
>>> Chapter 20 <<<

"We're at the beach..." Taehyung whispered realizing he and Jungkook are too dressed up for the beach.

"Congrats baby, you have eyes!" Jungkook sarcastically remarks.

"Haha very funny." Taehyung rolls his eyes making his boyfriend chuckle.

"Why did you ask me to dress up if we will be hanging out at the beach? Why did you also dress up?" Taehyung wonders.

"Just come on." Jungkook takes Taehyung's hand in his guiding the other through a path to the beach.

As they got closer, Taehyung's eyes widen in amazement.

"Oh, my Kookie?" Taehyung squealed at the sight before him.

"You did this?" Taehyung looked at the perfectly arranged dinner table for two by the beachside.

Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist, his chin resting on Taehyung's shoulder.

He is quite proud of his work, well the work of the people he asked to set this up.

"You like it?" Jungkook looks at Taehyung's profile kissing him on the cheek.

Taehyung nodded excitedly in response.

"Shall we?" Jungkook offered his hands which Taehyung gladly took.

Before taking a seat, Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer, his head resting on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Thank you Kookie, for this, and for everything." Taehyung sighed with his eyes closed.

Taehyung doesn't know what he did to deserve this, to deserve Jungkook's love, Jungkook's affection. But he is grateful for it all.

Jungkook pulls away looking into Taehyung's eyes.

"I already told you before and I'm going to tell you this again. I will do absolutely anything for you." Jungkook's eyes sincere, full of love, full of adoration as he utters these words to the man he loves.

"I love you," Taehyung tells Jungkook the three words that never fail to make Jungkook's heart skip a beat.

"I love you more," Jungkook answers, pulling Taehyung closer, cupping his cheeks softly as he crashed his lips against the other.

Their lips moved in sync as their hearts slowly calm down, feeling at home in each other's arms.

The waves hitting the shore creating the most beautiful, the most peaceful sound.


"You two are really leaving us now?" Mrs. Jeon's voice filled with sadness, 3 days were too short.

"Please come and visit anytime, okay?" Mr. Jeon reminds the couple.

"Whenever I'm in Seoul I'll meet you guys okay?" Junghyun adds, him being in Seoul lately due to the firm.

"Sure Hyung." Jungkook nods with a smile.

"You take care of each other okay?" Mrs. Song reminds the couple.

The couple nods, Jungkook wraps his arm around Taehyung's waist pulling him close.

"Be patient with him Tae." Mrs. Jeon whispered as he pulled Taehyung in a hug.

"Thank you for having me." Taehyung bowed showing his gratefulness towards the family.

"Oh no need to thank us, honey, you're family now." Mr. Jeon dismissed Taehyung's formality.

"Drive safely!" Mrs. Jeon calls out to Jungkook who simply nodded in acknowledgment.


"Are you okay?" Taehyung panics as he saw Jungkook accidentally knock down a glass cutting himself in the process.

Taehyung just got back from book shopping with Jimin for the new semester which will begin in 3 days.

It's been 5 days since Taehyung and Jungkook got back from their Busan trip. Taehyung was pretty much just spending the days with Jungkook and the night hanging out at the bar or when he feels like staying in, he just waits for Jungkook in his apartment.

Lately, Jungkook has been moving more towards focusing on managing the business, he still bartends but he cut his hours short and is already going home at 10-11 pm.

Since the business is growing, there's more demand, hence, Jungkook and Hoseok talked about hiring new bartenders.

"You should take him back home Tae, he hasn't been feeling well," Hoseok tells Taehyung.

"I told him to rest today, he wouldn't listen," Taehyung tells Hoseok.

"I'm right here, I can hear you both perfectly and I told you I'm fine." Jungkook stubbornly replied.

Taehyung sighed rolling his eyes at Jungkook's stubbornness.

He already told Jungkook to stay home and rest as he has been feeling unwell since the morning, but Jungkook being Jungkook, didn't listen.

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook dragging him to the back office in search of the staff toilet.

"Baby, I'm fine." Jungkook tried to convince Taehyung.

"We need to wash this Kookie." Taehyung pushed the restroom door open pulling Jungkook in.

He puts Jungkook's cut hand and puts it under the faucet triggering the sensor allowing for the water to flow.

Jungkook hissed at the sting of pain from the water hitting his found.

