
So This Was What She Wanted

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When they entered the house, Mother Qin turned to greet He Fang. He Fang reverted to her obedient self. She sat on the couch and chatted with Mother Qin.

Mother Qin had quite liked He Fang to begin with. She found her even more pleasing to the eye after knowing that she wanted to be a teacher. She naturally switched the topic to her son whenever possible, intending to give Qin Guanglin a helping hand.

Seeing that they were chatting more and more intimately, Qin Guanglin feared that Mother Qin would unintentionally reveal his intentions to marry He Fang. After sitting quietly for some time, he hastily thought of an excuse to pull He Fang back to his room.

"Why did you pull me into your room?" He Fang asked him.

Qin Guanglin thought about it and said, "You didn't come here to chat with my mom."

"I did."


He Fang smiled upon seeing his aggrieved expression. She looked around, took the bag of snacks at the corner, and opened it. "Actually, I came here to eat snacks. I didn't finish what you bought for me the last time."

Qin Guanglin watched as He Fang started eating potato chips and felt a little disappointed. They had agreed that the first chip would be his.

"If you like it, I'll buy more later and let you bring it back to eat."

"Bring it back to eat? You mean you don't want me to come again?" He Fang lay down on the bed while holding the snack. She acted so naturally as if it was her room.

"Of course not. Don't twist my words."

Qin Guanglin felt that eating on the bed was a bad habit. But it was okay if He Fang was the one doing it. He had no issues with it at all. He even wanted to eat together with her.

"Mister Qin, you forgot something again." Lying on the bed, He Fang said lazily, "I let it go since you were holding the umbrella earlier. You're not planning to fulfill your promise?"

"Uh…" Qin Guanglin hesitated briefly. He got up from his chair and approached her while looking at her.

It seemed that they were going to progress into hugging and kissing again?

"Forget it if you don't like it. I won't force you… Ooh."

Qin Guanglin kissed her before sitting back down beside the study desk. Who said he didn't like it? He just didn't want to go overboard.

He Fang stuffed a potato chip into her mouth. She bit into it with a crunch. "You must be more aware in the future. Don't make me remind you every time."

"In that case, do you want me to make up for it one more time?" Qin Guanglin tried to be more forward and asked, forcing himself to be calm.

"Are you trying to take advantage of me??" He Fang asked.


Qin Guanglin was flabbergasted. Aren't you the one who asked me to kiss you? Why did it turn into me taking advantage of you?

"Come here now if you want to take advantage of me," He Fang continued.


Qin Guanglin hesitated. Was he supposed to go over or not? If he went over, it would mean that he was taking advantage of her. If he didn't… To be honest, he wanted to take advantage of her!

Someone knocked on the bedroom door. Mother Qin's voice traveled into the room. "I cut a watermelon. Does He Fang want to eat?"

Seeing that Qin Guanglin was looking at her, He Fang thought about it, crawled up, and replied, "Sure."

"I'll go get it." Qin Guanglin stood up.

"I can only eat a bit. Don't take too much."

When he opened the door, Mother Qin held half a watermelon with two spoons stuck in it. She passed it to Qin Guanglin. "Take this."

If the two of them ate like this, it would be more intimate than eating diced pieces of watermelon. Mother Qin felt that she was too considerate of Qin Guanglin.

Whether or not you can marry her depends on you!

Qin Guanglin took the watermelon into his room. "She cut a whole half for us. Eat more."

"I can't. I can only eat two mouthfuls. Hm… Three mouthfuls." He Fang counted very clearly. She even strictly controlled the number of mouthfuls.

Qin Guanglin did not know if she wanted to lose weight or whether it was something else. Using a spoon, he scooped out the sweetest and most delicious part from the middle and gave it to her. "The first mouthful."

He Fang opened her mouth wide and sucked it into her mouth. Then, she chewed a few times and nodded. "Hm. So sweet."

"Right?" Qin Guanglin felt happy when he saw her enjoying it with her eyes closed. He reached over and put his hand under her chin. "Spit out the seeds."

"Hm. Mister Qin is performing very well. I'll allow you to take advantage of me one more time."

Qin Guanglin felt that he was even getting used to her teasing. She was literally like a female gangster. If they switched her gender, they might arrest her for a related offense.

"Come, have a second bite."

"I don't want such a big piece. Give me a smaller one."

He Fang did as she had said. She refused to eat more than three bites. Qin Guanglin tried to persuade her to no avail. He ate two mouthfuls of watermelon and put it aside so she could continue eating if she changed her mind.

"By the way, I have something precious to show you." After wiping his hands with a tissue, Qin Guanglin ran to the study desk and pulled out his drawing of Chef He cooking.

"What do you think of the drawing?"

"When did you draw this?!" Surprise filled He Fang's face. She looked at Qin Guanglin with sparkling eyes.

"Yesterday. I took an afternoon to finish it."

Qin Guanglin was very satisfied by He Fang's reaction. He handed the drawing to her in a relaxed manner. Upon seeing her expression of delight, his heart tightened, and he said, "It's just for you to see. I can't give it to you. I still want to leave it for myself to look at."

If she really liked it, he would draw another one similar to this one and give it to her.

"Look at your expression." His petty behavior amused her. She glanced at the drawing and gave it back to him. "I didn't say I was going to take it away. Here, take good care of it."

"I'm afraid that you'll damage it." After receiving it, Qin Guanglin hastily put it under the glass of the study desk. He had to protect this well.

"Here, I have something for you too." He Fang kneeled on the bed, reached behind her head, and tugged. Her tied hair immediately fell loose. After that, she tossed the hair tie in her hand to Qin Guanglin.

"That's all?" Qin Guanglin reached his hand out to catch it. "I gave you a new one, but you gave me an old one."

He looked at it carefully and wanted to store the old hair tie away. After thinking about it, he simply put it in his pocket. If she spoiled the panda hair tie one day, he could use this as a backup.

"Not enough? I used that for a very long time." He Fang pulled the panda hair tie off her wrist and tested its elasticity.

"Not enough." He was not stupid.

He Fang thought about it. Then, she wore the panda hair tie on her wrist again. She sat on the bed and said, "Come here then."

Qin Guanglin sat on the bed and looked at her. "I'm here."

This was actually his first time seeing He Fang with her hair down. Compared to when her hair was tied, she looked less lively and a bit more sensual. There was a different air about her that made him feel the urge to kiss her.

"Move a little closer. Don't move."

"What do you want… Ooh!"

Before he could finish, He Fang's little mouth pressed against his. Qin Guanglin had been prepared for this. He wanted to back away and continue speaking, but the next moment, his eyes blew wide open, and his entire body went stiff.

After what seemed like a long time, He Fang moved away slightly. There was a slight flush to her face. While panting, she whispered, "Call me Teacher He."

"Teacher He," Qin Guanglin instinctively repeated after her.

"Close your eyes." The next moment, He Fang leaned in close and pressed her lips to his. She clasped Qin Guanglin's hands and slowly tightened her hold on them.

Qin Guanglin shut his eyes obediently.