

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Finally The Last Exam In Highschool.


Su Yuoyue walked out the exam centre, she stretched after she walked out the the center she had finally finished writing the last exam of Highschool.

 "Uhh , I am free " in actual truth Su Yuoyue didn't enjoy going to school one bit , she already understood everything that the teachers were teaching , she had to say that the previous owner of this body was a booth worm, a major one ... She even had knowledge in College level .

 She adjusted her backpack when she noticed two tall figures waving at her from under a tree , they seemed to have been waiting for a long time . It was Ye Siting and Song Ling.

Song Ling saw that Su Yuoyue had finally spotted them and shouted her name " Su Yuoyue !! Right here " Su Yuoyue noticed many people staring at her after Song Ling shouted her name .

 " Hey , why are you guys still here " the last time that they had exams , Song Ling dad and Ye Siting parents had come to pick them up .

 Infact the entire Examination center was filled with parents waiting for their children to finish writing exams .

 "Yes" Song Ling replied .

"Your parents didn't come to pick you up " Song Ling glanced around and saw there were the only ones that their parents didn't come to pick up.

"My parents had an important case to attend to , so they don't really have time to pick me up " Ye Siting explained to Su Yuoyue .

Song Ling glanced at him in shock , when was his parents busy? , He was the one who told them not to come .

 The last time Ye Siting and Song Ling saw that no one came to pick up Su Yuoyue and had decided to go home with her today .

" My dad has been busy recently , he has to hold an art exhibit next week , so I asked him not to come " Song Ling was not lying although his father was not that busy but he still had an art exhibition .

" Oh , well my brothers are too busy so I don't think anyone will be picking me up " Su Yuoyue had no emotions on her face , she really didn't understand why parents would wait for their children to finish writing exams, wouldn't that just add to the exam pressure .

 Song Ling felt that Su Yuoyue was too pitiful , he spoke " why don't we have lunch , there is this new restaurant that my dad friend had opened " 

 " You mean the Yang Shi restaurant" Ye Siting asked 

" Yeah , what do you guys think " Song Ling replied .

 " Ok , I don't really have anything to do at home " Su Yuoyue replied .

" Perfect , I will call my driver , the treat is on me " 

 Su Yuoyue had just sat down on the bench under the tree when she received a call

" Ring ring " Su Yuoyue glanced at the caller ID it was Su Linxun. 

Su Yuoyue was puzzled , this was the second time that Su Linxun had called her today , did he really not have work to do ? , She questioned as she picked up the call .

" I am waiting outside your exam centre , but I can't seem to find you " Su Linxun said immediately Su Yuoyue answered the call .

" Wait , you are waiting for me ? " Su Yuoyue was surprised although she was not sure of the specifics of her second brother career , she knew that he was very busy , sometimes alot more busy compared to Su Hanchen.

 " Yes I am outside , where are you ? , No forget abour it I have found you!!" Su Linxun excited voice came from Su Yuoyue back.

 Su Yuoyue turned and saw Su Linxun standing behind her "you really came " su yuoyue was too dazed and she forgot to end the call.

Su Linxun ended the call and replied " and why would I lie to my little lovely sister " Su Linxun patted her head and took her phone away fromi her ear .

Meanwhile Song Ling had a shocked expression is his face, his eyes widened and he his jaws dropped as he opened his mouth , although Ye Siting expression was not as shocked as Song Ling , he still had disbelief written all over his face .

"Su Yuoyue , is this your brother ? " Ye Siting asked .

" Yeah ,my second senior brother , do you Know him ? " Su Yuoyue saw doubt in Ye Siting eyes but it was mixed with excitement and as for Song Ling he still had his mouth opened.

 Su Yuoyue became curious , who exactly was her second brother , she decided to ask him when they got back home .

 Su Linxun smiled so it turned out that Su Hanchen was not lying when he said that he little sister had made some friends .

" I guess you are yuo'er friends " Su Linxun said with a smile .

 Meanwhile the passerby could not help but take another look at Su Yuoyue direction , all having the same thought , birds of the same feathers flock together .

 Some highschool girls that just finished thier entrance examination could not help but point in the direction of Su Yuoyue and her group .

 " So handsome , do you think I can get a picture " 

 " Are you blind , can't you see the boy in the middle is Ye Siting , he never talks to strangers " 

" Look , that man in a suit looks a bit familiar " 

" Wait is that not the CEO of SY group " 

" Shit , you are right , that's the Second master of the Su family , Su Linxun " 

" He is smiling ,oh my gosh I think I am going to have a heart attack" 

" Isn't that Song Ling , the Only son of Song Jing " 

" You are right , oh my God this is the gathering of the powerful !" 

" Do any of you , know the girl who is talking to Su Linxun ? "

 " Not really , I don't think I have met her before at any party or social events , But she looks very beautiful , A perfection " one of the students that her father usually take out for socializing said 

 " I bet she had face surgery done , no one can be that perfect " A student said 

 " I don't think so , she is not even wearing any make up or designer clothes , where can she get the money to perform Face Surgery " one of the students who was rich said as she mocked 

 " Must be some leech trying to get rich " another student said 

 Su Yuoyue noticed the glances that was fixed at her and her brother along with Ye Siting and Song Ling and She could also hear the conversation between the girls 

 Su Linxun clenched his fist and Song Ling face had a frown , Ye Siting face was still the same , but his eyes carried alot of anger. 

 Su Yuoyue felt helpless, why were there feeling anger in her behalf .

" Second brother , it's nothing serious . That's just how humans are , why are you so angry they're just some parrot that goes around saying what it thinks is right " Su Yuoyue said while patting Su Linxun back .

She knew that although Su Linxun always had a smile , that smile only existed around her and she didn't want to see him angry, not yet

 " Song Ling , don't we have a reservation for lunch , let's go " Su Yuoyue pulled her brother and Ye Siting out of the scene .

 Su Yuoyue made a mental note to put on a facemask whenever she goes outside but she wondered Who Sy group

 In a certain dark place a figure stood there watching the departing Silhouette of Su Yuoyue .

 " Second brother was right , she does look like Feng Ming but she was she doing with Su Linxun " Xiao Shi asked himself .

 Then made a call " second brother something is wrong !"