
Chapter Nine

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@The inn chambers, Bulung

Yu Long flinched as the sun rays fell on his face, he frowned before his eyes opened only to look into beautiful green orbs, but this sudden action scared the poor boy as he tumbled down the bed.

"Ouch! That hurt."He mumbled to himself as Yu Long scanned the room to find Yu Lin sleeping peacefully in her bed. Yu He was dozing off while sitting, leaning against the entrance door.

"Are you okay?" Yu Long asked as he saw the boy rubbing his forehead.

He nodded back.

"Good. How are your wounds? Have they healed?"

He again nodded back shyly.

Yu Long smiled at the cute reactions of the boy. "So what is your name?"

"L-Li Bing." The boy stammered softly.

"Li Bing. It is a good name." This remark made Bing blush and his cheeks were all red but his eyes never left the ground. "So tell me, Li Bing. What were you doing in that unaffordable restaurant? Stealing food?"

For the first time, Bing looked up to notice Yu Long staring at him, he blushed harder and he immediately reverted back to looking at the floor.


Yu Long sighed. "Are you scared of me?"

Bing shook his head in response.

"Then is my face not good to look at?"

He again responded by shaking his head left to right.

"Then why don't you look at me while you reply to my questions? See now also you are staring at the floor. Is there something on the floor?"


" You voice is very soft. Almost inaudible. How about you speak loudly?"

" Okay." Bing said while looking at Yu Long through his eyelashes.

Yu Long smiled charmingly.

"My name is WaYi. Nice to meet y-".

Long was cut off by a loud growling sound. Bing held his stomach and his ears reddened. He tried to hide his face when Yu Long asked, " That was loud? You are starving, aren't you?"

Bing nodded slowly.

"Okay Bing, let us go and get you something to eat. But first let me wake up my brother."

Bing again nodded.

"You speak less and nod more. Reverse will be preferred Bing!"


"Can you wake up my elder brother? I need to wake her up." Yu Long said pointing to her sister who was sleeping, snoring and drooling in the bed next to the one Bing slept in.

"I-I will t-try."

"That is something other than y-yes. Speak more."

This remark made Bing flush more. "I w-will."

Yu Long ruffled Bing's now dirty hair, " Now let's get to work."

Yu Long went to wake up Yu Lin. He rubbed her forehead twice. "Okay time to wake up, lazy bird."

Yu Lin rolled in her bed, mumbling, " Let me ea-t fried lamb with special rice. 2 Dais a plate.....*gulp*."

Yu Long looked all amazed at her little sister. "You are eating even in your dreams? Now wake up let's eat in reality." Yu Long tapped Yu Lin on her arms. She still didn't wake up. He sort to his last resort, pinching her cheeks as hard as possible. She yelled and sat up like a spring.

"Let's eat. How about you freshen up?"

Yu He had woken up as Bing tried to shake him awake.

#after an hour of chattering and freshening up

"Cover up your hair. Use the transformation technique to hide your faces at least. What about you, LiBing?"

"I c-can't."

"It is okay. He is already wearing an oversized apparel. Just cover your hair." Yu Lin said instructing her new friend.

Yu Lin and Li Bing were about same age and grew close to one another while chatting in the inn.

"We will need to buy more pills and a sets of robes for Bing. The ones we have were big for his size." Yu Long stated. Yu He nodded in agreement.

"Brother Long, let's eat in a good place today. I am pretty hungry."

" Good place?"

"Yes, like that one." Yu Lin pointed to same fancy restaurant that Yu Long had passed yesterday and the one that was cruel to their cute companion Bing.

"Anyplace but that. Yesterday they displeased us with their behavior towards Bing." Saying so, Yu Long grabbed Li Bing's shoulders and hugging him from behind.

"Okay. Is there any place you want to go LiBing?" Yu He asked to the timid boy whose shoulders were shook as his younger brother clung onto him putting his full weight on the tiny frame.

Li Bing didn't hate it. He was not used to it. On being asked for his opinion and choice for the first time in his life, he couldn't help but shudder before pointing to the restaurant Yu Lin wanted to go, the largest restaurant in the city of Bulung, Ming Restaurant.

But that day the restaurant was not as packed as it always was the day before. As they walked into the restaurant, they saw it was pretty much empty.

"Is it not their business hour?" Yu Lin tucked his brother He's sleeves.

"Let us ask." Yu He responded.

As they were about to take another step, the restaurant's Chief attendant came out from behind a door, " Sorry dear customers, today meals are only available in the commoner's section that is on your left side."

The restaurants in this era have two demarcations- one for the common folk and one for nobles. There was a obvious gap between the rich and the poor in the society. Both factions stayed away and tried to have least interactions among themselves. The richer faction were powerful and strong cultivators with silver and bronze spirit cores while the poor faction had general bronze cores. It could be specially identified using a special device made from the bark of the Spirit Tree, which was said to be existing centuries ago. Now only a few such devices are available. Only royal and richer sections can afford such luxury devices.

Almost all fancy restaurants had this device, so did Ming. But today they didn't need to use it.

"We are common folk as well." Yu Long said with a smile.

