than expected and have ten minutes to do something. I think I'll take a walk around the campus since the last time I was here, it was during her opening ceremony. There shouldn't be too much of a problem if I walk around a bit.

Even though there are only ten minutes of class left, shouldn't it be a bit noisy with the school clubs occurring after school? I wonder where everyone is at?

Just as luck has it...

It was too quiet...

The sky became darker...

The moon shining brightly...

A mist began to form...

I don't know where Aera is at but I'm getting a bad feeling about what is to come next...

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

This is my 2nd chapter of this light novel of a project of mine. I like where it is going so far but still have an uneasy feeling whenever I submit a new chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Taraghancreators' thoughts