
You May Not Maintain Your Single Mindset

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Guanglin's heart jumped. 520? It seemed that there was such a thing…

"Don't go on any social media apps today. Don't go to cinemas, cafes or other date venues. That way, no one can hurt you… But we couldn't guard against that brat Sun Wen." Xiao Yu was too guarded against public displays of affection.

"Mosquito is too much!" While agreeing with him, Qin Guanglin took out his cell phone, intending to send He Fang a message and ask her out. But he could not bear to do it when he looked at Xiao Yu. It was better for him to finish the meal and ask her out in the afternoon.

Xiao Yu's face had melancholy written all over. "Ah~ I wish I had a girlfriend with whom I could hold hands and walk around too."

"Hm. It's quite nice to hold hands and go out." Qin Guanglin nodded. When they were on this subject, he suddenly missed He Fang a lot.

If only He Fang were the person standing beside him right now… The way he looked at Xiao Yu instantly turned scornful.

"Mosquito's girlfriend is quite pretty. I reckon her good friends are not bad too." Xiao Yu took his phone out again and looked at the group chat. He thought about his singlehood. "I must tell him to arrange for me to meet them."

"Just make arrangements for yourself. No need to arrange for me." Qin Guanglin was still thinking about He Fang's small hands. They were soft and extremely fun to play with.

"Eh. I still have to court them after meeting them. It's troublesome just thinking about it." Xiao Yu sighed and put his cell phone away again.

"What do you want then?" Qin Guanglin thought about it. The courting process was indeed quite troublesome.

He Fang was better. The two of them had gotten together very naturally.

"Why don't you cross-dress?" Xiao Yu stroked his chin while looking at Qin Guanglin. "We can enjoy the fun of making public displays of affection."

Qin Guanglin looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a retard.

"First off, this interest of yours is a little unusual. Second, I have a girlfriend. A very beautiful, very gentle, and very perfect girlfriend."

Without waiting for Xiao Yu to speak, Qin Guanglin waved his phone wallpaper in front of him. "See this?"

Xiao Yu was skeptical at first. When he saw the person on the wallpaper clearly, shock filled his face. He held his chest in a show of hurt. "I can't believe you became a traitor too!"

"I didn't intend to hurt you initially. But you asked for it." Qin Guanglin sighed and kept his phone.

"What grudge do you hold against me?" Xiao Yu was indignant. "I went all the way to the riverside to hide and fish. Instead of keeping your girlfriend company, you came here especially to rub it in my face?"

He felt like he had been assaulted. The singlehood alliance that had been so solid suddenly broke down. They could not be friends anymore!

Qin Guanglin looked at him scornfully. "Enough. I'm not even keeping my girlfriend company. I'm here with you instead."

"Treat me to a meal. A feast." Xiao Yu looked at Qin Guanglin resentfully.

"Sure. Take your pick," Qin Guanglin immediately agreed.

The sooner he finished eating, the sooner he could meet He Fang. He could even hold her small hand and walk around with her. It was not convenient to walk along the streets in the rain, so they could walk around inside the mall. Watching a movie would be good too.

No, no. Why did he keep thinking of her?

Qin Guanglin shook his head. He had met her just the day before, but he kept thinking of her today. He could not let this continue. He had to stop this trajectory.

"Why are you smiling dumbly?" Xiao Yu stared at him suspiciously.

"Am I smiling?" Qin Guanglin froze.

Xiao Yu scowled and fanned the air in front of his nose. "The smelly odor of romance."


It was merely jealousy. Qin Guanglin was not about to stoop to his level.

His cell phone vibrated in his pocket, and it was a message from He Fang. Using the hand that was holding his umbrella, he extended his pinky to hook the bucket. It freed up his other hand so he could start chatting with her.

They chose a restaurant near Xiao Yu's house. As it was raining, both were lazy to walk too far. Xiao Yu had decided that he would have Qin Guanglin buy him a huge meal to repay him for coming all this way in the rain to rub his singlehood in his face.

