
>>> Chapter 1 <<<

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"Why does the wifi here sucks so much?"

Taehyung complains banging his head repeatedly on the table.

"Because we're in a library duh". Jimin answered back rolling his eyes at his whiny best friend.

"That doesn't even make sense. If anything the wifi should be fast, for students who want to cram for finals and deadline". Taehyung whines earning a glare from the librarian.

"Look you either deal with it, or you go home and do it in your dorm." Jimin shakes his head having enough of Taehyung's complaints.

"Jiminie you know I'm just sharing my wifi with my neighbor." Taehyung reminds his best friend.

"Then get your own damn wifi", Jimin hissed at his non-stop complaining machine of a best friend.

"I'm broke okay? I can either have a good dinner every night or wifi."

"How about this, you find a good cafe or restaurant with good wifi and problem solved!" Jimin smiled at his genius suggestion hoping that this will put a stop to Taehyung's complaints.

"But most of them close at 10 pm, I need to stay at least 1 am to get everything done!" Taehyung continues to complain making Jimin stand up in annoyance taking his laptop and books with him.

"Oh my god Taehyung just please get good wifi and go somewhere else but near me", Jimin scolds Taehyung who in turn pouts giving him the saddest and cutest puppy dog eyes.

"Jiminiee..." Taehyung pouts.

"Look Tae, I love you but please I need to finish my essay okay?" Jimin softly explains his outburst to his best friend.

"Why don't you go to dinner? Find a good dinner with good wifi?" Jimin suggests again.

"You said you'll treat me. I don't have money." Taehyung admits.

"Jin Hyung forgot to send you your allowance?" Jimin asked in confusion. Taehyung's brother- Jin never forgets to send Taehyung his weekly allowance.

"No, I broke my glasses yesterday and had to get a new one. Hyung will send me money this weekend tho. I'll treat you back!" Taehyung explained Jimin sighed as he pulled out 20,000 won from his wallet.

"Please don't starve." Jimin reminds the other as he hands him the bills.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!", Taehyung squealed in excitement as he hugged his generous best friend.

The noise Taehyung created earned a loud 'SHH' from the librarian.

"I'll pay you back this weekend I promise," Taehyung whispered as Jimin can't help but smile at his best friend.

'God, what would this idiot do without me?' Jimin thinks as he shakes his head smiling.

Taehyung may be loud and weird sometimes, well much more often than sometimes, but he loves the innocent boy so much.

They've known each other since high school days and from the moment they established their friendship, Jimin was set on taking care and protecting Taehyung at all cost.

"Okay now leave me alone." Jimin shooed Taehyung who simply smiled showing off his beautiful boxy smile.

"Alright, study hard! Love love love you!" Taehyung calls out as he exits the library not before earning another glare from the librarian.

"Taehyung just please..." The librarian said pointing at the door.

"Night night Ms. Lee!" Taehyung waves goodbye making the librarian smile, no matter how grumpy Ms. Lee is, Taehyung has this particular charm that makes people around him smile.


"Two margaritas please." A tipsy lady with bright red lipstick whispered in the most seductive way possible, making Jungkook smirk.

"Two margaritas coming right up." Jungkook winked making the lady at the other side of the counter blush furiously.

Jungkook began mixing the drink, getting them ready in minutes, further amusing the lady at Jungkook's bartending skills.

The lady with the bright lipstick on slides a bill as she reached for the drinks that Jungkook prepared.

"Keep the change hot stuff." The lady flirts earning another wink from the bartender.

Jungkook is used to this, every night someone tries to flirt with him. If they're hot enough and he's feeling it, well- there's the staff toilet and, Jungkook's apartment is just upstairs.

The night gets deeper and the bar gets busier, unlike ordinary bars, this bar is pretty chill but when there are events, parties, and on Friday nights, it can get crazy.

Since today is a Wednesday, some deem it as Ladies Night but it's just a pretty regular night for Jungkook. Jungkook made around on the bar to grab some shot glasses that was left unattended by drunk customers who are now trying to either flirt with someone or dance awkwardly on the empty dance floor.

All of a sudden, Jungkook felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Uhm, sir, excuse me." The deep male voice spoke as he continued tapping Jungkook's shoulders, making Jungkook turn around.

Jungkook took a step back, brow-raising when his eyes landed on an innocent-looking boy, with glasses on, grinning at him from ear to ear.

"Sir?" Jungkook questioned smirking at the way the boy addressed him.

