

"If given the chance, I wish I could be reborn and live the rest of my life with him." Whether it's a miracle or not, Calista Kay who died at the hands of the person she trusted the most, finally got the chance to be reborn one year before she was murdered. In this life, the seductive man and woman will be made to beg for mercy under Calista's feet. Regret has left her husband, she will redeem at this second chance. Live forever with Keandre Niels.

Raeni_Dream · Urban
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153 Chs



"Eh, Larissa, why are you crying? Don't you like my present?"

Calista panicked when she saw the tears that seemed ready to roll down Larissa's cheeks. He came closer and held both of the girls' shoulders.

"Did I make you unhappy? If you don't like it, I will replace all those things," said Calista who asked for an explanation.

I really can't bear to see this future daughter-in-law cry. Calista was blaming herself.

"Not bi."


Larissa immediately hugged Mrs. Niels tightly and shed tears on Calista's shoulders.

"Sob... thank you. Auntie makes me feel like I have a mother by my side," said Larissa, sobbing.

Calista was so touched. He also returned the hug Larissa and patted the back of the woman his son's choice.

Feeling calm enough, finally released. Calista wiped the tears that rolled down Larissa's cheeks. Beautiful women shouldn't cry.