
Wild Space Adventures

Lord_Kaine · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Chapter XI

Sariah having left the residence of Qaled, had hurried to join the edge of her spaceship. She found it deserted. On a screen scrolled permanently a message from Jayline indicating that she was going to the warehouse headquarters of Ocerikor. She cursed, she should have waited for him, but the damage was done. We had to get to her as soon as possible.

She put on a black jacket covering her breasts, fastened in the front by a dozen flexible metal straps. She stopped just on the top of her thighs, covering the black thong too, she put on, a pair of black boots rising above the knees completed her outfit. Remembering Qaled's advice, she took only a stun gun.

She hastened to the lair of the dangerous Yautja. She walked around it slowly, looking for a discreet entrance. An emergency door didn't seem to be properly closed...maybe it was Jayline who had the lock. She slipped carefully to the opening, pushed open the door silently. She glanced inside, nothing, the way was clear. She crossed the threshold, but did not notice the barely perceptible light of a small electronic cam that started up. Sariah advanced with great caution through deserted corridors, she went down to the basement, that was usually where prisoners were kept.

She hadn't noticed that the tall gray and the insect-like gray she had already encountered were discreetly tracking her. They had been alerted by the camera on a control screen. They had just received orders from a highly placed earthman, Doctor Jelimar. They had to capture a female specimen of some race, to experiment with a drug. They were going out to hunt in town, when their attention had been caught by Sariah's intrusion. They told themselves that with one stone they could kill two birds, protect the base and satisfy the doctor for his experiment.

The young woman, not meeting a living soul, relaxed her attention a little, she entered a rather narrow dark corridor, the night was pierced by a bluish flash, paralyzed, she collapsed on the ground.

The two Aliens approached, chuckling.

"Yes, it's her... the fellatio she gave me was great... too bad we can't enjoy it, maybe when Jelimar is done with her..."

The tall gray shouldered her and they headed for the doctor's lab. The Earthman was naked, thin white, with an emaciated face, his slender, not very big cock hung flabby between his legs, he was busy drawing a diagram by chromatography which would allow him to identify and measure the different compounds of a species. orange-yellow liquid.

"Where do we put the package?" the tall gray asked.

Jelimar pointed to a kind of operating table, the Alien laid Sariah on her back there. Looking completely satisfied with the delivery, the doctor approached.

"Perfect, perfect...an Earthling...we couldn't have dreamed better...

- Yes and in addition we have already dealt with her, her name is Sariah, indicated the insectiform gray.

- Thank you again, you can dispose »

The paralyzing discharge only blocked the muscles, the victim kept all the faculties of his other senses. The young girl, her eyes open, saw and heard everything that was said or done around her, but it was impossible for her to move for a certain period of time. Jelimar circled the table inspecting the inert subject, finding the body magnificent.

His hand rested on the bare skin, just above the boot, she slid slowly, going up along the thigh on the velvety skin, the tunic lifted showed the slit of the pussy through the transparency of the string. He gently pulled the small triangle down, once he had removed it, he brought it to his nostrils.

..thumb and forefinger he parted Sariah's pussy lips.

"Perfect, perfect...let's see the top..."

Gently he pulled the fabric making it slide over the curve of the breasts, the young girl's body reacted in spite of herself, the passage of the fabric over her nipples made them erect, and they emerged upright like two small copper peaks. The diabolical doctor's index finger slowly circled her, rubbing the areolas covered in goosebumps.

He then tackled the small strips of flexible metal closing the cut of the girl's jacket. With each undone strap, he smiled spreading the garment on the magnificent chest. He took it away from her completely, he couldn't help stroking, feeling the body, for the moment inert but warm.

The girl suffered helplessly, his touches wondering where he was coming from. Fuck her, her for the autopsy...??

Apparently satisfied with his examination, he walked over to a small piece of furniture and returned to his victim a syringe filled with the orange liquid in his hand.

"Tell me Sariah before you start, do you take any medications I should know about, do you usually use drugs, do you have any allergies...that sort of thing. I am a doctor after all!

- Screw you, you're just a crazy demon that needs to be eliminated, she thought.