"Sorry to bother you but I have a question." the boy tells Jungkook making him perk up, does he want Jungkook to sell him alcohol even if he's underage? Won't be the first time if Jungkook's being honest.

"You want me to sell you alcohol without an ID?" Jungkook guessed making the other boy's eyes widen behind his round glasses.

"What? No!" The boy quickly defends, Jungkook raised his brow in question.

"You don't want alcohol?" Jungkook asked confused.

"No! And even if I do, I'm not underage you know." the cute boy continues to defend.

That's right cute boy, Jungkook doesn't know why that's the first thing that came to his mind, but the boy before him is pretty cute, Jungkook's not gonna lie.

"No? then what do you want?" Jungkook asked wiggling his brows. What does this boy want if not alcohol, he's in a bar for crying out loud.

"I just wanted to ask for your wifi password. Do you have a good connection here?" the boy showing off his unique smile.

"Wifi password?" Jungkook almost chokes as he tried to suppress a laugh, the boy simply nodded in return.

"I'll get my dinner here if the connection's fast, also you close at 3 am right?" The boy continues to ask.

The wait is this boy for real? Jungkook thought.

"Wait you're serious?" Jungkook asked shaking his head as he walks back to the other side of the counter.

"Yes, why?" The boy answered pouting in confusion.

Cute, really cute, Jungkook thought.

"Okay fine, what are you getting then? I'll give you the wifi password."

"But is it reliable to download files and convert them?" the boy asked again as he adjusts his glasses.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook face crunches in amusement.

"Look, I have deadlines and I need a good and reliable internet, and before you offer alternatives please know that my best friend already did but this place is my only hope." round glasses boy pleads, not stopping, making Jungkook finally lose it.

"Is there something funny with that sir?" the boy tilts his head in confusion.

"Fine fine, yes we have a fast connection and not many people use the internet here because as you can see, they're busy getting drunk." Jungkook motioned at the people inside the bar.

"Which is what people normally do at a bar." Jungkook further points out borderline patronizing the boy, but it seems like the boy didn't get offended as he simply nodded and shrugged in reply.

"Anway, the password is JJK0901" Jungkook finally gave the boy the wifi password, who in turn thanks him and gave his order to Jungkook which is simple fish and chips, with coke as his drink.

"You sure you don't want rum in it?" Jungkook jokes.

"No thank you, I'm good kind sir." the boy tells Jungkook as he bowed down politely.

"Kind sir?" Jungkook laughed, the boy simply smiled at him.

"Jungkook." He tells the boy.


"Jungkook, my name," Jungkook informs the boy.

"Ah! Nice to meet you Jungkook-sshi." the boy replies in the realization of Jungkook's introduction.

"Well, aren't you gonna tell me your name?" Jungkook finally asked

"My Name's Taehyung, my friends call me Tae, so either way works," Taehyung answered Jungkook, smiling widely.

This boy is too cheerful for his own good.

"Nice meeting you too Taehyung." Jungkook smiled offering his hand to shake Taehyung's, Taehyung shook it politely before excusing himself.

"I'll stop bothering you now Jungkook-sshi," Taehyung said before walking away to find a seat.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung sat on one of the empty tables, pulling out his laptop.

Wow, he wasn't kidding when he said he will finish his projects in this bar. Jungkook thought.

Taehyung plugged in his headphones, putting it on, his face focused. Jungkook is impressed at how focused Taehyung is because just after a few moments of settling in his seat, he is already typing away like he isn't at some bar.

Jungkook passed the order to one of the waiters, Mingyu was shocked that Jungkook took the food order, usually, Jungkook only takes drink orders.

When the fish and chips are ready, before Mingyu can even grab it, Jungkook beat him to it.

"I'll take care of it, ask Hoseok hyung to take over at the bar for me," Jungkoook instructs Mingyu who simply nodded in confusion but let it go anyway.

"One fish and chips with coke," Jungkook spoke formally serving the food on Taehyung's table.

He had a hard time placing it properly as he wasn't used to waiting.

"Oh, Jungkook-sshi, thank you." Taehyung thanks the other when he finally realized that his food arrived.

"Just Jungkook," Jungkook tells Taehyung.

"Okay, Just Jungkook, Thank you." Taehyung attempts to joke making Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook never enjoyed talking with anyone but Taehyung, he finds him somewhat amusing.

Taehyung started eating, and from afar, Jungkook watched the way Taehyung eats in a pout.

