
>>> Chapter 5 <<<

"Tae! Jimin!" A voice called from behind making the best friends stop walking in search of who was calling them.

As they turn around, their eyes both landed at that familiar senior student who is now jogging to where they are.

"Bogum hyung!" Tae and Jimin greeted.

"Do you two have plans tonight?" Bogum asked getting straight to the point.

Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other and shrugged.

It's a Friday night and Taehyung and Jimin were never really the party type of student.

They either have movie marathons or Jimin video calls with Chanyeol as for Taehyung, well he's probably busy with Netflix or any romantic series.

That's of course when there are no deadlines. This week, Taehyung finished all of them thanks to Bogum's help.

Taehyung has been hanging out at the cafe and every night Bogum helps him out with his classes.

He also gave Taehyung the notes that he found which Taehyung is extremely thankful for as it is truly a great help.

"Not that I know of," Jimin answered.

"Great! How about we go hang out at the cafe I'll be closing at 9 tonight then we can have dinner nearby? There's a great bar that's just walking distance from the cafe." Bogum invites the two younger boys who in turn smiled nodding in agreement.

"Sure sure, we'd love to, what's the occasion?" Jimin asked.

"Just wanted to take my favorite dongsaengs out for dinner." Bogum shrugs with a smile.

"Jiminie and I will be at the cafe around 7 or 8?" Taehyung replied.

"Alright, see you two later." they both waved bye at Bogum.

(Tae texts his group chat)

Taehyung: Hyungieee! Bogum hyung will take us out tonight! 🤗🤗

Hyungie 🦙: Really? That's sweet!

Jiminie 🐣: Yeah! And drinks

Jiminie 🐣: 🐵

Hyungie 🦙: Please Tae can't even down more than two glasses

Taehyung: Of course I can 😡

Taehyung: I just don't like the taste 🥺

Jiminie 🐣: But you do love bars hmm?

Hyungie 🦙: What now?

Taehyung: Nothing hyungiiieee

Hyungie 🦙: Anyway, pay for the dinner Tae, okay?

Hyungie 🦙: I'll transfer you extra now. Bogum has been helping you out a lot lately right?

Taehyung: Yeah very 🤩

Hyungie 🦙: It'll be a great way to say thank you.

Taehyung: Okay hyungieeee 🤗

Jiminie 🐣: Am I included in this treat tho 😔

Hyungie 🦙: Of course Jiminie

Jiminie 🐣: Then yeyyyy 🙌🏻

As soon as Bogum finished closing the cafe, the three students started walking with Bogum leading the way.

Taehyung's stomach dropped when Bogum leads them to Tiger Flower.

His heart started beating so fast, why didn't he realized that Bogum is taking them there?

Why is he so nervous?

Jungkook will just probably ignore him again.

He knows Jungkook tried to talk to him last Friday, but it's been a week and he didn't try again.

Jungkook didn't bother Taehyung again after he refused to let Jungkook explain.

He knew it was his fault, he knew he was in the wrong so he decided to let Taehyung be, giving him space and the time that he probably needs.

Hoseok and Mingyu think Jungkook is being foolish and have been trying to convince Jungkook to just try and talk to Taehyung again, but the other won't budge.

Truth is, Jungkook's scared that Taehyung might reject him, he's not even sure Taehyung sees him that way.

Of course, he has an idea, he does think Taehyung feels the same way, but he is not 100% sure.

Jungkook was busy mixing drinks when he felt a nudge from Hoseok.

"What?" Jungkook in full annoyance glared at his hyung who simply nodded at the direction of the bar's entrance.

Jungkook followed Hoseok's gaze and to his utter surprise, there is Taehyung, looking extra gorgeous. He's not wearing his usual hoodie, jeans, and backpack.

Taehyung's wearing a pair of tight-fitting black slacks that make Jungkook's mind go to places.

His white shirt and pink blazer-like jacket balanced the entire outfit making him look cute and sexy at the same time, truly Taehyung's signature.

"Close your mouth," Hoseok said earning another piercing glare from the bartender.

"He has company," Hoseok tells Jungkook who's eyes suddenly shot up he searches for what Hoseok was saying.

Truly, Hoseok wasn't lying, Jungkook recognized Jimin from the pictures that Taehyung posted on Twitter and those that he showed Jungkook.

The other guy though, Jungkook couldn't exactly remember but he has seen this guy in one of Taehyung's Twitter posts.

Then it suddenly clicks, he's the guy who's 'helping' Taehyung, and who works at the cafe that Taehyung replaced his bar with.

Jungkook clenched his jaw as realization dawns on him. His tongue poking his inner cheek in annoyance as he saw how that guy pulled the chair out for Taehyung acting all gentleman.

To be fair, he also did the same thing for Jimin but still, it annoyed Jungkook to levels that he couldn't explain.

He saw how Mingyu went over to their table to take their order, Hoseok immediately dragged him out of the counter.

"Come on, let's introduce ourselves," Hoseok tells Jungkook with a challenging tone.

He almost forgot that Hoseok knows him very well and he probably knows how and what Jungkook is feeling right now.

