
WILD alpha

NOT LOVEY DOVEY ROMANCE BOOK SO IF YOU LIKE ROMANCE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IT IS MORE ACTION THAN ROMANCE Avalanche was raised by wolves, not werewolves actual wolves so what happens when her mate is the alpha of Bloodmoon the strongest werewolf pack in the world. What happens when she gets brought into a world she didn't know existed. Why is she so different from her pack and why is she so much stronger than other wolves even though she was left in the middle of the woods at just 2 years old. Why did her kidnappers leave her there and will she ever find out about herself?

Bloodmoon_Wolfpack · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Fighting for the impossible

In a different pack border the next day we found our pack again. We started to look for a different cave because we can't let them find us too easily and the pack and I agreed we would be further into the woods but still a part of the pack. I told my siblings to stay put and I went out to hunt. I found one moose for us. I brought it back home but the wolves just won't leave us alone I saw one questioning Rosette about where I was. I growl lowly and menacingly I crouch down ready to attack and stalk them like deer in a ve-ic-cle(vehicle) light they turn around and slowly approach me. Suddenly Splat whimpers I look at him and see a thorn in his paw. I run over to him quickly and pull the thorn out he yelps as I clean the injury. Suddenly I remember the wolves here who are all watching me with interest except one wolf who was growling menacingly I stood up head and tail with high ears forward I growl back and look as shock crosses his features. I look at the other pups to see they were all in separate cages. All there was left was me and Splat. "Let them go." I growl using me I guess ALPHA TONE. They let them out strangely enough I call the pups over and protectively stood in front of them. I growl once more before having the pups walk out of the cave with me watching the strange wolves. The wolf growled at my siblings again so I growled at him. Before I and the pups trotted to a new cave. I decided to teach them self-defense and we were hidden for two months which oddly hurt me. I walked out to go hunting with the pups and they followed behind youngest to oldest we found a moose and howled together as we killed it. Suddenly the strange wolf came back with sixty or so wolves with weird things that block out their hearing. I growl at them to back up but they didn't.

I start to advance to maybe push them back but they stood still then I saw it. One human was behind me with a needle 💉 I started to feel woozy but remembered I had 6 pups to watch. "If you dare touch these pups I will rip out your throats and feed you to my pack," I growled. This time they heard me and started to back up a few steps the human looked confused at me then the needle-like something should have happened by now. I look at my siblings and see if they are hurt while keeping my eye on the wolves and human-wolf. I saw that Rosette had a scratch and I saw red I growled loudly "Who hurt my pup?" I growled. No one answered so I used my alpha voice and said it again. I was so distracted that I didn't see the second human wolf behind me than a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth who all had the needle and woozy liquid they injected into me I jumped to the side where I'm still guarding the pups I got down in a low attack position. It was starting to take effect I was slowly losing consciousness and suddenly I fell I stood back up though and kept falling I growled out to my siblings telling them to run I guarded them while I thought they were running and once I thought they had all run I collapsed on the floor I tried standing again and again but I couldn't and slowly my consciousness faded away. I woke up to another cage and another ve-ic-cle (vehicle) and broke my cage but it hurt me, I broke the others out of their cages but started feeling sick, my legs gave out and I fell to my side I was trying to get up when I saw another human-wolf I tried standing again but it was no use. "What happened to you?" The human-wolf asked before seeing my siblings out of their silver cages as well. "Get the pack doctor now the luna isn't looking good." The human-wolf said. I was rushed on a stretcher to a human cave (building) where they laid me on a straw thing (bed) I was drugged again with at least 6 of the woozy drug then passed out. When I woke up I felt better since I had weird healing abilities. I was tired up with a metal thing (chain) and tried breaking it to find out its silver. I wasn't completely healed since I was passed out with this silver on me. I kept trying to get it to break but no one was in danger so my senses were weaker. I finally got it to break after a few more yanks. I started walking to the window and saw that it could be pushed out to open, perfect. I pushed it open and saw I was 2 stories high. I jumped into a tree and started to jump branch to branch. I smelt the air for my siblings and saw that they were in a cage in the alpha's office. Luckily the office was on story one so I quickly used the window to get in then I snuck to my siblings and got their cage open right before the alpha saw me. He looked shocked and he got up quickly then his eyes glossed over he started to walk towards me and I backed up I stopped once my pups were behind me I let my pups go to the window first and I jumped out after then something hit me I was shot with a tranquilizer and then another until I had 12 darts sticking out of me. I shook my head and kept walking till one wolf grabbed Rosette. I whimper once I see they had...