
Wife snatching stream

I will bang all your beautiful wives. King's wives, the billionaire wives,Mafia boss wife even wives of Gods! as long as she is a beauty she got no immunity to my charms. NTR content at it peak. wife banging MC, Ruthless. villan tag so proceed with caution. if you are weak hearted not for you. 10ps>>>1 extra chapter 10gts>>>>2 extra chapter review>>>side character

_Cummander · Fantasy
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27 Chs

I still ate that ass

» Evaluating mission and editing wife snatching stream program – 24 hours until completion.

»All skill and stream features are locked.

I stared at the screen, I just had to make it until midnight, then I could kick some ass, I thought to myself as I ate the sandwich Luna brought for me.

"Talk about a wild horse" Lana Said as she sat down outside my cell gate eating the same sandwich.

I smiled as I stroked her lap.

"How about you help me relief my stress" I said as I continued to bite my sandwich.

I didn't turn to her as I heard her rise to her feet, I thought she was about to leave.

Until I felt her hand on my pants as she pulled my cock out and began to stroke it.

Blood flowed all the way down to my cock as quickly as possible as I felt pleasure.

She grabbed my cock taking my lips in hers as she moved down, I stood up as she went to her knees pushing my waist as I stuck my cock out with she taking it in her mouth.

I shoved it all the way down her throat as she gagged.

Grabbing her hair, I began to move my waist as I face fucked her.

She placed her hands around my waist, pushing me even deeper as I could feel my load building up.

(Ah shit) I moaned as I came all the way down her throat, she swallowed it as she continued to suck me dry.

I pushed back as I sat down, smiling, she cleaned her mouth with a napkin as she sat beside me.

"Well, at least I can die in peace now" I said.

"You seem confident that you will escape" She replied.

"I do?" I asked, passing her the basket.

"Yeah, you act mysterious and uncanny" She said as she got up, arranging her gown.

"Am the special kind girl" I replied, walking towards the window.

"I wish you luck tonight" She said as she walked away.

I didn't reply, but I knew that I really did need the luck, I had so many doubts.

What if the system didn't come up? It was the greatest doubt I had.

Always have a plan B, C and G for such a riskier move, this came to me as I remembered the dating tutorials from my past life.

Well, I didn't really use them, or I didn't think they worked, and to me getting a girl is to be there at the right time and a lot more factors to watch out for.

I moved away from the window as I snuffed myself, "ah shit I stink" I said to myself.

» Evaluating mission and editing wife snatching stream program – 6 hours until completion.

»All skill and stream features are locked.

The count-down timer acted as a clock of some sort for me, helping me know how long I had.

"Just 6 hours more, huh?" I said as I looked out the window again.

The guttuoline had been set up already.

A few minutes later, I could hear the rattling in the gate as it was burst open with guards coming in to take me away.

I smiled as they pulled me out dragging me down the hall again, but I wasn't led to the execution ground, instead I was led to a private room with a bath tub and a couple of guards and maids.

"You wash, and then you die" A guard said.

"Oh, thanks, I'd rather not smell like horse piss when I die" I replied.

I stood out the bathtub for a while, but they remained in the room.

Sighing, I began to take off my clothes as the maids blushed, looking away.

Taking one step into the bathtub, which was rather cold.

"Come on, at least I would have loved a hot bath" I said as I sat in the cold water.

I grabbed the soap as I washed up, humming any song I could think of.

"Excuse us" A familiar voice said from the entrance.

I didn't turn back as I continued to hum, Melissa stood there as the guards stared at me before bowing.

"The king instructed that he should never be left alone" One of the guards replied.

"Oh really? Then I wonder if he finds out that you saw me naked" She said as she began to undress.

A horrific look appeared on the faces of the guards as they bowed again, hurrying out of the room with the maids accompanying them.

It was just me and her left now as she walked towards my bathtub.

"Hello, there your highness" I said smiling

She grabbed the soap from my hand as she helped me wash up with tears flowing down her eyes.

"You idiot, you should have pled for your life" She said.

"Oh I didn't know it works like that" I replied.

I turned to her as I wiped her tears from her eyes.

She kissed me immediately as she slipped, falling into the bathtub.

"Oh it cold" She said as I helped her get up.

She stared at my naked body for a few minutes as she swallowed hard with various thoughts running down her head.

I simply smiled as I grabbed her dress, taking it off.

"What are you doing?" She asked, not even trying to stop me.

"Unless you want to catch a cold, it will be best to take this off" I replied, pulling her gown off completely to reveal her naked figure.

Her plain skin caught my attention as my cock grew, I wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her close.

She could feel my cock poking her as she smiled kissing me, I kissed her back as my tongue invaded her mouth.

My hands squeezed her ass, lifting her and dropping her on the table as I continued to kiss her.

I kissed her neck as she moaned from pleasure.

"One last dance?" I whispered in her ear as she nodded her head ridiculously.


Author's note

Hello my fellow cultured men.

Please vote and leave a review I am currently in a contest and hope I can gain your support.

Leave a comment and get the opportunity of being introduced as a side character.

>>Two more later if I get the time to edit them.

I appreciate your PS

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