"It's not that deep, we can just clean it and put a band-aid on." Taehyung examined the wound.

"Can you even see it?" Jungkook teased seeing that Taehyung's not wearing his glasses.

"FYI I'm wearing contacts."

"Aren't those uncomfortable?" Jungkook wonders.

"Not really just high maintenance, but at least I look good," Taehyung answered with a shrug.

Jungkook's face crunch in disapproval.

"You look good with or without glasses what are you even saying?" Jungkook wonders where the hell Taehyung got the idea that he didn't look good with glasses.

"Do you have any first aid kits?" Taehyung asked dismissing Jungkook's question.

"In my office," Jungkook answered, his heart fluttering at how Taehyung is taking care of him and how he seems to know exactly what to do.

The truth is, Taehyung and Hoseok were right he shouldn't have gone to work tonight.

He has been having a really bad case of headache and he started feeling dizzy earlier.

He doesn't know why but he felt extremely awful, and maybe, he really should've stayed home.

Taehyung continues to drag Jungkook around, finally reaching Jungkook's office, he turned the knob opening the door to the office.

"Where is it?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook takes a sit on the sofa in his office.

"At the top left." Jungkook leans down on the sofa, his head feeling heavier.

"Found it." Taehyung looked for a cleansing solution to further clean the wound and a light band-aid.

Knowing exactly what to do, Taehyung began cleaning the cut, Jungkook hissed and complained a few times making Taehyung worry, not knowing that Jungkook is just teasing him.

"Baby it hurts." Jungkook acts hurt when Taehyung damps the wound with the cleansing solution.

Panicking Taehyung's eyes widen, he doesn't want Jungkook to be in pain but he has to clean the wound.

"I'm sorry Kookie, I need to clean it properly or else it might get infected." Taehyung tries to soothe the pain by blowing on it.

Jungkook cooed at Taehyung's cute gesture.

"Blow here it will be better." Jungkook pushes his lips out suggesting for Taehyung to do it on his lips.

Finally catching up with Jungkook's act Taehyung glares at Jungkook who simply laughed at his boyfriend in return.

"Why are you so good at this? Are you secretly a med student?" Jungkook playfully asked not expecting a serious answer from the other.

"I used to clean my mom's, mine, and hyungies wounds but mostly mine." Taehyung placed a bandaid over the wound placing a kiss on Jungkook's hand before putting away the first aid supplies.

Jungkook's heart ached, as he is once again reminded of what his precious boyfriend had to go through.

They haven't got the chance to talk about it again but the thought of anyone laying their finger on Taehyung in any way makes Jungkook's blood boil.

"Baby..." Jungkook whispered opening his arm for Taehyung asking for a hug, which the other quickly complied to.

"No one's ever going to hurt you again, I won't let them," Jungkook promised Taehyung placing a soft kiss on his nose.

Taehyung sighed briefly closing his eyes before standing up to his feet, holding his hand out to Jungkook.

"Let's go, you have to get some rest. I'll run you a warm bath then you can get some rest okay?" Taehyung tells Jungkook who smirked taking Taehyung's hand.

"As long as you'll take it with me." Jungkook winks earning a warning glare from Taehyung.

"None of that, you're going to rest tonight." Jungkook whines at Taehyung's words, he lets Taehyung drag him to his apartment finally accepting that yes, he has to rest.


"Baby..." Jungkook whines feeling tired and drowsy from the medicine he took.

Taehyung took his temperature before taking a bath, turns out he has a slight fever. It's not high but it still worried Taehyung.

Jungkook admitted to feeling aches in his body as well, which is why Taehyung made him eat something and drink the medicine for fever and flu.

After the bath, Taehyung helped Jungkook get changed.

Guiding him to the bed, Taehyung took some lavender oil that they had with him.

"Where does it hurt?" Taehyung carefully climbs on the bed.

"My back, and my head," Jungkook answered weakly.

"If you don't get better tomorrow I'm taking you to the hospital," Taehyung tells Jungkook who whines in protest.

"Lay on your stomach Kookie," Taehyung instructs as he pulls Jungkook's hoodie off.

Jungkook usually sleeps without a shirt on but he felt cold so Taehyung asked him to at least wear a hoodie.

"Didn't know you want to switch it up." Jungkook playfully jokes earning a glare from Taehyung for the hundredth time tonight.