"Cute." He whispered but loud enough for his friend and part-time bartender, Hoseok to hear.

"Who's cute?" Hoseok asked following Jungkook's gaze.

"No one." Jungkook lies but it was too late, Hoseok already found where Jungkook's eyes were.

"Who's the kid?" Hoseok asked teasing Jungkook simply ignored him shrugging in an attempt to dismiss the conversation.


The night continued with more drunk strangers getting more and more drunk as Taehyung finally finished his first project deadline.

"Finally!" Taehyung sighed in relief resting his head on his laptop after shutting it down.

"Tough deadline?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed a chair placing it across Taehyung, taking a seat.

"Yeah, but I'm done! well for the day but at least I get to turn it in." Taehyung smiled with his head still on his laptop.

"What time is it Jungkook-sshi?" Taehyung asked as he closed his eyes for a while, the bar is quite empty now so Taehyung assumes that it is quite late.

"Half-past 2," Jungkook answered leaning back on his chair watching the tired boy.

"Ah, it's late." Taehyung yawns.

"You sure you don't want a drink? You look like you need one it's on the house." Jungkook offered seriously.

"I don't like alcohol Jungkook-sshi."

"I told you to drop the formalities it's uncomfortable." Jungkook reminds Taehyung who finally lifts his head facing Jungkook.

"Okay, Jungkook," Taehyung answered smiling with his eyes slightly closed.

Cute, too cute. Jungkook thinks.

"So why don't you like alcohol?" Jungkook asked

"I just don't like the taste," Taehyung replied shrugging, it's true Taehyung hates bitter drinks or food.

"Interesting..." Jungkook taps his chin observing the boy.

Taehyung's phone all of a sudden started ringing,

"Oh sorry, it's my best friend?" Taehyung said excusing himself, Jungkook nodded for Taehyung to answer the phone.

"Jiminie" Taehyung greets through the phone.

"Yeah I'm going home soon, no my dorm is very near to where I am," Taehyung spoke through the phone.

"I'll see you tomorrow for lunch? Okay, bye Jiminie." Taehyung ends the call and began gathering his things.

"Leaving?" Jungkook asked the obvious.

"Yeah," Taehyung answered as he placed his things in his bag pack.

Jungkook stays seated as Taehyung stood up and gathered his things, Jungkook finally stood up when Taehyung was about to leave. He walked the boy outside the bar.

"Thank you for letting me use your wifi Jungkook. It was a big help." Taehyung thanks the bartender.

"Well, you're welcome to come here for the wifi anytime," Jungkook tells the college student.

"Oh that's alright, I'm not sure I can afford dinner here every night heh." Taehyung shyly admits looking down at his shoes.

"Just come, don't worry about that," Jungkook says, words slipping out of his mouth before he can even think about it.

He feels for the college student though, and he is equally amazed that Taehyung went to a bar, for wifi, for his studies, not like regular college students who go to just party and do stupid shit.

It's business for Jungkook but still, he appreciates students like Taehyung.

"Thank you Jungkook, I have to go now." Taehyung smiled bowing politely before walking away to the opposite way.

Taehyung smiled as he walk back to his dorm, he's satisfied, he completed his project in due time, he's full and he met a good guy.

Jungkook's smile remained in his face as he entered the bar, earning a teasing remark from Hoseok, "Since when do we walk clients out?" Hoseok teased.

Jungkook put his middle finger up at the other who just laughed loudly at Jungkook's reaction.

As Jungkook walks back to the bar counter, the lady with the bright red lipstick who flirted with Jungkook is surprisingly sitting on one of the bar stools.

"Hey there." The lady flirt, she crossed and uncrossed her legs obviously inviting Jungkook in.

Jungkook smirked flirting back, getting back on his old routine.

However, that night, when Jungkook dragged the random lady to one of the empty restrooms, he couldn't erase from his mind those particular innocent brown eyes behind a pair of glasses.

Jungkook shook his head trying to get rid of those images in his mind, he tried to focus on the lady on her knees before him.

As the lady palmed him through his jeans, when he closed his eyes in pleasure, a smile from a certain boy is the only thing he can see.

                       (End of Chapter 1)

NOTE: I forgot to put notes before the story so I will put it here.

- Jungkook is older than Taehyung by 2-3 years in this AU.

-Might contain NSFW/Smut in the future but I will put warnings

- Expect: Angst/fluff/everything


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