
Choosing a Wife (4/Finale)

"The banquet.. IS IN 3 MINUTES!" Kexin rushed out and went towards the path that the banquet was supposed to be held, she had made it early and the guests were only a bunch of 3's and 2's scattered arounds the area

"Phew.. where am I supposed to sit?" Kexin looked around and saw Shenzhen sitting in a corner, she walked towards him and said "Yo Shen! Ain't you supposed to be up there?" Kexin pointed at the empty chair higher than the ground floor

"Ehh? Yeah, but I don't really like banquets.. my parents held this for me!" He made exaggerated expressions and hand signals "Eh, I don't really like banquets.. I always get ridiculed! It's their turn now ah!" Kexin said

"Woah, lady, who said you were meek, weak, and timid?!" He accidentally blurted out, Kexin looked offended, "Who ah!?" She slammed the table, cracking it, on the script her breasts were supposed to jiggle but she has none

He looked at her chest, small, boney, and hard, she had barely even developed any at all "You should drink mor-"


The emperor and the empress have arrived, behind them the princes and princesses, they all wore fancy clothes and dresses, stealing all the lime light was Shenzhen, he was still handsomer even without fancy clothes

"Ts.." Shenzhen clicked his tongue, glaring at Longxian.. Tianming I think, he arrogantly looked back, and down, on him "I see you got yourself a little beauty, there, brother!" He mouthed

"Indeed I did.. where are yours? Gege?" He whispered loudly, loud enough for the ladies around them to hear "Heehee! Did you hear that, Xinbai?" A girl whispered "Haha!" The other girl laughed, she laughed in a unmannered way

"En! Luoluo is always good at getting gossip!" The girl that said that was Xinbai, Lin Xinbai, she snickered again "Son Shenzhen." The emperor called "Come up here, now."

"What is your last name! Quick! Make one up!" Shenzhen whispered into her ear, she could feel his breath and her face turn pink "L-lin!" She yelled pushing him away

'Cute..' Shenzhen thought while getting up, he caught her looking at him and blew her a kiss.. "Go! You imbecile.." Kexin said looking away from him

"Son, who do you want to choose?" The emperor waved at all of the beautiful girls, Kexin especially long "Nobody.." Shenzhen looked around, the only pretty woman in his mind was Kexin, currently

"Then I will choose for you.." All the women started to act with manners and advanced with cautiousness, in hope that the emperor picks them, except for Kexin

She didn't care about all that stuff, she was only there to congratulate Shenzhen and his new wife "Her" He pointed at Kexin, the emperor smiled and called again "Come up here, miss."

"Eh?" Kexin said, eating a grape, "I didn't -nom- come here to -nom- become a mistress, -nom- or a wife, -nom- neither a concubine!" She said, continuing to eat her grapes "What? Father!"

Shenzhen looked displeased, "She only came here to congratulate me on finding a w-" "Nonsense, I hereby decree that this young miss, with be engaged with my son, Longxian Shenzhen."

"Hmm.." being a princess wouldn't be too bad, honestly, she could eat these grapes forever if she became one, "I, Lin Kexin, accept this decree with great gratitude and honor." She said

"Sigh.." He looked at Kexin, and then at his father, "I, Longxian Shenzhen, accept this decree with great gratitude and honor.." Shenzhen said lazily, heading to sit back down with Kexin

"Great, this concludes banquet the banquet." The emperor said, getting up and thanos snapping his way out while the others normally walked their way out "Zhune 29th.." Kexin said

"Is?" Questioned Shenzhen, she looked at him like she was looking at an idiot "Our marriage.." she said "Haha! That is when I get to cook(1)" Kexin blushed, her face was deep red by then

"Stop talking about those things.. six months.. til' I'm ready.." She said looking away "Hah! Like I would be interested in your body.." Kexin had the urge to slap him

"You.. you will regret this.." Kexin sneered and thought about all the novels she had read.. the female protagonist will get ridiculed by the male protagonist and will grow(2) shortly after

"Like heck I will, if i do, six more months!" Shenzhen put his palm on his chest to dictate how small hers were "Hah? Like yours are any bigger.." Kexin joked "Men aren't supposed to have breasts!"

"If I was a woman, I would h-" "Have small ones because you are flat-chested!!!" Kexin pointed out, pointing at her, slightly larger-than-Shenzhens chest "Exactly!" She looked proud

"Well.. see you in a year!" Kexin pointed out, she basically said she was going to grow in the time being and ridicule Shenzhen for being so arrogant and confident about not wanting her body

"We'll see.." He yelled back, his face red from anger, and hidden blush about talking about her body and his, if he was a female at least "We'll see ah!" She mocked him 'Damn brat!' Shenzhen thought

(1) a saying for getting someone pregnant

(2) grow out of her old skin and shed new skin = grow her upper body and lower body / puberty finale