Qin Guanglin did not mind either and let him order as he wished. He had been chatting on his phone all the way and still hadn't put it down.

"Ahem… You're going overboard." Xiao Yu finished ordering and saw that Qin Guanglin was still chatting. Displeased, he knocked on the table.

"Huh." Qin Guanglin glanced at him. "You'll definitely be worse than me if you had a girlfriend."

Xiao Yu refused to admit defeat. "No way. Let me tell you. You have to leave women hanging. You can't be too passionate. Otherwise, you'll suffer if she becomes spoilt."

"I don't mind."

"You'll suffer if you don't listen to the words of experienced people. When she becomes pretentious, you'll know what regret means."

"I like it that way."

"…" Xiao Yu looked at him bitterly. "You're done for. You're no longer the you of before."

Qin Guanglin could not be bothered with him. He continued chatting happily with He Fang.

"Which stage has your relationship progressed to?"

"Hm…" Qin Guanglin thought about it. "She's been to my house and cooked many times."

"What?!" Xiao Yu was shocked. "You're moving so fast? Is the next step going to be an engagement?"

"I don't think so. We probably still have a long way to go." Qin Guanglin was unsure as well.

He genuinely wanted their relationship to progress faster. Still, he was afraid that moving too fast would put He Fang in a predicament. The important thing was what she thought.

"She even went to your house. Many times at that. She even cooked. She already met the parents!"

Xiao Yu realized that he had really underestimated this guy. He had silently accomplished such a big feat.

Then he thought about his sorry situation. He saw no signs of a girlfriend at all. On top of that, he was busy and tired because of work. He had little time for a girlfriend… In the future, he might even have to go on blind dates. That would be horrifying.

"I still haven't met her parents." Qin Guanglin was thinking about hastening this matter.

"Brat, you concealed yourself quite well," Xiao Yu said vaguely.

"No way. It was all fate." Qin Guanglin sighed sentimentally. "To be honest, I didn't think this would happen either…"

Fate, what nonsense! Xiao Yu realized that he was really bringing this upon himself. He hastily reached out to stop Qin Guanglin's exhortations about fate. "Okay, okay, okay. If you continue talking, we won't be able to finish this meal."

Qin Guanglin looked at him benevolently and said in the tone of an experienced person, "Eventually, you'll reach this stage. Then you'll understand."

"Tch." Xiao Yu snorted disdainfully. "Let me tell you. Even if I get a girlfriend, I definitely won't become like you."

"That's because you still don't have a girlfriend."


He was going too far!

Xiao Yu turned around. "Waiter, two more dishes."

Qin Guanglin did not mind it either, as long as they could finish the food. He looked down and continued texting He Fang.

"Drink a little?" Xiao Yu instigated him. He wanted to take revenge on this guy.

"I'm not drinking."

"It's beer. You won't get drunk."

"Still, I'm not drinking."


Xiao Yu took out a cigarette and a lighter. The moment he looked up, he saw the sign prohibiting smoking. He put them back into his pocket. "Look. When I get a girlfriend, I'll continue smoking and drinking. How carefree."

"Sure. I'll wait and see. Just don't prove yourself wrong."

"Come to think of it. You guys have to help me." Xiao Yu thought that he probably could not do it alone. "When your girlfriend brings her friends for gatherings in the future, you must ask me along. I'll treat them to a meal."

"Ask Mosquito about this. Playing matchmaker is his greatest joy." Qin Guanglin looked up in thought. "I haven't met any of my girlfriend's friends. This is a little difficult."

"Anyway, just don't forget about me." Since he could not smoke, Xiao Yu lifted his teacup and sipped from it. "Before calling me, find out if they have boyfriends. I definitely don't date people who are attached."

"There's no way I'll let you do that. That's so immoral." Qin Guanglin pursed his lips.

Xiao Yu nodded his head in agreement. "More importantly, it's tedious and unrewarding."