"How are you even able to joke around when you're in pain like this?" Taehyung wonders, Jungkook laughs weakly turning over following Taehyung's instructions.

Taehyung rubs some of the lavender oil on Jungkook's back and his hand before straddling Jungkook's ass his knees on either side of Jungkook's body.

"This is probably not a good idea." Jungkook groans at the pleasure that Taehyung's hands are bringing him.

"Shh just relax." Taehyung's hands began working on Jungkook's back muscles.

Starting on Jungkook's shoulder, Taehyung's hand moves amazingly relieving Jungkook's pain and tensed muscles.

"Oh God that feels good." Jungkook moans as Taehyung's hand moves down to his spine.

Taehyung moves around his hand continue working their magic on Jungkook's back.

"It feels so good but you should stop now baby," Jungkook tells Taehyung not even after 15 minutes of Taehyung massaging his back.

"Just relax okay? It feels good right? It will help with pain relief." Taehyung tells Jungkook as he continued massaging his back.

"Trust me the pain is gone" Jungkook chuckles weakly.

Taehyung continues massaging Jungkook's back ignoring Jungkook's remarks.

"Tae, I'm seriously getting hard." Jungkook straights up tell Taehyung who immediately got off of Jungkook, not wanting to excite the other too much as Jungkook needs to rest tonight.

Jungkook turns around sitting up grabbing his hoodie that has been discarded to the side, Taehyung took it from his hand and helped him with it.

"I'll just take a quick shower and then I'll massage your head, okay?" Taehyung tells Jungkook who shakes his head.

"No don't leave." Jungkook pulls Taehyung's arm stopping him from leaving.

"I need to shower it will be quick," Taehyung promised a smile forming on his face at how adorable Jungkook becomes when he's sick.

Sure the playful dirty remarks are still here and there but overall, Jungkook is like a clingy baby, and Taehyung is so in awe.

Taehyung took a quick shower true to his word, he dried his hair quickly putting on his PJs.

"You're back," Jungkook mumbled pulling Taehyung close.

"Come on I'll massage your head." Taehyung began massaging Jungkook's nape, shortly he made Jungkook lay down as he continued massaging his temple.

Jungkook slowly starts to drift off to sleep moving closer to the other.

"I won't get you sick right?" Jungkook worriedly asked, his eyelids feeling heavy.

"No Kookie, don't worry about me." Taehyung has a pretty strong immune system which is why he is always the one who takes care of Hyung, his mom, and Jiminie.

Even his father that one time.

"Good night Kookie." Taehyung placed a kiss on Jungkook's cheeks as he drifts off to sleep.

Taehyung noticed his phone blinking on the bedside table, he grabbed it realizing it's Jimin that has been sending him text messages.

Jiminie 🐣: Tae Tae

Jiminie 🐣: 3 more days till we will be in our third year!!

Taehyung: Jiminieeeee

Taehyung: Yes finallyyyy 😍

Jiminie 🐣: Do you want to shop tomorrow? Get some school stuff before the semester starts?

Jiminie 🐣: I mean we only got to get the books today because we had to go around Seoul to complete it 🤬

Taehyung: It was tiringggg 😢

Taehyung: I would love to go tomorrow Jiminie but Jungkook's not feeling well can we maybe do it the next day or so? 🥺

Jiminie 🐣: Oh what happened? Is he okay?

Taehyung: Yeah he's just not feeling well I'm taking care of him 🥺

Jiminie 🐣: Your such a cute boyfriend omg 🥺

Jiminie 🐣: Now that I think about it Chanyeol has never taken care of me before 😕

Taehyung: He's always away Jiminie 😔

Jiminie 🐣: And I hate it! 😢

Jiminie 🐣: Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a normal relationship yk

Taehyung: What do you mean? 🤔

Jiminie 🐣: Like you and Jungkook you can see each other every day and stuff.

Taehyung: Is everything okay with you and Chanyeol Hyung? 😳

Jiminie 🐣: Yeah idk tbh

Taehyung: Why what's wrong? I'm sorry I haven't checked up on you Jiminie 😔

Jiminie 🐣: No no it's not your fault

Jiminie 🐣: Wait am I disturbing you and Jungkook? It's okay Tae don't worry

Taehyung: No no he's asleep don't worry now please tell me

Jiminie 🐣: It's just we've been fighting a lot recently and its really hard to resolve things over face time

Taehyung: I'm sorry Jiminie

Taehyung: But maybe you can talk when he comes back he'll be back to visit again in 2 weeks right? 😃

Jiminie 🐣: That's the thing tae tae idk if I want to still be with him

Taehyung: What???

