

"If given the chance, I wish I could be reborn and live the rest of my life with him." Whether it's a miracle or not, Calista Kay who died at the hands of the person she trusted the most, finally got the chance to be reborn one year before she was murdered. In this life, the seductive man and woman will be made to beg for mercy under Calista's feet. Regret has left her husband, she will redeem at this second chance. Live forever with Keandre Niels.

Raeni_Dream · Urban
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153 Chs

Helped by the prince

chapter 44.

Cellin! What are you doing in there?!" shouted Amanda hades.

"Look! It's miss cellin hades, isn't it?"

"Yes. Then the sound of the woman's sigh is her voice. I presume miss calista kay was doing that."

"How shameless he is! This miss hades has the audacity to commit adultery in the royal palace. No wonder we didn't see her at the party."

Everybody whispered. All who came looking were so disgusted with the misdeeds that cellin hades had committed before their eyes.

"Cellin! Quickly get up!"

Amanda directly approached cellin hades, who was sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing? "Amanda said as she shook cellin's body.

"Hmmm ... aunt? What the hell are you doin '? Why are you disturbing my fun?" cellin stammered.

The cellin hades display is already very disintegrated. Even his whole body is covered with clothes that are worth seeing.


Amanda slapped cellin real hard so that her niece could come to her senses.