

Hellebores, a cash-strapped college student is drawn into the dark and dangerous world of the criminal underworld after getting involved with one of the cold and calculating criminals in the business who soon makes her one of his hired hands. She is drawn into his orbit and finds herself unable to resist his alluring promises of wealth and easy money. She'll face death and danger. She must walk a tightrope between danger and success, testing her nerves and her skills to the utmost just to make it through.

yannydelutrulu · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 15


His face remains a mask of indifference, his stare still intense and ominous. I feel like I need more information to understand this situation.

The man's accusations are still vague and ambiguous, but I need a clear explanation for whatever he is talking about.

"Who are you? What is this organization you keep mentioning? I think your accusations are unreasonable, and your hostility is unwarranted." I asked, my tone was one of true curiosity.

"I am of a high status in one of the criminal organizations around here. I have my own reasons for suspecting that you're a spy for the opposing organization." He answers my questions in a precise and concise manner. His tone is still emotionless, yet there is a distinct edge of irritation to it.

I can't help but let out a small laugh at such a ridiculous accusation.

His facial expression remains indifferent, his stare hard and focused. He doesn't crack even a hint of a smile or indication of amusement.

"You think that I'm a spy? I know nothing about the organization you're talking about. I'm just a medical student doing my job to wack my brains and go study well, and I think you're just being paranoid." My humor quickly turned to a tone of skepticism and disdain.

"Your denial is expected. You claim you are competent, but your actions contradict that. You seemed unaffected by those whom I dispatched, as though you're more than just a simple doctor. Your skills suggest that you're experienced in this kind of situation, and your lack of fear is unnatural for someone in your situation." His tone is full of suspicion and disbelief.

His accusations are starting to wear down my restraint, and I feel myself getting impatient and frustrated. His words seem to have a grip over the situation.

You know, fuck? This is someone you can't reason with.

"So what if I'm experienced and can defend myself," I said with a hint of scorn in my tone.

The man's response is silent yet piercing. He doesn't say anything at first, simply staring at me with his piercing cold eyes. I can feel the air grow heavier around us, as though the tension in the room is growing thicker.

After a few seconds of silence, the man finally spoke, his tone now much colder and harsher. It's like a chill in the air that makes your skin prickle and your shoulders tighten.

"It's clear that you're either lying to hide your true identity or delusional in your belief that you are just a student." He said with a tone of suspicion.

"You're making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm just a competent medical student, not some kind of spy." I laughed, my voice dripping with contempt.

"Your words fall on deaf ears." He speaks with bitterness in his tone.

He's not here to negotiate nor does he plan to put a room for it.


His eyes remain fixed on me, his piercing stare like the tip of a knife aimed at my throat. As I stare back, the thought of breaking the tension and backing down lingers in my mind, yet I feel like I can't give the man an inch. He's too stubborn. I can't back down now, even if it means escalating the situation.

"Listen, let's cut the crap and get straight to the point. It's obvious that you are convinced I am working for the opposing side. So let me make you a deal. Hire me, and I will prove my innocence." I said in a pissed-off tone.

I can't help but let out a short laugh, not believing the absurdity of the situation.

He remained silent for a few seconds. He seemed to ponder my offer, as if trying to weigh its merits and decide whether to accept or not. His expression is still neutral and emotionless, but his stare carries a piercing intensity as though he hadn't expected me to respond in such a daring way.

I think it sounded more like a bluff than an actual attempt to negotiate.

"I guess that's one way to handle things." He laughs.

"We can make it like a trial period. Give me a few weeks, and if I'm everything you suspect me to be, then you can get rid of me. It's no problem." I continued with a tone of obvious persuasion.

There's still a thin veil of suspicion in his eyes, but the man is clearly considering the proposal.

"So do we agree on a contract for a period of time? During that time I will work solely for your organization. I will be your agent and I will do all I can to ensure the success of your cause." I repeated to make it clear.

"A contract?" The man's reply was sharp and quick, his tone implying a subtle sense of danger. "A contract is worthless to me. It's only as good as the one who writes it is trustworthy."

Although he said that, he seemed to mull over my offer in his head, calculating his possibilities. His response is still quiet and tense, but the wariness and suspicion are slowly melting away, giving way to a more neutral, calculating expression.

"So it's that easy, is it?" He asks suddenly, his tone shifting to a more menacing, threatening one.

His hand reaches out, his hand moves slowly but surely, inching towards my face like a spider crawling along a web. His fingers curled into its palm, preparing to grab my face. My breath catches in my throat as I feel the warmth of his palm inching closer to my skin.

However, my reflexes are quick and efficient.

I managed to grasp his hand before it could reach my face. We stare at each other for a few seconds, our gazes locked in an intense stare.

I feel my spine straighten as I stand up, still holding his hand in my grasp. My eyes narrow, the intense focus of my stare unblinking and impenetrable. The tension is palpable, and I can feel every fraction of air vibrating between us.

With a single, smooth motion, I softly pulled his hand closer. My lips gently touch the back of his hand, a whisper of a kiss that sends a jolt of electricity up my spine. I felt his pulse rising. My breath whispers against the back of his hand, my lips teasing his skin with a faint touch.

It's a subtle gesture, but it speaks volumes.

"I promise that I am loyal, and my innocence is real. Let's seal this deal in a way that you will not forget." My voice was low and sensual as my lips brushed against the back of his hand. As I speak, I trace a small circle with my thumb along the back of his hand, letting my breath tickle his skin with every whisper.

His expression shifts to one of surprise and confusion, the anger that I was so used to is suddenly replaced by a look of the unexpected. I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks as the man's gaze drifts down to my lips, his eyes lingering there in a burning stare. It's like he is finally letting go of his suspicions and seeing me as a woman rather than a spy.

"Well-played your game, hummingbird." He whispered, and the words made my stomach flutter and my heart jump just a little.

The heat of his hand suddenly vanishes as he pulls it back quickly. I stare him directly in the eye and gave him a piercing glare, sending a message of calm yet fierce determination.

I can see in his expression that he has regained his composure, and he now stares at me with an intense and determined gaze. He acknowledges my skill and craftiness, which adds excitement to the situation.

"I'm not about to work with someone I don't trust, so we'll just have to see. It's a bold move, but it's better to be direct and take action than to wallow in uncertainty." He responded calmly, yet his words were laced with authority and control.

He stares at me with a piercing and commanding gaze. He seems now much more demanding and aggressive in his tone. It's like he expects absolute obedience from me.

Well, fuck it. The tension is now laced with a sense of anticipation, as though the tables have suddenly been turned my way.

"I will be the one calling the shots, not you. Your duties and responsibilities will be outlined by me. I will watch your progress and actions closely, and I will not hesitate to punish you if you step out of line..."