
Chapter 0011: The Man with a Thick Face

At Floramour Western Restaurant, Jaylene and Joseph Thompson chose a seat by the window in a corner.

Jaylene took a sip of lemonade and looked at the elegant Joseph Thompson carefully flipping through the menu, "Mr. Thompson, can I ask you a question?"

Joseph Thompson raised an eyebrow and looked at her, "Um."

"What is your relationship with Phoebe Smith?"

"I guess we're kind of like cousins, but without blood relation. The relationship is rather distant,"Joseph Thompson thought and said.

"No wonder," Jaylene frowned, "So, you've known her for a long time, right?"

"Didn't you say you'll only ask one question?" Joseph Thompson joked with a smile, "Alright, I'll answer your second question too. We've known each other since we were kids."

Known each other since they were kids? Were they childhood sweethearts?

"So... your relationship with Miss Smith isn't just an ordinary cousin relationship, right?"

"No, it's not," Joseph Thompson answered directly, "As I told you, we're not blood-related cousins."

"If there's no blood relation, then you must be aware of Miss Smith's affection for you, right? It seemed like she just... assumed the role of your girlfriend."

Joseph Thompson slightly furrowed his brow upon hearing this. Did Phoebe Smith assume the role of his girlfriend? Why didn't he notice it?

Just then, the door to the restaurant was pushed open, and Phoebe Smith walked in with her head held high in high heels.

After scanning the restaurant, she walked straight toward Jaylene and Joseph Thompson.

Before Jaylene could react, Phoebe Smith walked up to their table, picked up the water cup and splashed the water onto Jaylene's face.

"Phoebe, what are you doing?" Joseph Thompson immediately grabbed Phoebe Smith's arm, and his natural expression suddenly turned cold.

"Brother Joseph, she's the type who specializes in being a mistress," Phoebe Smith yelled anxiously, "She was originally trying to seduce Alexander Preston, but now she sees that there's no chance, so she's trying to get with you. Because she sees you as a golden bachelor, so, Brother Joseph..."

"Enough, get as far away from here as you can," Joseph Thompson said coldly, letting go of Phoebe Smith's hand with a little force. "This time I'll let it pass, but if I see you being so rude to Jaylene again, I won't be polite. Don't blame me for not giving Aunt Susanna any face."

Joseph Thompson's hand was heavy, and with that force, he directly threw Phoebe Smith a meter away. Wearing her seven-inch high heels, Phoebe Smith swayed for a moment before finally steadying herself with a grimace while leaning against the adjacent dining table.

"Let's go. We're not eating here," Joseph Thompson grabbed Jaylene, who had just finished drying her face with a tissue. "We'll find a quieter, private place and have a good talk."

Jaylene nodded, looked at the woman who was tearfully leaning on the dining table, then raised her head and walked past her, completely ignoring Phoebe Smith's angry glare.

French restaurant on the cloud.

Jaylene and Joseph Thompson took their seats again, and this time Jaylene didn't have to worry about Phoebe Smith barging in, as Joseph Thompson had booked a private suite and instructed the waiter to tell anyone looking for them that they were not there.

Jaylene's clothes were still a bit dark from getting her clothes wet earlier, but fortunately, she was wearing a professional jacket over her single-layer shirt, so she didn't have to worry too much about indecency.

After Joseph Thompson elegantly finished ordering and the waiter left, he spoke, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't expect Phoebe to get so emotional when she saw me with you. I'll definitely have Aunt Susanna educate her when I go home."

Jaylene didn't know who the Aunt Susanna in Joseph Thompson's mouth was, but since she was called aunt by him, she must be someone related to his mother as a sister or cousin.

Thinking of Raine Thompson's hypocrisy, even going as far as getting Alexander to fire her, and remembering Phoebe Smith's insults and repeated slanders that she was a mistress,

At this moment, Jaylene made a bold decision.

"Mr. Thompson, you said you want me to take responsibility for you, right?"

Joseph Thompson was taken aback, then his expression became serious, and his eyes looked straight at her, "Yes!"

Jaylene took a deep breath, looked at Joseph Thompson, clenched her fists, and gathered the courage to ask, "How would you like me to take responsibility?"

"Marrying, of course," Joseph Thompson said naturally, "You've already possessed me, so what else can I do but devote myself to you?"

"... "

Jaylene was speechless. What did Joseph Thompson mean when he said that she had possessed him? Clearly, it was she who was at a disadvantage, wasn't it?

The thickness of Joseph Thompson's skin was indeed extraordinary!

"My father is a high school teacher, and my mother is a nursery school teacher," Jaylene looked at Joseph Thompson and said softly, "My family background is very ordinary, so I assume..."

"What era is it now? Are we still talking about social status?" Joseph Thompson quickly interrupted Jaylene. "Alright, today is too hectic. I'll arrange some time in the next two days, prepare some gifts and visit your parents. After getting their approval, we'll arrange for both families to meet and discuss our wedding... "

"So soon?" Jaylene's eyes widened, "We... we don't seem to know each other very well, do we?"

"Of course, we have to be fast. What if you won the lottery that night?" Joseph Thompson said with a startling tone, "That's why we need to get married as soon as possible!"

"... "

Jaylene was speechless. She had already experienced heartbreak and lost her innocence. Could it be that her luck was so bad that she would be pregnant after a single encounter and experience motherhood before even understanding what it's like to be a wife?

Wasn't this pace a bit too fast?

It was said that this is an era of flash marriages, but were their flash marriage too fast? Today was only their third meeting, and they were already discussing marriage.


That day, Jaylene didn't take the bus home; instead, Joseph Thompson drove her. When she got home, it was already past two in the afternoon.

As she was changing her shoes at the doorway, she faintly heard voices from inside the house. It was not just her father and mother speaking - there were guests in the house.

Upon entering, it turned out that Auntie Bailey, the chairwoman of the neighborhood committee, was chatting with her mother.

"Ah, speak of the devil, and the devil appears," Auntie Bailey exclaimed as she saw Jaylene. "Jaylene, I was just telling your mom, Alexander Preston is an ungrateful person. He changed his heart, so don't be upset or sad. It's not worth it to be sad for someone like him. Auntie will introduce you to someone much better than Alexander Preston..."

Jaylene didn't expect the news of her being abandoned by Alexander Preston to spread so quickly, and everyone's sympathy for her was to hurry and introduce her to a new boyfriend.