- I hope you're not afraid of needles, what I have here is what we call "the first sexual sin". It's derived from the venom of a very rare arthropod. It has unusual properties. This dose annihilates the parts of the brain that control libido, increases sexual desire, prolongs enjoyment. It's immediately and totally addictive, one would have to sell a huge amount of it on the black market, or else use it for the sex trade, to make the females completely addicted and thus earn a lot of Zlostys. I managed a synthesis, but we are sorely lacking in benchmarks then.

.. we are doing tests!!

- Nooonn, Nooonn...don't inject me with that, you don't have the right...screamed the young woman, regaining her ability to speak.

- Sariah, believe me, I'm a doctor, you're going to like it so much that I'm sure you'll ask me again! »

He pricked, Sariah felt the potent drug flow through her vein. A feeling of well-being invaded her, she was relaxed, relaxed, so good... then she felt pleasant tingles running through her body. The doctor gently insinuated his index finger into the girl's vagina, then he added his middle finger, with his left hand he uncapped the clitoris and caressed it with his thumb in small circles. A feeling similar to many mini orgasms ran through the languid body of the young Earthling. She smiled and a small moan escaped her lips. He suddenly intensified his caresses, she felt that a torrent of hot lava was breaking over her pussy. Heat flared in her stomach. She began to gasp under the magnitude of the sensation felt.

Sariah stretched her body which became toned again, her muscles regained their autonomy, she felt good, better than she had ever been, her hands began to slowly and erotically caress her body. Captivated, the doctor looked at her. She sat down on the table facing him.

"Do you want to fuck me? I can see it in your eyes! And especially here! »

She grabbed the cock that was starting to get hard, with one hand she masturbated it until it was hard and ready. Then she sucked on the glans, licking it with her tongue, running her lips around the tip before taking it into her mouth, and running her lips up and down. No matter how much she sucked, sucked, jerked him off, his cock remained desperately human-sized. With an annoyed look she asked him.

"Muuummm! Can you put that stuff in my pussy?

- I know it's not the cock you want... he said looking at his penis.

..but if you insist!! »

He positioned his cock between the young blonde's open legs and slowly began to push. There was no resistance, the tight cock slid into her. But Sariah let out an ecstatic scream when she felt the doctor's little cock inside her pussy. Her breathing was heavy, she asked him to go faster and deeper. She wrapped her legs around the doctor pulling him even deeper inside her vagina. Sariah felt an orgasm starting to happen, the drug was really kicking in, she knew it was going to eclipse all the others she had had before.

It surged when she felt Jelimar spill his cum. She fell overwhelmed by so much enjoyment.

"Perfect, really perfect so far..." sneered the evil doctor.

In a state of intense sexual elation, she heard the pseudo-scientist explain to her that he was going to continue the experiment, he was going to film his next antics, to promote the drug to potential buyers. She didn't care, that he did what he wanted, she had an urgent need for sex, and not like his...a big...a monstrous one!

He made her put on, telling her that it would be more exciting for customers, a white bustier in transparent lace, leaving the breasts free. The two hardened globes did not need any support, the swollen areolas darted the small brown stingers erected at least two centimeters. Her navel was uncovered by the fabric forming a graceful arc, the points of the caraco falling on the top of her thighs, were terminated by four thin straps of garter belt, to which he hung the white stockings, which he had asked for. to put on. He passed her an absolutely translucent thong hiding nothing of her shaved sex. White shoes with high stiletto heels completed the outfit.

Computer unlocking a heavy trapdoor, he led Sariah to the edge of the dark hole.

"I hope they don't won't fight each other down there, because you're going to become their toy...but you're only asking for that, right? Get down!!"

The pretty nymph heard movement below her. Sariah's heart beat with excitement like a drum as she descended into the darkness. The darkness seemed to amplify every silence and every rumble that echoed beneath her. Sariah felt her high heels touch solid ground. Standing at the foot of the ladder, she looked around, unsure if her eyes were playing tricks on her, or if there were large creatures lurking just beyond the shadows. The answer came to him in the form of a loud hoarse growl coming out of the shadows. Flood light erupts from spotlights.

