
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 23: Experiment

"Wake up, b*tch!" she exclaims as she gets hit in her left side. She turns to see a man dressed in an inmate policeman's attire. She turned away, knowing what was going to happen to her for the rest of her life. She'd like to say there's a way out, but this is the most secure jail cell in the country, and even Allan really can not break away for five years.

"You're finally awake," the guard hunts as he exits the room. She pauses for a moment to examine her surroundings. It's a dark gray room with dark dried blood on everything, including the ceiling. There are cabinets full of tools that range from sexual to drilling.

She fought back tears, knowing she'd rather be with Allan. He wouldn't kill her, but these guys would and will kill her once they've caught Allan.

Allan was right, something was wrong, and he knew it. Now, if he gets her out of here alive, she owes him something. She has no idea what he wants, but it's probably more abuse. Let's just hope it's not as bad as this. She can only hope that if she says sorry, he will be less cruel.

The thick metal door reopened, and the sheriff and the same guard who had kicked her in entered. Althea frowned, giving the most furrowed brow she could scrape up.

It was simple to tell when someone was telling lies, but she wasn't about to make it any easier for them.

"Who knew her idea will work?" snickers the Sheriff as he settles into an old wooden seat. The officer stood in silence next to him.

"Anyways, do you know what I'm going to do to you?" he asks her. She does not respond, maintaining the same expression and gestures.

"Of course, you're smart enough to understand that you're heading to hell and back until your mate is apprehended, and then what happens to you depends on whether or not you cooperate," he said as Althea became intrigued, thinking that all the previous girls had been assassinated, but it sounded as if he had another option. "You're going to slaughter me, right?" she asks flatly.

He shrugs, smirking, "Or you could go free. Our scientists have been making a serum that breaks the mate connection with no extreme discomfort, you could live a peaceful life," the warden says jubilantly.

Her mouth widens slightly as she considers cooperating with the sheriff to be free of Allan.

"But was he lying about all of this?" she wondered. "No, he showed no signs of lying, but he also knew I had some ploys up my sleeve, so he really could have gotten better He's a smart man, I'll give him that much," she told herself.

"But anyway, Rio, could you lay the table down horizontally?" asks the sheriff. Rio, the officer, nods and walks over to Althea's table, where he turns a button. The table turns horizontal, and she lies down, wondering what would happen next to her.

The sheriff approaches, smiling and removes her hair from her face. "It gets shittier till he appears, and I know he's an obstinate one," he grinned, suddenly hitting her face. She growls and bites his hand hard. He pulls his bloodied bow hand away from her and spins her off, muttering bad words. "Cut her!" The sheriff shouts as She flinches.

Rio smirks and turns around to a spinning trolley that held knives of all different sizes and shapes. "Please don't! please!" she begged helplessly. She knew deep down that whatever she did would be futile. She lacks the necessary strength. Her only hope at this point now is the man she despises the most.

Rio hands the Sheriff a sharpened pastry knife. Her heart was racing as she felt herself having a panic attack. She screams, terrified of what is about to happen to her.

The Sheriff walks over to her left side, around the portion where she got severely kicked and tends to stick the knife straight in. She screams, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. If he does this enough times in a row, she will die because she does not heal quickly enough, especially since Allan is not beside her.

He scoffs and twirls the knife as she began to screech and cry out for help as if to assume it was gon na come.

"Stop!" yells a voice from behind the security door.

Althea don't bother to look up, she was too exhausted and about to pass out from the injuries. She hears footsteps close by and looks up to see a tall man with blond hair and glistening hazel eyes.

"That's enough Sheriff, there are other plans for her," he says as he pulls out a key and undoes the steel buckles that held her to the table.

When they were all gone, she fell face-first into the ground. She didn't want to take the knife out because she was concerned she would lose too much blood. The blond boy chuckles and carefully picks her up, taking care not to touch the knife on her side.

"I bet you are intrigued by how you got out of that cellar so easily?" he cracks a smile, closing his eyes for a moment. She then looks at him, hoping he'll tell her what's going on. "Well, I'm one of the Prosecutors here, and it's one thing to only cut you up and make you bleed to beat up your mate, but there are other ways," he stops for a brief moment to stop walking, "I hope your prepared to have a little thrilling honey," he winks before continuing to walk.

Althea was completely perplexed until she saw their final stop.

She's not sure why she's in that room, which has a light color wall. He places her on the mattress inside the room and seated next to her, his arm around her.

"We are currently attempting to experiment with something unique and you are going to be our beta tester, honey," the man whispered to her. She looks him in the eyes and notices a glint of happiness in them. "They chose me because I lost my mate, but- you are going to be my new mate," he said with a smile.

She jumps off the bed, wincing when she forgot she still had the sharp object at her side.

"No!" she shouts. Her wolf hissed at him, telling him that he should respect his deceased mate and really not try to white around by her.

"Too bad, honey," he smirked, getting up and maneuvering her. He stood tall over her since he was even taller than Allan. "You're mine now, honey, so better behave yourself," he says as he bends in and kisses her roughly as she feels her world crumble around her.

Even though she wanted him to come, her wolf roared for their mate to come to save her. She wasn't safe here, nor with him, but it was better than suffering. "If I would only listen to him," she whispered as her tears fell.

"You know what?" he asks as he pulls away. She frowns and stares at him. He rolls his eyes and places a hand on her stomach, "If they want to destroy your mate, there will be a plus one involved," he smirks, suddenly pulling out the knife from her side as he quickly places something around her neck.

Her eyes go wide as she felt her vision blur. She understood what he meant, and she was not going to let happened that. But how? when she doesn't even have a chance to escape from this hell.