
Chapter 8: How about I personally send you to Hell?

Translator: 549690339

"Can we try a different position, please?" Lu Xiaoyou's voice was both crisp and soft.

"What position? The one from yesterday where you sat on top of me?" The man's warm breath fell on her face.

Lu Xiaoyou's lashes fluttered slightly, his breath cool and haughty, like a lover's whisper, yet his gun remained pressed against her skin.

"Did you enjoy it yesterday?" Lu Xiaoyou asked him shyly.

The man chuckled, the sound unnervingly cold, "I did not like it."

"Hm~ But I thought you were quite impressive yesterday~"

The man's brows twitched, in his 24 years, no woman had ever dared to speak to him like that.

The gun in his hand pressed against the position of Lu Xiaoyou's heart, "Woman, how about I personally send you to Hell?"

It seemed as if he was discussing the matter with Lu Xiaoyou, but the intent to kill was overwhelming!

If he dared to send her to Hell, then she could send him to heaven!

Lu Xiaoyou struggled desperately under the man, her strength no match for his.

Yesterday, that man had let her have her way because he was seriously injured, but now that his strength had returned, Lu Xiaoyou couldn't restrain him anymore!

"Sky-Annihilating Emperor!" Lu Xiaoyou called out.

The man paused, "Who?"

In the darkness, the white hamster appeared from nowhere.

All of a sudden, the man felt a pain in his neck and instantly blacked out, collapsing on top of Lu Xiaoyou.

Lu Xiaoyou gasped for air. That was close! If the Sky-Annihilating Emperor had been any slower, she would have been shot by this man.

"Master, are you alright?" The white hamster slid down from the man's shoulder.

Lu Xiaoyou glanced at the man lying on top of her, noticing two small holes on his neck.

"Has he passed out?" Lu Xiaoyou wondered.

The white hamster didn't know what had happened, it had bitten the man in a moment of urgency.

Lu Xiaoyou struggled to crawl out from under the man and turned on the light, eager to see what this man actually looked like!

She rolled the man over, and under the light, his features entered Lu Xiaoyou's field of vision.

His face was incredibly handsome, but there was a long bruise-like scar on his left cheek, marring it as though a flawless jade was flawed.

In Lu Xiaoyou's nose, the sweet scent grew stronger.

She reached out, touching the man's broken brow before trailing her fingertips along the scar on his face as if it were a bolt of lightning carved into his skin.

"Master, the scar on his face is too ugly," the hamster commented.

"That's poison, not a scar," Lu Xiaoyou said. If she could still practice her medicine, such a scar would easily be cured by her.

Lu Xiaoyou looked at the place where the hamster had bitten the man and touched the hamster's teeth once more.

"Sky-Annihilating Emperor, it seems your teeth can secrete an anesthetic."

The white hamster jumped in fright and quickly hugged its mouth, "Could I be poisoned by my own venom?"

Lu Xiaoyou gave it a look, "Have you ever seen a snake poison itself to death?"

The white hamster thought about it and realized it indeed hadn't seen such a thing.

"Master, what are you doing?" the hamster asked.

Lu Xiaoyou got out of bed and rummaged through all the cabinets in the room.

There was not much else in the room she was in, but there were plenty of items for serving guests.

Lu Xiaoyou's lips curved upward as she used leather straps to bind the man.

From a pile of tools, she picked up a ball and put it in the man's mouth.

Lu Xiaoyou admired her handy work with satisfaction.

Tsk tsk tsk, this man really exudes such an air of abstinence~