A huge creature lunged forward, Sariah's back slammed against the hard concrete of the wall. He was a Zabrak from the planet Iridonia, a humanoid of a height that could go from 1.80 meters to 2.5 meters whose head covered with small horns and the body of tattoos, gave him a frightening aspect. He was like all the naked Aliens, he examined the young blond Earthling, she saw the huge shaft he had under his belt begin a slow vertical ascent.

The doctor's noisy voice came from an intercom system.

"Sariah you saw, you make him hard! I think you would like him to put his big cock on you, go kneel on the grid in the middle of the hall, please. »

Subjugated under the influence of the toxin, she complied, the Alien followed her. She ran her hands around the rock hard cock, slowly stroking its immense length and significant girth. Then, after taking a deep breath, she lowered her head and put her lips around the protruding part, she began to lick and suck slowly.

The monstrous tail contracted in her mouth, the creature held her head, Sariah, tried to fight against her phenomenal urges, but the desire for sex prevailed in a hellish whirlwind. Her pussy was now profusely wet, the tiny thong, couldn't

to keep the cum flowing down her thighs, drops falling through the grate.

Silently sticky tentacles passed through the thin bars of the steel grid on which she was kneeling. She looked down, a kind of "plant" devoid of chlorophyll seemed rooted on the ground. She shivered as two appendages crawled up her bottom along her thighs. They arrived at the height of her bare skin, slipped first under the back straps of the garter belt then rolled up, leaving a viscous sensation, around her thigh to pass under the front one and move in a slow creep towards her pussy . The caress made the girl's body arch, she spread her legs in spite of herself. They entered each one on one side under the thong, to immediately insinuate themselves into the vaginal canal, drawing a long moan from Sariah. They were soon joined by two others, then a third, the fifth and the sixth forced the anus. Four others climbed between the bustier and the silky skin, two surrounded the base of the breasts as if to make them swell, the other two played with the nipples.

Two fine spikes seized the thong lowered it on the thighs, then suddenly broke the fine ties, it triggered an electric shock that crossed the body of Sariah.

The tentacles came and went each in turn in the two gaping orifices of the young earthling,

it was wonderful... Her swollen, hard breasts gave her delicious pain. His mouth and tongue worked wonders on the Zabrak's big cock, which was throbbing, ready to ejaculate. She was about to receive the seminal fluid in her mouth. Although Sariah experienced huge ejaculations in her last days, the volume of cum squirted from the cock into her mouth was phenomenal. She almost broke down, she swallowed half of it and spat out the rest, she thought that Jelimar must be watching and that he must be delighted with the spectacle she provided.

The plant below the grid continued to plunge its multiple cocks into all its orifices.

A moan escaped her green cum coated lips, a huge wave of guilty pleasure crashing down on her from what seemed like ten stories high. She bent back, her head touching the ground as if to better open her vulva, spasms shook her, while her vulva let her cum flow. A bigger tentacle popped up as the others withdrew, it had a small opening, wriggling it slipped into the soaked sex, and began to suck Sariah's seminal fluid, it only stopped when the vaginal cavity was Cleaned completely, Sariah under this delicious suction writhed with pleasure.

The Zabrak his desir sated, had continued on its way, the plant having satisfied its appetite had completely retracted its appendages.

Jelimar's voice rose again.

"You can't dream of a better actress, to advertise...!! Let's continue the clip..."

The young girl stood up, her legs still wobbly from the orgasm felt. She thought that if she continued to take pleasure with these Aliens, she risked becoming addicted and becoming a real slut, being a sex toy. But the poison currently flowing through her body was pushing her to continue down the wrong path. She resumed her journey hoping to find the exit, to find Abby who, as a biologist, could find an antidote to this poison. Tired, she sank down on a bench.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her.

