
037 Vigorous Development

"Thank you, Your Excellency Feibai~"

In the kingdom of God, the joyful voice of the Holy Spirit resounded.

Qi Feibai brought them some small gifts.

The Holy Spirits are soul bodies and don't need many things, but what Qi Feibai brought to them are some very beautiful storybooks.

The story was also chosen by Qi Feibai, and it was very popular with the Holy Spirit.

Every Holy Spirit has something to love.

After delivering the things, Qi Feibai came to the Gorse Kingdom again and put down a lot of things.

"Your Majesty, the envoy, is there so much?"

In the Kingdom of Gorse, Qiangwei was very surprised to see what Qi Feibai brought from the earth.

More than just things.

These things are also very novel, many of which Qiangwei has never seen before.

For example, Qi Feibai said potatoes, and sweet potato vines.

And some weird machines like that.

There is a generator here.

Also, there are a lot of books.

The paper used for these books is also extremely delicate.

Each piece of paper is white and very flat, unlike the ordinary yellowish paper in the continent of the gods.

These things not only made Princess Rose very novel.

In the kingdom of God, many holy spirits, one by one, are also watching and discussing with great curiosity.

They did not expect that after Qi Feibai left for 10 days this time, he brought back so many strange-looking but magical things.

Immediately after.

Qi Feibai showed them the magic of these things.

For example, the light emitted by the electric light is so bright.

And very stable.

Not even the wind could affect it.

"Wow, Your Excellency Feibai, this electric light is amazing!"

At this moment, Princess Rose has no princess fan at all, just like a little girl who saw a magical item, she was amazed there.

Stop talking about her.

Even the Holy Spirits stared at them with wide eyes.

They never knew that apart from magic items, there was something that could keep glowing without burning.

Qi Feibai also brought a gift to Princess Rose.

That is a small bottle of perfume from the earth.

Well, he didn't bring it to the Moon Goddess because the Moon Goddess didn't need it.

As a god, where does the moon goddess need these mundane things?

Her body fragrance smells better than any perfume in the world.

Her natural skin is even better than her tender skin.

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

After Princess Rose got the perfume, she was naturally very happy.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Feibai made arrangements.

There is still a lot to do.

"The maximum yield of potatoes per mu can reach more than 10,000 catties, and they can mature in two months. In warm places, they can be planted for more than three seasons a year."

Qi Feibai said.

"10,000 catties per mu?"

This number surprised Princess Rose again.

This yield...not your average scary anymore.

The yield of wheat in the Gorse Kingdom is generally only 600 to 700 catties per mu. Is the yield of potatoes so high?

Soon, Rose knew another benefit of potatoes.

That is, it is very convenient to eat.

After excavation, they can be boiled, roasted, or fried.

Much more convenient than wheat.

When the wheat is ripe, it needs to be cut and dried.

After drying, the grains of wheat are taken off and ground into flour, which is then made into bread.

The craftsmanship is not ordinary.

Many civilians spend a lot of time in this process.

How can potatoes be so troublesome!

With this, the output of food will be greatly increased.

People will not become trapped in land and food.

There is also more time to produce other things, to do other things.

At this moment.

Princess Rose vaguely understood the concept of "productivity" that Qi Feibai said.


After Qi Feibai came back this time, the entire Gorse Kingdom began to develop vigorously.

This time, Princess Rose has swept away the nobles, and also obtained a lot of wealth from the nobles to enrich the treasury.

She spends money without feeling distressed, and the entire Gorse Kingdom has carried out a number of constructions.

Building roads is one thing, and building a dam along a river where the power station will be located.

In addition, the cement factory, the monosodium glutamate factory, and the soap factory all started up.

Cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes is also in progress.

The iron-smelting factory is also running at full strength, and with the help of some fire-type magicians, the efficiency of iron-making has been increased.

And the new formula obtained from Qi Feibai makes the iron even harder.

The entire Gorse Kingdom is in full swing.

Princess Rose's ascension to the throne is still under preparation. In order to be more stable when she ascends the throne, she has already set aside enough time.

A large number of schools were also built under Qi Feibai's proposal.

These schools are not very advanced, just elementary schools.

But enough.

It is the best and fastest way to increase literacy rate, improve the general literacy level, and popularize primary school.

Under these kinds of measures, the entire Gorse Kingdom has a feeling of being completely new.

All civilians are full of hope for life.

The Moon Goddess gained more faith each day than the previous day.

After only a week, Tisini found that the faith she gained from the Gorse Kingdom had doubled.

This growth rate is also very gratifying.

The third time it doubled the speed even faster, this time in just five days.

In this way, after a month has passed, the Faith the Moon Goddess has gained from the Gorse Kingdom has reached nearly seven times that of the previous heyday.

This number is still rising.

With the assistance of a large number of magicians, after just another month, a straight road running through the main north and south areas of the Gorse Kingdom was basically completed.

This straight is hundreds of kilometers long and it took just over two months to repair.

Here, most of the areas that this straight road passes through are plains.

There are many plains in the Gorse Kingdom, which can be said to be unique.

The plains are the best places to produce grain.

Therefore, road construction is very fast.

It is mainly because of the use of a large number of magicians, otherwise, after a few years of cultivation, it may not be well cultivated.

This straight road is also completely paved with cement, and it is extremely wide.

And near the royal capital of the Gorse Kingdom, a power station has also been built, and the four gates of the royal capital have been powered on.

In the palace, the electricity has also been turned on.

On the day of the sky, Princess Rose was like a child, playing with the switch non-stop.

"It's almost like a dream."

Princess Rose muttered.

The development of the Gorse Kingdom has been too fast in the past few months. If it wasn't for her personal experience, Princess Rose would probably feel that she was dreaming.