
He is a "She"

"we're here Master."


The driver announced glancing at the elegant youth through the rear mirror, the old man was so curious about the young boy's identity.

He still recalls how earlier on the morning he received a call from his agency telling him urgently to go fetch a very important person from the airport and that he'd be from now on working under him. He left his house in a hurry without even eating his beloved daughter's well prepared breakfast for him just to arrive at the airport and see a bunch of bodyguards surrounding someone and escorting him toward the car. He left the car and quickly bowed in respect introducing himself diligently and when the bodyguards finally scattered he was finally face to face with his new employer. His eyes almost bulged out the moment he saw him for his new master was but just a young boy with youthful delicate yet handsome looks.

"Go park the car and you could retreat back home I won't be needing your services for today."

The youth spoke up finally after staring for a while at the mansion in front of him with unfathomable expression, one couldn't guess what he was thinking about at the moment. His face was extremely emotionless unfitting to his age and his voice soft yet there was a trace of authority that makes one helplessly obey.

"Yes master. Please have a good day."

Without uttering any answer the boy left the car and walked with confident steps toward the gate. His presence and confidence resembled that of a king making the driver more curious about his background. Who really was his new employer? Was he a heir of some CEO? A son of a wealthy family? A celebrity with huge popularity? The driver could only try to guess as he haven't received any information about his new employer yet unless he heads to his agency and receives his contract.

The doors of the mansion were opened even before the young boy reached the stairs and a huge husky dog soon appeared running excitedly and jumped on him.

The boy was expecting this so he was ready and managed to catch the dog and stabilize himself preventing both of them from falling back.

"Missed me that much already? It's only been a day and a half Wang.. You silly!" The youth spoke his voice no longer detached and cold but rather gentle as he ruffled the soft thick fur of his dog, a slight faint smile appearring on his stone face.

"Woof!" but Lingling! we never separated for so long! The husky barked complaining as he rubbed his face on his owner's face.

"Only you miss me..." the boy whispered his eyes showing warmth and affection as he gave a kiss to his dog.

"Meow!" suddenly a ragdoll cat appeared as if sensing his owner forgetting about him. He meowed glaring with his blue eyes at the dog while flicking his tail showing how annoyed he was.

"Oh.. Hey Jun.. Don't glare I know you missed me too sorry! Come here." looking guiltily at his cat standing a step away feeling cheated on the boy tries to coex him opening his arms to welcome him. "Come my dear general Jun!"

Yet the cat lifted his head and turned around apparently still angry. 'hmpf as if I'd believe whatever you say after catching you red-handed with that idiotic dog!' the cat flicks his fluffy tail and majestically retreats inside the mansion.

Following his cat's figure, the youth's lips twitch..he will have to buy a whole lot of new snacks to make it up for Jun now. He sighs looking again at his arrogant cat when he finally spots the headmaid standing with her head bowed for who knows how long... He facepalms. Jun didn't even give him some face in front of the servants that cat!

"Rise." He spoke up finally after regaining his composure, his face was back to his emotionless state.

"W-Welcome back Miss-" The old maid tried to greet the "boy" but was interrupted by a scary voice that made her gulp.

"What did I say before." The young "master" glared daggers, his eyes piercing and dangerous sending chills into the maid's very soul making here feel as if she's being stared at by King Yama himself!

'King Yama please have mercy on this one! This one has a family to feed'

Seeing the maid's face turn white an fb not reply, The young "boy" gets even more irritated.

"Scram and stop staying rooted there I will let it go this once but if I'm met with another similar mistake I won't tolerate it. Relay this to the other workers as well if they want to keep their jobs they better not make mistakes."

He ordered and walked away with long strides.

" Ling He you're here."

"Yes father."

"You settled everything in England right?



"I'll go then-"

"Your first uncle is coming. You're to welcome him."


"There is no need I'm already here brother!"

"You're earlier than usual?"

"I got off work early since I finished what I have. Who's this young man?"

"Hello uncle."

"Uncle? Eh don't tell me!?