
Wife snatching stream

I will bang all your beautiful wives. King's wives, the billionaire wives,Mafia boss wife even wives of Gods! as long as she is a beauty she got no immunity to my charms. NTR content at it peak. wife banging MC, Ruthless. villan tag so proceed with caution. if you are weak hearted not for you. 10ps>>>1 extra chapter 10gts>>>>2 extra chapter review>>>side character

_Cummander · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Fairest of the land

A couple of days went by with me lazing around, soon enough it was time to head back to the academy. 

It was a new session and according to my information, the queen always showed up as she was in charge to the academy in paper.

It was a good opportunity to see her in person as I arranged a few of my things, getting ready to leave for the academy.

The large hall was filled with old and new students who wanted to take their shot at being knights of the city, but there was one exception.

I wasn't concerned about that, I just wanted to see the figure that I would be clapping her cheeks.

I stepped into the hall, I was again met with eyes of contempt as I walked to a less crowded area to sit.

Soon, cheers filled the room as the queen walked in.

She was beautiful, her skin shone bright with her long black hair.

Her blue eyes pierced into my very soul, I was even more motivated.

{The egg of the snake}└ Someone is in love 

{The dark serpent of ends}└ She isn't that pretty

{hot air balloons of the universe}└ Darling, look over here and take my cherries

{The one who rocks}└ You call those cherries more like planets.

{The one who wanks} excuse himself to rub one off.

"Hello students" Her calm soft voice filled the room.

Soon enough, the chatter died down as everybody focused on her.

>>>Mission target info<<<

 Name: Melissa starkoff 

Title: Queen, fairest of the land, attention-seeking whore throat goddess.

OI: loves music and art. 

Wait, let's ignore the title firstly, I know what you think my fellow cultured men.

I just found the most suitable approach to clapping, then cheeks.

As she continued her speech, I got up to leave.

Melissa continued her speech on stage as she enjoyed the attention she was receiving from the students.

"Yes stare more you low swines" She thought to herself. 

"Who that?" She thought to herself as she walked, a figure get up to leave.

I didn't really think about it too much as I felt her eyes follow my movements as I walked out to the hall.

Heading towards the administration office.

"Hey who the musician guy around here" I asked the chat.

└{All the Gods point to the weirdo in the Haven}

{The tone of the universe} smiles as he realized you need his help.

"Help my ass pay up, bitch" I screamed.

{The tone of the universe} gifts you Tones and key tap for more info.

Finally arriving at the administration office, I headed in.

"I would like to switch classes" I said to the woman sitting on the front desk.

This drew her attention as she lifted her head up to look at me.

After a couple of seconds of intense eye contact, she nods.

"Okay, son, why do you want to? Any particular reason" She asked.

"Yes, I am not just suited for swords and finally found my talent" I replied as I took the form she handed to me.

I read through for a couple of minutes before signing it and passing it back to her.

She stretched her hand towards me as I give her a badge in my pocket which has two cross swords on it before she replaced it with one with a music note before handing it to me.

"I hope you have a successful school year, Mr. Alessandro" she said.

I smiled as I headed back for the door.

As my figure disappeared, another one entered.

"Do you have any other questions Mr. Alessandro" The lady at the front desk asked without lifting her head.

"Of course not ma'am" Another voice replied as this drew the attention of the lady.

The voice belonged to a young girl who was rather tall and beautiful for her age as she smiled at the woman.

"I would like to know what the young mister that just left came to do" She said, smiling.

"Oh welcome Hana, don't worry he just came to change his field of study that all" The lady replied.

"Did he said why?" Hana asked again.

"No, is there anything?" The lady replied as her voice seems to trail Abit. 

Hana didn't reply as she walked away, her eyes focused on my disappearing figure.

"What is he thinking?" She thought to herself.

Well, I was not aware of this as I head for the cafeteria for lunch.

I spent the rest of the day roaming round the school before heading home, classes resumed tomorrow and I wanted to give a good impression.

"No, no no, I will not let a brute like you touch my delicate instruments or spoil my ears with your pity of a sound you called music" A teacher screamed at me as I entered the music class.

"If this is a joke from that block head then tell him he failed" He continued.

The teacher name was Fredrick, and he was the one in charge of the music department, from the memories I had he was rather a professional in his work and had produced very fine musicians who entertained the queen.

So it was strongly valued, and thus the rude behavior.

But he hated fighting and was in an endless war with the teacher who thought the knights.

"A gentleman must learn to please the mind not to destroy the body" He said as he continued to blab on.

I wasn't very interested, I had a plan in mind and was not going to let some teacher ruin it because he had made a few good notes.

I walked towards the musical instruments as I picked up a violin, he was distracted as he continued to rampage on about not letting me play as the first note drew his attention.

He immediately turned to me as I played the violin like I had played all my life.

I could feel the gentle calm warmth fill me up like I was the violin itself, each note prefect.

Other students stared at me, some even tearing up as I came to my final note before dropping the violin.

A round of applause filled the room as Fredrick appeared in front of me, smiling as he grabbed my hand with both of his.

"Perfect, just perfect welcome to my class, what is your name? " He asked, smiling.

All this ranting was gone, leaving only a calm endeavor in its stead.

"Alessandro, but you can call me Alex" I said smiling.


Author's note 

Hello my fellow cultured men. 

Please vote and leave a review I am currently in a contest and hope I can gain your support. 

Leave a comment and get the opportunity of being introduced as a side character.