"Hi, Tae!" Hoseok greets beside Mingyu with Jungkook at the back.

Taehyung's smile fell from his face as he saw Jungkook who doesn't seem interested at all, who to him seems like he has been forced to greet him.

Probably because he's with friends or well, simply the way he saw Hoseok dragging Jungkook to their table.

Nevertheless, Taehyung still considered Hoseok and Mingyu who have been nothing but nice to him.

Being the polite boy he is he stood up followed by Bogum and Jimin, "Hyungs, this is my best friend Jiminie, and this is Bogum hyung." Taehyung introduced his friends.

"Jimin's the only best friend?" Bogum attempts to joke flustering Taehyung and annoying the hell out of Jungkook.

"AH hyung.." Taehyung shyly responds not knowing what to say. With this Jimin and Bogum laughed.

Bogum wrapped his arm around Taehyung shoulder as he chuckles.

"Relax hyung's kidding," Bogum tells the younger boy who's now blushing in embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Jungkook." Jungkook introduced himself cutting off the exchange that's making him grit his teeth in despise.

He was about to say something more when Bogum removed his arm from around Taehyung.

"I'm Mingyu."

"Hoseok." Hoseok introduced themselves before they said they have to go back to work as the bar starts to get busier.

The night went by incredibly slow for Jungkook as he had to watch Taehyung smile and be lively with other people except for him.

Is this how jealousy feels like? Is he jealous?

Another first for Jungkook. He shakes his head trying to rid of the thoughts in his head.

After Taehyung and his friends finished their meal and decided to call it a night, Mingyu brought them the bill.

"It's okay hyung, I got it." Taehyung stop Bogum when he was about to pull out his wallet. Jungkook felt this intense uneasiness.

"No I was the one who invited you two out tonight, hyung's got it okay?" Bogum refuses to do so as he stopped Taehyung from pulling bills from his wallet.

"No, Seokjin hyungie asked me to pay for tonight. You helped me so much with my essays and projects." Taehyung explained.

"You didn't have to pay me back for that Tae" Bogum opposes.

"Hyung please" Taehyung begged with Jimin agreeing.

"Tae, no. I'm paying tonight."

"Hmmmpphh!" Taehyung pouts acting mad as Bogum placed his credit card on the bill.

"You can treat me ice cream some other time how about that?" Bogum cooed as he pinched Taehyung's cheek lightly.

Jungkook can probably commit murder anytime now if he doesn't get his hands off Taehyung.

"So, let's get walking?" Jimin offered as he was the first one to stand up from his seat.

Jungkook watched as the three college students walk out of the bar. He shook his head in disappointment towards himself. Why can't he just talk to Taehyung like a normal person?


Taehyung @kimtaetae

Earlier with Jiminie at Bogum Hyung's cafe, before we went for dinner 🤗💜

*pictures of him and Jimin*


Jimin @Jiminie_Park

Dinner was interesting 🧐🤔

Taehyung @kimtaetae

Hey 🤫 @Jiminie_Park

~ The same night ~ (Jungkook texts Tae)

Jungkook: Did he walk you home

Taehyung: Huh? 🤔

Jungkook: The guy you were with

Taehyung: Jiminie?

Jungkook: No that bogus guy

Taehyung: It's Bogum, not Bogus 😠

Jungkook: Don't care

Jungkook: Did he walk you home?

Taehyung: He and Jiminie did

Jungkook: You ignored me tonight

Taehyung: I thought you wanted me too 🤔

Jungkook: Of course not I tried to explain to you but you didn't let me

Taehyung: I don't understand you anymore 😕

Jungkook: Let me explain so you would understand

Taehyung: I'm going to bed, night 🌙

Jungkook: No

Jungkook: You're not shutting me out like you did last week

Jungkook: We'll talk

Jungkook: Come down I'm outside where I usually drop you off

Taehyung: What? 👀

Jungkook: Yes come down now it's cold

Taehyung: Go home to then! 😠

Jungkook: No not until you speak to me

Taehyung: I'm going to sleep 😴

Jungkook: Okay just know I'll be here till you decide to come down 👌🏻

Despite being still extremely hurt, Taehyung doesn't have it in him to let Jungkook wait outside in the cold.

In his mind Jungkook might just be playing with him, he doesn't know anymore.

Taehyung got up and went to grab a hoodie.

Without bothering to change, he put it over his PJs and quickly made his way out of the building.

Taehyung rushed out as fast as he can, despite being in pain from Jungkook's actions, he's still extremely worried for the other.

Jungkook's heart jumped as soon as he saw Taehyung walking out of the building in his cute PJs and a hoodie.

His heart is so full seeing that Taehyung came down to see him.

Of course, Jungkook knows that Taehyung is too kind that he wouldn't let anyone freeze outside waiting for him, but Jungkook knows how much he hurt Taehyung, how badly he fucked up.

Which is why he was still surprised to some extent.

"Go home Jungkookie." Taehyung sighed heavily adjusting his hoodie.

"Where's your glasses?"

