

"If given the chance, I wish I could be reborn and live the rest of my life with him." Whether it's a miracle or not, Calista Kay who died at the hands of the person she trusted the most, finally got the chance to be reborn one year before she was murdered. In this life, the seductive man and woman will be made to beg for mercy under Calista's feet. Regret has left her husband, she will redeem at this second chance. Live forever with Keandre Niels.

Raeni_Dream · Urban
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153 Chs


Chapter 13

Evening in Keandre Niels' room.

Calista, who had just entered the room, slowly began to walk closer to Keandre who was sitting on the bed.

By showing a nervous expression, Calista Kay seemed to want to reveal something to her husband.

"Keandre...." Callista nervously.

"Hmm." Keandre only answered with a mumble. He didn't even glance at his wife.

"That, I... I want to say something..."

Heavily, Calista mustered up her courage.

"I want to be able to work outside! I don't want to be stuck in the castle all day!" said Calista in one beat.

Hearing Calista's words, Keandre's eyes immediately rounded. He was very surprised by what Calista had said earlier.

"No! You are not allowed out of this castle!" replied Keandre firmly.


A heavy sigh from Calista. He had thought from the start, the answer was no definite that would come out of Keandre's mouth.

Slowly Calista started to sit on the edge of the bed and approached her husband

"Why? Why do you always not let me go out?" Calista asked pitifully.

Calista really questions the attitude of the ban that Keandre always made to him. Keandre's possessiveness always makes it difficult for him to move freely and go out.

"Why do you keep me locked up in this castle? Am I the bird you trap in a cage all the time?" Calista's question is in dire need of explanation.

Calista lowered her head while biting her lip. She really wanted to know the real answer from her husband.

"You're not the bird I've always kept in a cage. You're my woman, and you will always be as long as I live in this world," Keandre replied.

Keandre's left hand lifted Calista's downcast face. He wanted his wife to look him in the eyes seriously.

"If you're allowed to get out of here, you'll definitely run and go into that cheap guy's arms! Don't expect you to be able to do it!" Keandre's stern and cold tone.

Keandre let go of Calista and went back to reading a book that had been placed on his lap.

'He still doesn't trust me completely,' Calista thought.

It is indeed very difficult to convince this Demon Lord because Calista has hurt Keandre too much, that's why it is very difficult for Keandre to let his wife go even just to get out of the castle.

'Forced to only be able to use this method….' thought Calista.

The woman wearing a pajama suit began to bring her face closer to Keandre. Her hands touched Keandre's cheeks gently.


Keandre was very surprised. His lips suddenly got a sweet touch from his wife.

"Haven't I told you many times, I will never leave your side again. I will never deny my words," said Calista.

Keandre's cheeks immediately blushed after receiving sweet treatment from his beloved woman.


"Haha... Didn't I tell you, that Jason Collin can't be compared to you. That trash man isn't even better than a maid in this castle," said Calista cheerfully.


Calista's hand was suddenly pulled by Keandre. It caused her to fall on top of her husband's body.

"So you really pay attention to the male servants in this castle huh?!" Keandre's murderous tone of question.

'Damn! Keandre's jealousy resurfaces,' Calista panicked in her heart.

"Aa… of course not. In my eyes there is only one master Niels. There has never been another man." Calista tries to get rid of Keandre's blind jealousy.

Keandre Niels jealous attitude is very difficult to handle. Only with patience and trying to make him happy, that's the only way.


The next day.


Calista yawned very heavily. While walking staggered, the woman wearing the blue dress seemed to be still very sleepy.

'Base! Because of Keandre's jealous attitude last night, I had to try to persuade him. I'm still sleepy from lack of sleep last night,' grumbled in Calista's mind.


Suddenly Calista's steps stopped after seeing someone in front of him.

"Keandre?" Callista in confusion.

The beautiful-looking woman walked forward towards her husband who seemed to be waiting for his presence.

"Keandre, why are you here? Do you need anything?" asked Calista.

"Come with me," said Keandre.

"Eh… where?"

On the way.

Without explaining anything, Calista Kay was immediately invited by Keandre Niels to get into the car and go somewhere.

"Where are you taking me? Why didn't you tell me first? I haven't had time to get ready," said Calista in the car.

"You'll find out later," Keandre replied simply.

Calista can only surrender. I don't know where Keandre actually wants to take him. You will only know once you reach your destination.

After some time during the journey, finally arrived at the destination.

"Mall?" Calista asked as he got out of the car.

His head lifted, looking from bottom to top of the scene in front of his eyes.

"Why are we going to the mall?" asked Calista again.

"Come in!" invite Keandre.

Encouraged by his assistant Leon, Keandre told Calista to follow him.

Calista even more confused. Questions asked, none of which were answered by Keandre.

Inside the Mall.

There are lots of items in the mall. Sold and neatly arranged in each store. From local to foreign goods, from cheap to exorbitant, everything is available in the Mall.

With many people passing by, Keandre Niels took his wife Calista through the contents of the Mall.


Calista is feeling very happy. He felt very free to see the sights that he had rarely seen so far.

"Are you happy?" asked Keandre.

"Yes." Calista nodded with a smile. Happiness was shining on his face right now.

"But Keandre, why did you take me to the mall? Is there something you want to do here?" Again, Calista questioned Keandre's actions this time. Because this is very rare during Calista with Keandre.

"If there's something you want, then just buy it," Keandre said.

"Really?! So this time you're taking me shopping here?!"

Finally, Calista understood what Keandre meant to bring him to this mall.

"Okay, then I'll go shopping as much as I can today!" said Calista excitedly.

Calista immediately walked in front of Keandre while his eyes glanced right and left. Seeing the various kinds of goods on display in the shops he passed.

"All women love shopping. How do you know how to please Calista?" Keandre asked his assistant.

"I'm just guessing. All women really like going shopping at the mall. I think, maybe Miss Calista also likes it," replied Leon.

Turns out this was all Leon's suggestion so that his young master could please Calista. And Keandre took the suggestion well.

To please Calista, Keandre Niels will do anything. On one condition, Calista can't go a step away from him.

Also read the sequel.