Jiminie 🐣: Idk if my talk with him will be for making things better or ending it. I just am tired of the whole arrangement.

Taehyung: I'm sorry that you feel this conflicted Jiminie 😔

Taehyung: Is there anything I can do? 🥺

Jiminie 🐣: No it's okay Tae Jungkook is sick I understand

Jiminie 🐣: But it's okay if I hang out at the bar tomorrow night right? Hoseok Hyung and Mingyu Hyung will be there, right?

Taehyung: Yeah of course of course

Taehyung: You can come up here as well I'm sure kookie wouldn't mind 🤗🤗🤗

Jiminie 🐣: Not to be mean but I have a weaker immune system compared to you and I don't really want to get sick before the semester starts 😓

Taehyung: No no it's okay I understand

Taehyung: I can come down tomorrow too just after I make sure Kookie is okay 😌

Taehyung: Just text me okay?

Jiminie 🐣: Thanks tae tae

Taehyung: I love you Jiminie don't forget that okay? 🥰

Jiminie 🐣: I love you too tae tae good night 😘

Taehyung: Night night ✨


"Hyungie are you sure I did this correctly?" Taehyung speaks through the speaker showing his Hyung the soup he made and the egg he fried.

Jungkook is usually the one who cooks and Taehyung's freaking out, Jungkook's already sick he doesn't want to make his boyfriend sicker.

"Tae, it's ready to eat soup you literally just had to boil it, so I'm sure it's fine" Seokjin answered Taehyung as he fixed his tie getting ready to leave.

"The eggs?" Taehyung raised his brow in question.

"Could be better." Seokjin shrugs in an attempt to tease Taehyung.

"Hyungieee" Taehyung softly whined not wanting to wake Jungkook up.

"Just kidding, you did great Tae Tae, but I really have to go or else I'll be late," Seokjin tells Taehyung before they wave at each other goodbye and ending the facetime.

Jungkook woke up hearing Taehyung's voice, he got up and pads to the dining room.

Jungkook leans to the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Taehyung talk with his brother on how to prepare the soup and if the eggs he cooked is fine.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile he felt so warm inside at the thought of Taehyung taking care of him and doing things he's not familiar with for Jungkook.

"You did great baby." Jungkook's morning voice is raspy startling Taehyung who just ended the call with Seokjin.

"Oh you're awake, I'm sorry, was I too loud?" Taehyung pouts.

"No baby." Jungkook walks to Taehyung wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's torso, nuzzling his head on the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"You're temperature seems fine now." Taehyung feels Jungkook's forehead.

"I feel better," Jungkook tells Taehyung.

"You're still not going to work tonight, okay? You will rest I already informed Hoseok Hyung." Taehyung strictly tells Jungkook as he finished preparing their breakfast.

"Is it bad that I was turned on by that?" Jungkook smirks referring to Taehyung bossing him around.

"Shut up." Taehyung giggled as Jungkook pulls him on his lap.

"Thank you for taking care of me baby," Jungkook tells Taehyung.

"I'll always take care of you." Taehyung placed a kiss on Jungkook's lips.

"I have a question." Jungkook tightens his grip around Taehyung's waist.

"After breakfast?" Taehyung looks down at Jungkook with a smile as he tried to stand up.

"No, it's a quick question." Jungkook insists on not letting Taehyung go.

"Okay go ahead." Taehyung gave Jungkook the go signal.

"Will you move in with me?" Jungkook looks up with hopeful eyes at Taehyung whose eyes widen, Jungkook's question catching him off guard.

The truth is, Jungkook has been wanting to ask Taehyung to move in for a long time now, he practically lives with Jungkook anyway.

Jungkook was nervous to ask but all he wants is to be with Taehyung as much as he could.

Jungkook wants to go home to Taehyung every night.

He wants to wake up next to Taehyung every day.

He wants to live with the man he loves the most.

Jungkook smiled looking up at Taehyung, his eyes full of hope as he waits for Taehyung's answer.


(End of Chapter 20)