"Guests, this wa- wait. Why is he here?" The attendant said pointing to Li Bing. This made Bing flinch as he grabbed onto Yu Long's arm. Yu Long saw the tiny boy trying to hide behind him. That is when he pulled him in and wrapped his arms round him.

"He is with us." Yu Long said shielding the poor shivering boy in his arms.

This is not a place for thieves, beggars or people like him. People like you who encourage such tramps are not welcome here. We don't serve you rustic mongers. Leave this place at once."

But Yu Long couldn't bear the disrespect he showed towards the poor boy. "How dare you?"

" I have every right to throw you out. Sand Golems. I order thee throw them off the premises."

With this spell the place started shaking as two giants made of sand were formed and had stated howling. These creatures were definitely stronger than Yu Long but sand users were not strong compared to Iron Metal element users like Yu He. " Sand barrier. Enhance". This barrier was strong and as hard as a rock. Worst part it separated the Yu siblings from Yu Long and Bing. Now they were in trouble.

" Protect Yu Lin. I am having Li Bing." Yu Long yelled as a golem launched in his direction.Yu He grabbed Yu Lin as they were thrown out of the restaurant.

"Iron wall: Seven Pillared Barrier. Enhance."

This was the strongest barrier spell Yu He could chant. Its protection against a sand golem was 100 percent effective. Yu He and Yu Lin used this time to hide and wait for their brother.

Meanwhile, Yu Long used his spells to create a chance to escape. Water vs Sand. Laughable. It was of no use. Secondly, this attendant of Ming restaurant was nowhere weak. He is the right hand man of the Minister Ming himself who was announced as the Provincial Head of Taijing's Chief advisor. He was appointed after Taijing merged into ZhaoShu. Minister Ming was very skilled in the art of trading and business. Emperor Zhang XinYi personally gifted him that area for his businesses and honoured him with the post of Minister to the Taijing Head to strengthen his hold on Taijing. Ming was a money sucker. He used his talent to skillfully draw money from both rich and poor. Either by selling expensive pills and potions at cheaper price or by selling the rare potions at a higher price. He made a name and established a monopoly in the market.

The Cruel Emperor's favourite pet! The pet even owns his set of pets.

Yu Long wondered as he enhanced his protective barrier spell.

I should have learnt the attack tactics from Brother He. That is the first thing I am doing tomorrow if I make it safe and sound with Bing.

Bing was too scared of the sudden change in atmosphere. The magical barrier prevented destruction of the place, but this fight had already attracted a lot of attention.

"Sand element magic: Sand Spears. Enhance."

Enhance is a spell which is used to double the impact of the spell. It is used in attack, defense and healing spells. But it consumes four times the mana needed for the same unenhanced technique.

Yu Long use his defense spell, "Water Barricade. Enhance."

" This won't be enough. Bing use this chance to run outside. Hurry."

Bing shook his head as he cried" I-I will go o-gh with you nghh..."

Yu Long couldn't help but grab the puny boy by his collar and throw him put of the restaurant. "Run. Find my Brother." These were the last words Bing heard before he landed outside the restaurant just behind the other Golem.

Sorry Bing. Hope you are okay. Run.

Bing groaned in pain as he slowly stumbled while trying to stable on his shaky limbs. But soon his body was overshadowed by a monster. He looked up as he saw a big Sand Golem. He screamed as he ran away from the monster. Yu Lin came out of her hiding, "This way Bing."

LiBing ran with all the energy he had to where the Yu Siblings hid themselves. People had started crowding the place. All loved the show. Some cheering for the boy, some for the golem. No one came for his rescue. Yu He immediately casted his spell as a Giant was tied down by a Iron chain that came out of thin air and indulged the golem in struggling out of the chains as Bing ran to Yu Lin.

" You are safe now. Where is Brother He?"

Li Bing cried his eyes out. " He is inside. He told me to find Brother He."

Yu He patted his back trying to calm down the terrified boy. "I will get him out."

"But how, Elder Brother He?"

People had circled the Golem which was roaring for failing to free itself of the chains. They maintained a perimeter. The entrance was almost blocked by the Golem. As they were thinking, the second Golem came out of no where.

Yu He closed his eyes as he inhaled heavily. " I have to fight that giant."

" Are you insane brother. It is too big. And that barrier if broken it will sense our presence and attack us."

" We have to save Yu Long."

" Yes, to fight Sand we need your Iron element. But we have to use it wisely. We can't get injured. Else we are finished. There demons everywhere. We have bounties on our heads as well. We can't jump in mid street in daylight. What if there are other cultivators who capture us for the bounties. What do we do? It is all my fault for choosing that restaurant." Yu Lin cried uncontrollably. Bing who had calmed down joined her, " I chose it in the end. It is my fault not yours, sister Lin."

Yu He couldn't think straight as the two helpless kids cried in his arms. He tried to calm them as he prayed.

O heavens! Please save Yu Long. Please show me a way to do so. Please.

The Second golem had climbed over the barrier wall. He sensed the presence of the Yu siblings and jumped their way. Yu He immediately grabbed the two and ran to find a place to hide his sister and Bing.