"Mummmuuuuuummm, fresh meat, look at that how cute!" »

Turning her head she recognized a Whiphid, a furry biped endowed with very powerful musculature, surmounted by a large head, itself adorned with unattractive tusks. His fearsome appearance was complemented by the presence of large, sharp claws on his hands. Often in space Whiphids were the object of ridicule - though few dared to do so in front of them, for they were powerful and awesome creatures. Its body, protected by abundant and thick fur, reached a size of around 2.50 meters, and must have weighed 400 kilos.

"If you feel like it, she will surely be your first of this size..." He said rummaging in his thick fleece and pulling out a cock beyond all comprehension.

"Very, very pretty...udders"

His clawed hands enveloped the breasts that sprung from the bustier. Sariah saw that the Alien desired her, his phallus growing visibly larger, his body burning again with uncontrollable desire.

The powerful aphrodisiac that had been injected into her was still flowing through her veins.

"Damn I have to fight it, fight it, but it's so hard to resist..." She thought to herself.

It was a losing battle, the toxin was too strong, she couldn't resist.

The young Earthling lay down on the bench.

"That's good," grumbled the Whipids.

- Yes...but just one thing...take it easy, given the size of your cock...

- Indeed... we're going to do it gently..."

He began to caress the body offered, probing with his big fingers wet pussy. Licked with his rough tongue the straps of the garter belt. Then tickled the hardened clitoris. He straddled the bench, pulled Sariah to the edge, the capped, purple, huge glans, rubbed the edge of his lips. His desire had lubricated the vagina, the head of the phallus entered, the rest struggled.

"Oh damn, she said, you're really monstrous, she'll never come back...

- Take it all...Bitch!! »

He pushed hard, Sariah spread her legs wide, relaxed as much as possible, she felt the steel piston sink gently into her entrails, each thrust gaining an inch or two. With a final thrust, he thrust his cock to the hilt.

Grabbing the girl by the hips, he lifted Sariah tightly impaled on his huge pipe and sat down on the bench. Lifting her like a feather, he lifted and lowered her on his elephantine member. Sariah's nipples rubbed against the giant's rough fur, she wrapped her arms around the Alien's trunk to increase the friction.

The drug completely annihilated her mind, she became primitive again, with each penetration when she felt that the huge one was deep inside her pussy, she undulated her pelvis, seeking the thick lips, inserting her tongue into the Whiphid's mouth.

Sariah's pussy was pounded mercilessly by the alien she was in heaven. Her mind was completely under the control of the sex drug, she fell into animal lust and began to scream.

"Fuck me, fuck me again, empty your semen, make me cum with your big cock...."

She fell into a steamy aphrodisiac state. The Alien was licking her breasts with great licks of his wet tongue, biting her nipples, making her moan in ecstasy... the orgasm was coming, with a jerk of the kidneys she plunged into the taut cock, the drug increased his enjoyment, she pulled with all her might on the hairs of the fleece. She threw her head back and rolling her hips, a long cry of approval burst from her throat. She thought she was dying of happiness and collapsed defeated in the powerful arms that supported her. It's just if she felt the enormous jolts of the phallus which was emptying inside her uterus.

"Damn it," Jelimar's voice thundered, "bitch....you made me jerk off..."

There was a terrible crash in the loudspeaker

"Don't shoot...don't shoot...I'm unarmed...cried the Machiavellian scientist"

Qaled's guard had invaded the lair, Abby had been freed from the

laboratory, Jayline recovered in the corridors of the warehouse, Sariah soon saw armed warriors appear who told her that Jelimar and Ocerikor had been captured. The three young girls, drunk with joy at finding themselves safe and sound, in perfect health, were taken back to the Protée. During the debriefing that followed, a communication screen came on. It was Qaled, behind him played on a giant screen, the video of his hot session with Sariah.

"Hi Sariah, he said...wait, I'll lower the sound...you're screaming so much that we can't hear each other speak...Here...I wanted to thank you...all that's passed to perfection as I hoped... They were so busy with you three, that they let their guard down completely... I was able to recover what interested me the most to the point.... from what I could see on the film of Jelimar and the laboratory it is a very good serum....!! Thank you, and good road...I hope that we will see each other again...in the meantime I have this to think of you!! »

His image was replaced by his huge phallus invading Sariah's pussy...

To be continued...