

"If given the chance, I wish I could be reborn and live the rest of my life with him." Whether it's a miracle or not, Calista Kay who died at the hands of the person she trusted the most, finally got the chance to be reborn one year before she was murdered. In this life, the seductive man and woman will be made to beg for mercy under Calista's feet. Regret has left her husband, she will redeem at this second chance. Live forever with Keandre Niels.

Raeni_Dream · Urban
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153 Chs


Chapter 57.

10 minutes should be compensated, calista really won't do, let alone not in the room.

Ting nong!

At the sound of the door bell outside, calista immediately pushed keandre's body away and set it back a few steps.

"I'll see who's coming!"

Calista moves swiftly towards the door. Finally the situation had supported him to get away from a stationary tiger.

Crieet ...

The door was opened and saw who came to visit castle keandre on a night like this.

There were two men standing there, and one of them seemed to have a familiar face, "Ken Davidson?!" it was in his heart.

"Good evening, miss. Do we have a chance to see young master niels?" he said a warm welcome to the guest.

"Aa, keandre? He was inside," replied calista, moving his hand to the back.

To hear the lady calling the Lord of the castle by name, Ken understood that this young lady must be calista kay, the wife of niels.