" Stay here. Don't come out. No matter what."

" But Bro-"

"No buts. Stay put. I will be back."

Yu Lin and Li Bing grabbed each other and tried to calm one another.

Yu He rushed back to face the second Golem who was now only five feet away from him. Due to their heavy body, they are not fast. But they are strong. But if their body is pierced even by a needle, they will shatter. But these golems were special. They could recreate or regenerate. This was going to be impossible to defeat if its master was still had sufficient mana to control their regeneration.

They are draining my energy at a faster rate also. Shit.

In the meantime, the ruckus in the restaurant had brought every commoner out of their section of the restaurant. The elites section was occupied by some very important people.

" Why don't you die fast? Messing with our restaurant. You are disturbing our customers and the elites are having a meeting. Scoundrels and beggars like you should be outside this restaurant. Get out."

" What a pleasant way to throw people out of their restaurant! Who told you we had no Dais? You attacked first and even publicly insulted Bing and my siblings. If you are worried about the customers and the meeting, how about you stop attacking?"

The attendant couldn't retreat. It was a question of pride. He had to man up and attack till the opponent resigned. That is how every fight or battle is. Submission in a fight means cowardice. He can never give up. Nor would Yu Long. Only way to stop it was kill the person in front of him.

"Shut up and die. Thousand Sand blades. Enhance. Die you insolent bastard."

Yu Long's Ice Crystal barrier broke into millions of pieces and the water barrier was useless as the blades came through. He closed his eyes and turned to his side to protect his face and front. He heedlessly took a step back only to fall on his face on the feet of his saviour, who dispersed all the blades with flick of his fingers as it it was a child's play.

" So noisy." This was the only words Yu Long heard before he fainted on the ground due to exertion.

"Minister Ming, you have a pretty arrogant guy as your attendant, don't you think." XinYi said as he squatted to see the unconscious being on his feet. He quietly picked him up and carried him in his arms.

"I am really sorry, Your Majesty. I never thought you would have to see such a nasty scene in our restaurant. I will immediately take actions. I sincerely apologize on behalf of my attendants."

"I will be taking him with me. Minister Jin will look after the punishment. Jin, I will retiring to my room. Don't disturb until it is an emergency."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Jin and Ming bowed as Zhang XinYi disappeared with a gust of wind.

"It is such a mess. Minister Ming, you can leave the punishment to me as the Emperor said."

Ming bowed while he went over to grab his attendant by his hair and put him at Jin's mercy.

"I am innocent. He started the fight. He was too stubborn and he brought in that tramp with him. Please have mercy."

" I am really sorry but there is only one punishment that I know. That is dismemberment to death. If His Highness would have announced a punishment for you, it might have had options. I know only one. Sorry." Lai Jin joined his hands and did a light bow.

"By the element of Gold, I summon thee the Golden Grim Reaper. Seal him for eternity."

"Please have mercy. Please I beg your pardon....No..Noooo.."

The grim reaper swiftly chopped off his limbs one by one. The attendant screamed his lungs out.

Golden Grim Reaper swung his scythe and in a second there was silence. This whole scene made Minister Ming vomit. Such a gruesome punishment! No wonder he stood by the side of the Demon Emperor.

Ming was not the only one who was traumatized by this scene. The people in the restaurant were all speechless, some fainted, some threw up.

The whole place was a mess.

Jin tried to calm others down as he spoke with a charming smile, "Don't anger your Emperor ever again. Rest assured you can have your meals in silence now." The other attendants immediately cleaned up the area.

As Jin went to the elite section on the right side followed by Minister Ming and other maids the crowd started murmuring.

"So this is the true power of the right hand man of our now Emperor."

"It took him only ten seconds to quiet down the whole place."

"No mercy as expected of the minister."

"No one dares to mess with them."

"What happened of the other boy with whom the chief attendant fought? Is he also dead?"

With the death of the Sand user, a his creations were destroyed.

"Iron s-"

Before he could cast his spell the golem turned to dust and fell on the ground.

"Brother He, you did it." Yu Lin came out with Bing.

"What just happened?" Li Bing asked all confused.

"Either of the two happened- Yu Long defeated the attendant or someone came to his rescue. First case is not likely possible."

"Let's get Brother He."

"Yes. You both stay here. I am going to get him."

"We are coming." Yu Lin said all determined.

"Okay. Hurry." Yu Lin and Li Bing followed their brother to the Ming restaurant.

The crowd had dispersed. They made their way into the restaurant to find no one. Yu He asked an attendant if they knew what happened. But the attendant had his mouth tightly shut. So did rest of the attendants and maids.

"No one will answer."

Yu siblings and Bing turned about to see a handsome, well built man.

"I am MingXu. I am the owner. If you are here looking for the young man, I am sorry to say he left."

"Where did our brother go?" Yu Lin asked tearing up.

"I don't know dear. I wish I could help. I am sorry."

Yu He pondered all worried about his younger brother.

They know something. Looks like they won't cooperate. Shit. Where are you, Yu Long? I hope you are safe.


