

"Seriously? This is what you have decided to go with? Alright, then." Lauren took two courageous steps near him, almost staring into his red eyes. "Kill me!" She challenged him in almost a whisper, which echoed in his ears. Elliott eyes grew dark, his pupils dilated, taking in the sight of the brave girl still standing staring at him. The scent of human blood wafted towards him, causing his fangs to protrude and his mouth to water. He could feel the thirst raging within him. "You aren't taking it seriously, are you?" He questioned, frustrated — like she had never seen him before. He looked down and shook his head harder, trying to get rid of the newfound desire to devour her. Lauren could feel anger burning inside her. "Why should I? When you are talking like some psychopath... Well, just so you know, if I'm in danger, you're in danger too. And what if I spill the beans about you being a vampire? Think about that." Lauren raised her eyebrows as she stared at him, amused at herself. 'I'm doing it great. I just need to stay away from him after this,' she thought. He stopped then, motionless for a moment. Seconds seemed to pass by as Elliott took his very own sweet time to answer her. The corner of his lips curved upward as he bend down towards her level, stared straight in her big charcoal eyes. "A lowly human like you, who can just threaten us with warnings like this, and then obviously will not expose something that will result in their own life." His words were sharp as knives. It was hard to know, if he was insulting her or warning her. Elliott chuckled, and his eyes, which turned just dark red, stared into hers, where his were much darker than hers. He noticed the fear, confusion, and ego that had been shaken now. Elliott cleared his throat. "I don't understand you," he told her suddenly, his black-magic voice so quiet that she had to strain to hear him. She narrowed her eyes at him, not trusting herself to speak, and she was still deciding the best course of action when he said "Aren't you afraid? The demon will come for you," he observed her reaction and noticed how she gasped in what looked like a slight emotion of fear. But she retracted her expression and showed her brave side, while he knew how her breathing were working. "Why do you save me?" — - Most of the chapters are above 1500 words . - 1 super gift 3 chapters next day. — Other Books: Ruins Of The Glory (ongoing) Thee Spark (upcoming)

ashk29 · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Make your skin crawl

The secrets she wanted to know were already making her impatient. On the other side, there's Elliott, who didn't speak a word for another minute. Lauren was close to thinking that may be he didn't hear her.

"And how are you so sure that it's my painting?" he finally asked, breaking the silence. Lauren took a deep breath before answering, trying to keep her voice steady. 

"I just have a feeling," Lauren said, hoping it would be enough to convince him. But Elliott wasn't convinced. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her with a sceptical expression. 

"That's not good enough," he said. "I need more than just a feeling." Lauren bit her lip, feeling frustrated and helpless. She knew that she had to find a way to prove to Elliott that she was right, but she didn't know how. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.