Jungkook felt like his breath was knocked out of his lungs upon seeing Taehyung's bare face in person. He has seen his pictures without them but seeing him in person is unreal.

He knows Taehyung is beautiful even with glasses on, but with his bare face right now, Jungkook couldn't comprehend how gorgeous, how ethereal Taehyung is.

"I took them off, I told you I was getting ready for bed," Taehyung answered with a pout.

"Can we talk?"

"We're talking..." Taehyung furrowed his brows in confusion making Jungkook hold back a chuckle at how cute the other boy is.

"I have a lot to tell you, so can we sit somewhere? Is there a bench nearby?"

It's cold, Taehyung figured Jungkook must've been outside longer since he had to walk from the bar to Taehyung's, he also had to wait for Taehyung to come down.

He felt extremely bad that Jungkook had to suffer in the cold, so briefly he closed his eyes before finally deciding.

"We can come up to my dorm? It's warmer there."

"Is that allowed?" Jungkook asked not wanting to get Taehyung in any trouble. He knows Taehyung has the dorm to himself but to be sure, he still asked.

"Yeah, It's very small though but it's warmer." Taehyung innocently offers.

"Lead the way."

Jungkook looked around the building complex of the dorms, as soon as they reached Taehyung's floor, Taehyung took his keys out of his hoodie's pocket and opened the door.

Observing the dorm room, a smile made it's way to Jungkook's face. The place is so tidy and cute, in a Taehyung way.

The little plants by the window, the fairy lights by Taehyung's bed, and the polaroids and black and white photos hanging on his wall near what Jungkook assumes is Taehyung's study table.

"Nice place," Jungkook tells Taehyung who smiled back at him nodding as a thank you.

That smile, it's been so long.

Taehyung offered Jungkook something hot to drink but all he has is milk and hot choco, as he hates coffee and bitter drinks.

Jungkook almost cooed at this, while he agreed on having hot choco.

Taehyung asked Jungkook to have a seat on Taehyung's chair, which is placed in front of  Taehyung's study table.

He then handed Jungkook a cup of hot choco as he went to sit on his bed.

Jungkooked rolled the chair so it will be in front of Taehyung's bed, now facing Taehyung.

"I missed you." Jungkook blurted out, making Taehyung look up from his cup with wide eyes.

Putting his drink down on the bedside table, Taehyung pouts shaking his head no,

"That's not true Jungkookie, stop lying." Taehyung pouts sadly.

"I'm not lying Tae, I missed you."

"Then why did you ignore me like that?" Tears are now forming in the corners of Taehyung's eyes.

Jungkook's heart broke seeing Taehyung's glossy eyes, he can see, just by looking at Taehyung's eyes how much he hurt the other.

He immediately put his drink on the bedside table next to Taehyung's drink.

Jungkook got up and sat beside Taehyung on his bed, he took Taehyung's hands and held them in his.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered, Taehyung kept his head down, tears started falling from his eyes landing on his pajama pants which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Hey, Tae." Jungkook softly called out as he reached to cup Taehyung's face, making the crying boy face him.

His heart broke again and again, into a million pieces upon seeing Taehyung crying, because of him.

"Why did you ignore me like that Jungkookie? It hurts you know." Taehyung cries as he revealed how affected he was by the other's poor actions. Jungkook's heart couldn't take it anymore, he wrapped his arm around Taehyung pulling him close to him as the boy continues to cry.

"You didn't want to be my friend anymore? You could've told me no need to ignore me like that!" Taehyung cries harder this time, he finally let go of all the hurt he has gone through the past week of Jungkook distancing himself and ignoring Taehyung.

Stupid- that's the word Jungkook will describe himself right now, he's so stupid, he's so dumb for making Taehyung cry like this, be in pain like this.

He didn't know he mattered this much to Taehyung, that he will be crying this hard, either way, it's still not a good feeling.

"Hey, Tae, look at me please." Jungkook pleaded cupping Taehyung's face in his hands, he wiped Taehyung's tears away as he took the opportunity to also study Taehyung's face even more.

Taehyung stopped crying but he is still sniffling, with his apparent red eyes due to crying.

"I ignored you because I was scared." Jungkook begins, "I was scared of how I feel for you, I've never felt like this before for anyone in my whole life, and it scared me." Jungkook admits, his thumb continuously brushing on Taehyung's cheeks as he looks into Taehyung's eyes.

"Wha- What are you saying Jungkookie." Taehyung stutters as he hiccup from his previous sobs.

"Yes, I stopped ignoring you partly because I didn't want to be friends anymore." Taehyung just looks at Jungkook, not clearly understanding what the other is saying.

Jungkook just said he didn't want to be friends anymore? But he said that's not it?

"You're confusing me," Taehyung complains with a pout.

Jungkook just wants to kiss that pout away but he reminded himself to focus and that he's here for a reason.

He has to tell Taehyung what he wants.

Jungkook's hands moved from Taehyung's face back to Taehyung's hands as Jungkook looked into his eyes before uttering the words that will completely turn both their lives upside down,

"I want us to be something more."


                       (End of Chapter 5)